The Death Knell

Chapter 4654 A little clue

Like this, like this, Loki told everyone what he and his group had discovered, and even dragged Joel behind him to the camera, asking Deathstroke to verify his identity to prove that he was not lying.

Then she sent the man she picked up to continue playing with Thor, while she stayed in front of the camera, playing with her wavy hair in one hand, holding the meat skewers grilled on the crab fire in the other, and asked:

"Haha, that's it. You know the situation. Is there anything you want to say to me next?"

"Well, it's similar to my guess. Although Blank has only become active recently, there are traces of her actions a long time ago." Deathstroke took a puff of cigarette and watched his teammates fighting with the black maggots that suddenly appeared. Author: "In the tenth century AD, she had already intervened in Asgard's affairs on Earth 0. Because that time could be regarded as the end of the era of the gods, so were the gods the main target?"

The salty smell of sea water is still strong in the air, but because black maggots died time and time again, there is now a smell of burnt flesh and blood around, like someone burning their hair in a fire.

It's a little sweet, but very fishy and a little smelly.

"Don't ask me, my dear Sorcerer Supreme, as I said before, this is about humanity, not about us."

The black-haired woman was also watching everyone fight with the maggots, with a look of disgust on her face, probably because the black maggots had yellow slime on them, which was not very photogenic:

"Our Asgard fell to the earth, and not many people survived. It doesn't matter to me anyway, and I think it's good to be a woman."

After saying that, she actually turned sideways, smiled and puffed up her chest to look at Deathstroke.

"Haha, just be stubborn. Think about it. One day in the future, there will be a stinky bearded man like Deadpool working on you day and night. Can you still laugh now?"

The old saying is true, a smile never disappears, it just moves from one person's face to another.


Loki couldn't laugh anymore. She was still a little disgusted and retched, but at this time her smile had already spread to Deathstroke's face. Seeing her reaction, the dark mercenary smiled and said:

"Okay, thank you for the information. I'd like to say hello to your mother. I'm sorry.

The cunning Deathstroke asked the adjutant to hang up the communication. He had previously promised to negotiate terms with Loki if her information was valuable, but he was fooled.

The key is not that Deathstroke defaults on his debt. As we all know, the self-respecting mage is very honest when negotiating terms, but Loki is too greedy. Su Ming sent his family to travel to DC, and asked Luther to get them to Asgar here. Looking for a baby in Delhi, isn’t that enough?!

"What should I say?" The elusive Deadpool suddenly appeared behind his cousin and gently touched his butt.


After his hand slipped, Su Ming said to Wade lying on the ground:

"I have some ideas. My guess about Blank has been partially corroborated. This means a lot. At least we can know that she was not so strong more than 1,000 years ago. The thugs she selected actually connected Hippolyta and the previous generation. Even Shazam can't beat him."

"Ah, then this sounds like good news." Deadpool pulled out the Cat-headed Demon dagger from his belly and looked carefully at the Tears of Death on the blade: "So, her enhancement is most likely to be the same as Is crisis energy related? The closer to modern times, the more frequent crises occur, the more crisis energy accumulates and becomes stronger. "

At first, Deadpool had some reaction to the Tears of Death. After being stabbed, he could go to Death's place to drink tea and chat for a while, but then he was stabbed again and again, and he seemed to have developed resistance, like a pest that would never last forever. Like some kind of pesticide, this black liquid can no longer even make him yawn.

Needless to say, it was a bit addictive. He hoped that Deathstroke would switch to more powerful drugs next time.

"Hey, do you still know about crisis energy?" Deathstroke's one eye looked up and down at Deadpool, as if getting to know him again, he took the owl dagger and put it away.

What *** said makes sense. DC's current multiverse 1 is made by Perpetua. The raw material is X metal plus the power of crisis. As the universe continues to move,

As the situation changes, the crisis of savings is also increasing.

Now the world is running towards a critical point, no, to be more precise, since the appearance of the Laughter, everyone has been running towards the cliff. "!

The current situation is inevitable, not accidental.

Just like Su Ming's speculation, Asgard is destined to be destroyed in Ragnarok. If Blank is attracted by the power of crisis, or is using the power of crisis, then she will not be able to miss the destined harvest. Chance.

It would be great if Loki and his party could find evidence of her reaching out to Asgard.

But there is another point, that is, Blank uses more than just the power of crisis. She will take advantage of the crisis, but she has never actively created a crisis. This is the biggest difference between her and the Hand of Nothingness.

So what on earth could she be?

"Ah, what the veterans in the live broadcast room said, I actually don't know what the so-called crisis energy is. Let me think about it, for example, when you want to go out, you can't find the toilet, and when you go to the public toilet, you find that there is no paper. You can wipe it with a sock, but when you wipe it, you find that there is a hole in the sock and the buckle is stuck on your hand. Is that kind of power that makes your face hot and your head buzzing, considered a crisis power? "

After a rare moment of reflection, Wade gave an example that he thought was very appropriate. Anyway, for him, a crisis is a series of accidents, plus a series of coincidences.

"Well, it's probably true. It's a big crisis for ordinary people, a crisis of social death. But if you insist that you got it on your hands by eating sesame paste in a public toilet, you might be able to deceive some people."

Su Ming smiled and patted his cousin's shoulder, feeling the smooth feel through the uniform. Then he let go and grabbed a handful of dirt from the side of the road to wipe his hands:

"Anyway, you just need to know that Loki's discovery is a good thing for me. I originally knew nothing about blankness, but now, I have some understanding."

After hearing the man's words, Deadpool curled his lips and showed a disdainful look.

"You're old, Slade, and you won't lie to anyone. Who would eat sesame sauce dry? You have to mix it with enoki mushrooms, right? Or... mix it with natto?"

"Can't you pick some non-recycled food and mix it with sesame sauce?" Deathstroke threw a cigarette to Deadpool and asked Strangler to light it for him: "Stop talking nonsense. Didn't you say you wanted to help Thanos? Go Why is that Heijiu sister who is cooking the food close to me again? "

The red and black mercenary spread his hands and smoked a cigarette through his mask in the evening breeze;

"Don't mention it. As soon as I got close, the black maggots vomited and sprayed everywhere like a fire hose. Carol and Hela both said they were too disgusting to sandbag, so they drove me back. Really? There's nothing they can do..."

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