The Death Knell

Chapter 4652 Ancient Battlefield

"You said it was supposed to be that way. Obviously things didn't develop as you expected. Can you tell us about it?"

Sif, who looked gentle, stretched out her hand, helped the man up from the cold cave floor, and gave him a large bowl carved from wood. It was not just hot water that had been boiled, but it was something that every Asa protoss would carry with them. of spirits.

As a guard of the Queen of Heaven, she never drank while on duty, but the wine she brought with her was always reserved for Thor.

If Thor runs out of wine, he can ask her for good wine, so that she can take the opportunity to talk to her sweetheart, that's the purpose.

Otherwise, he usually always moves with the Queen, while Thor plays with the Three Friends of Asgard and Loki, spending too little time together.

Joel was flattered by the goddess's support. He stood up and took the big bowl of wine. Tears were rolling in his eyes. He obviously felt that he was not worthy of the Valkyrie's drink.

He should have died, died gloriously on the battlefield, and then the Valkyries came to take him to the glorious Valhalla, where he would fight, drink, and eat meat with other heroic spirits. That is what every warrior is like An ideal home.

But what about now? Instead of dying, he survived. This is equivalent to becoming a deserter in that battle. After death, his soul should be dragged to the underworld by Hela and tied to a broken anchor. It sank to the bottom of the silt water, was eroded by aquatic plants and insects, and became the dregs of the Styx.

"Don't be moved. Speak quickly after drinking." Loki urged with a helpless expression. She couldn't bear to see such a scene.

What moved you and me and what moved you? How could there be so much sentimentality? Will it die?

Joel, who was dressed as an ancient man, first looked at the armors of several gods, and then saw the mobile phone in Loki's hand. He thought for a moment and asked: "What year is this?"

"I don't know, this world is probably the 21st century as well." Thor put his arm around the man's shoulders, patted his chest, and told him not to be afraid of Loki. His brother is actually quite good: "We come from another country. It’s a universe, but it’s indeed the Asa Protoss. Just tell me what you know, and then I’ll buy you a drink.”

The great prince of Asgard does have a unique charm. When dealing with all kinds of rough guys, he is always unfavorable.

A little rude, but speaking straightforwardly, this bold feeling obviously hit the Viking prince's radio wave. The other party nodded, thought about it for a while, and organized his words:

"My last battle took place in the year 1000 AD. My opponent was Eadwald, son of Olaf, who was originally my friend."

"Oh? I like to hear this. Let me guess, were you betrayed by a friend? Did he attack you from behind with an ax or hammer?" Loki suddenly became interested. She likes to hear about friends killing each other. Story, this is more exciting.

Loki's biggest hobby is playing pranks on Thor, and his second favorite is listening to gossip. The darker the household affairs in other people's homes, the more interested she is.

"No, Eadwald returned home after an expedition and found that his wife and children were dead. He fell into madness for a long time. "Joel took a big sip of wine. But because he had just recovered, his body Still not used to it, he coughed for a while before continuing: "Suddenly one day, someone discovered that he was back to normal. We originally planned to have a chat with him, but he suddenly attacked us.

"Ah, the madman's story is boring." Loki curled his lips, and she walked to the side, hugged Frigga's arm and sat down, indicating that she was no longer interested.

Regardless of her interest, Thor let Joel continue.

The unshaven Viking prince looked at the burning bonfire with his eyes, as if he could see the face of his best friend in the flames. After a brief memory, he spoke again:

"Eadwald may be really crazy, but it is a kind of calm madness. He has gained the power to summon ice, wraps himself in armor made of ice, and keeps trying to persuade him to surrender during the battle. I, said "Blank," told him the truth about the world, that everything is meaningless, that people exist to die, that stories will always repeat themselves again and again, and so on. He also said that his wife and children have already died.

They will not be used by others. They have gone to the true paradise where there is no care, and he wants to send everyone there to free us from the miserable fate of dolls."

"It does sound crazy." Thor felt that something was wrong with that person. He looked at Loki, but his brother just spread his hands towards him, indicating that she had already told him that this was the story of a sick child.

However, Loki still twirled his fingers around his hair and asked: "Are you killing people to send people to the paradise? No longer being used by others, what is the reason? Speaking of which, "blank", have I heard this word before? Did Deathstroke mention it? "

"I don't know, but there is absolutely no lie. Great gods, I am not crazy, so I probably can't understand what he said."

Joel took a deep breath and leaned over the wine bowl to take another sip. Apparently the strong alcohol had warmed him up and his face looked much better:

"His strength suddenly became very powerful. It is said that it was the ability given to him by Kuang. Not only could he make the people he killed disappear into thin air, but he could also summon an army of ice and snow monsters. Our people were slaughtered. I After falling from the snow-capped mountains, he woke up to seek help from his allies, namely the Amazons on Paradise Island and the Archmage Shazam of the Eternal Council."

He said this in vain. Paradise Island, Amazon, and the Eternal Parliament are all very unfamiliar to these people from the Marvel Universe.

"I guess you found reinforcements, and then you took them to hunt Edvard, and finally blocked him in Asgard, and then a war broke out?

The smart second prince had no expression on his face. She lowered her head and started dialing on her phone, trying to contact Deathstroke while making some guesses.

"Yes, my God, that's what happened. We finally found Edvard in Asgard who wanted to attack Asgard. He wanted to send all the gods to the Paradise, or turn them into Blank, I had to stop him, I used a sword, he used an ax made of ice, I..."

"Okay, I get it. You were no match for him. He was the first one to kill him. Then the reinforcements you invited finally killed him. Then they collected your body and buried it in the frozen sea. , until we found it today."

Loki has figured out everything in her mind, and she is thinking about two things now.

First, a series of strange footprints led everyone to the place where Joel was buried. Who is the owner of the footprints?

Second, what number should you dial if you want to contact Deathstroke? Do you want to listen to what the locals have to say about things in this strange universe?

"Well, it's probably what you think. I don't know what happened after that, because I was "killed by Eadwald." After I closed my eyes, there was only a snowy world in front of me."

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