The Death Knell

Chapter 4651 Electric Shock Therapy

"Are you sure he's alive? How about you hold him and let him smell your armpits?"

In the snowy world, there was a small cave. At this time, a wisp of green smoke came out of the cave entrance. The moist wood in the land fire was not burned too fully, and there was a spicy smell in the air.

Not long ago, several survivors of the Asir clan dug up a coffin in the Asgard dimension of the DC universe. There was a bearded man in the coffin. They thought it was a deceased hero, but Thor Unless the other party is still alive, he must be rescued.

So the group found a small cave that was sheltered from the wind, lit a fire, and wanted to see if they could rescue him.

Thor moved his hands up and down on the bearded man, almost without artificial respiration, but the other man's chest did not rise and fall at all, so Loki asked this question, because in her opinion, even if this man was not dead in the first place, he was still alive. The stupid brother is dead after such a period of rubbing.

This is an ordinary human being. Can he still survive if he is crossed by a brown bear?

"Definitely, I can feel it. Thor did not give up. He put his hand on the man's bare chest and felt the faint heat: "Ordinary humans wear only a bearskin cloak at minus sixty degrees. It’s less, but he’s still alive. And what do you mean by armpits? Wait, that makes sense. He’s a warrior. Does he wake up to the familiar smell of sweat?”

As he said that, Thor raised his arm and smelled his armpits. There was a smell similar to the spice cumin, which was a little harsh on the eyes, but it seemed to be quite refreshing.

"Well, I didn't tell you to stop smelling your own armpits. It's disgusting. The question now is how many years has he been buried in the coffin? There is no need to resuscitate him, right?"

Loki leaned against the entrance of the cave and threw a small piece of bark into the bonfire. Watching a cloud of sparks being thrown up, she tilted her mouth:

"We are here to find ways to speed up the growth of our world tree. We are not here to teach an ancient human. Look, he doesn't even have shoes. How can any serious person wrap his feet in a bunch of tattered leather now? The earth is wandering. Han people don’t even dress like this, they even know how to wear a plastic bag. Let’s go, brother, let’s do a good deed and burn him, and then go find the World Tree.

Loki, who was playing with her nails, was not opposed to saving people, but she was more realistic and knew that even if she wanted to save a zombie, she had to save a useful zombie, right?

The man fished out of the coffin wore only a bearskin cloak, a pair of shredded leather feet, and a pair of cowhide trousers. Apart from that, there is nothing else. It is a true meaningless thing.

There is no possibility of getting any reward for saving this kind of people. Isn't it a pure waste of time?

If his mother hadn't supported Thor in trying to rescue him, she would have lost her patience and left long ago. Even though she is patiently standing guard now, Loki still has a nose that is neither a nose nor an eye, and his mouth is full of weird things.

But what he just said about the homeless people on earth suddenly reminded Sif who was busy using melted snow to heat hot water.

When it comes to plastics, she, who often comes into contact with live broadcast equipment these days, thinks of the insulating coating of wires, and then thinks of how on earth, people use electric shock defibrillation to rescue patients.

The problem with the dying man in our hands seems to be that his heart is not beating and only a little warm breath is left in his chest. In this case, electric shock would be useful, right?

"Thor, try summoning thunder and lightning." Sif's eyes widened. He walked to Thor and said his plan: "I think the electric stimulation may be able to restart his heartbeat."

"Well, I've used electricity to kill people before, but this is the first time I've used electricity to save someone. Are you sure you can do it?" Thor looked at his hands and then at the middle-aged man lying on the ground. Worry, afraid that I can't control the intensity of my actions.

"Try it. Anyway, if you electrocute him directly, then we will save the funeral." Loki turned his head and whistled, seemingly indifferent, but secretly put his cell phone behind his back. I took it out, planning to take a picture of my brother's murder scene and show it to the Avengers.

You must know that the Avengers are a team with humans as the main members. They are very sensitive to the relationship between gods and humans. Then if they see the scene of Thor killing innocent homeless people, stupid brother

I will probably be expelled from the team, right? Hehe...

Thor, who was a little unsure, looked at his mother. Frigga, who was sitting on a stone and resting beside him, nodded to him. The queen said that she could give it a try. She had a bad feeling that now was not the time for everyone to waste time. It's time, whether it succeeds or not, it is this man's life. He was originally sealed in an ice coffin and buried underground waiting to die, right?

With his mother's approval, Thor no longer has the psychological burden. He doesn't like to listen to Odin, but he is his mother's good son.

After losing Mjolnir, Thor realized in the arena of Sakaar that he was not the hammer god or the ax god. He was the god of thunder, and he did not need any external objects to summon the power of thunder and lightning.

He raised his palm and spread his fingers apart. Immediately a rich white electric light filled his hand. He squeezed the electricity into a ball shape and then slapped it towards the heart of the man on the ground!


The man on the ground bounced up after being shocked by the electric shock, and his bones shone like light bulbs. This is a natural reaction after high-voltage electricity passes through the human body, but he did spit out a mouthful of black smoke and sat up suddenly, as if It's like waking up from a nightmare.

"I'm not dead? Where is this? Who are you?"

The strong man in the bearskin cloak could be said to have calmed down very quickly, or he was very fond of the appearance of Thor holding him in his arms. He asked three questions in Old Norse.

"Haha! You're alive! I am Thor, the God of Thunder in Asgard, and this is my brother Loki, my mother the Queen Frigga, and my friend the Valkyrie Sif.

He wiped his beard with his big hands, wiping off the frost formed by his breath. Thor held the opponent's shoulders with both hands, patted the still stiff muscles, and laughed:

"Relax, mortal, we saved you and don't need any repayment from you."

"No, I still want it. You want to tell me who you are and why you are buried in the snow of Asgard?" Loki didn't expect that Thor actually rescued people. What kind of bullshit is this? Luck? But in that case, let’s see if we can extract some value from this man, such as information or something.

"I've seen Thor before. You're not him." The man who was rescued was also a straight man. He denied Thor's identity immediately, and then looked at Loki with a somewhat horrified look: There is also the God of Cunning, He should be the brother of God King Odin, why..."

"Ah, it might be a little difficult to explain to you about parallel worlds." Loki walked over from the entrance of the cave. She raised her skirt and squatted down: "Anyway, just answer our questions and wait for God's decision, who allows it?" You question us? Be careful, I will kill you.

Hearing what Loki said, the man in the bearskin cloak showed a relieved look. He felt the familiar chaos and darkness from Loki, so he spoke:

"You are right, my god, then please allow me to introduce myself. I am Joel Haraldson, the Viking prince. I died gloriously in battle with Eadwald Olafson, Went to the Hall of Valor...or rather, that's how it should have been."

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