The Death Knell

Chapter 4655 War preparation change

Su Ming observed the battle between several people.

After using the It’s so frustrating.

Superman's resistance to psychic magic and mind control superpowers is very low. He is not afraid of being bombarded in the face with magical light, but he is afraid of someone attacking his brain.

Before Metropolis, there was a big bee that had awakened the power of wisdom and mind control. It was called "Bee Fruit." Superman was controlled by just smelling its honey, and he became it under the control of pheromones. If Harley and Poison Ivy hadn't happened to help each other during the trip to Metropolis, Superman would have been played to death long ago.

But is the hive really strong? Not at all. It is just a small villain from the 18th line. Later, because it caught people everywhere and built a nest, it provoked people on the road. Someone hired the old death knell to deal with it. The old man did a good job After targeting it, I blew it up with one shotgun blast. That commission was really easy and enjoyable to earn.

It is said that Martian Manhunter was previously controlled by Morgan Le Fay using mind magic. Is it possible that these guys with super powers like Superman are not resistant to mind control?

The key is that they didn't think about making up for their shortcomings afterward? It was obvious that buying a mental blocker on the black market in Gotham could solve the problem, but it didn't cost tens of thousands of dollars to make up for their shortcomings. Why? Do you have to wait until you suffer a loss again? "!

Falling into a pit once is not enough, you have to keep falling into it, and you are convinced.

The battle at this time was almost like punching sandbags. Carol punched Black Maggot on the left, Thanos punched it on the right, and Hela and Maizi stabbed it from time to time with their swords. The other party had no ability to fight back.

If they hadn't mastered the advanced concepts of the DC universe, Black Maggot would have died several times.

However, Ghoul Batman did not participate in the battle. He stood within three steps of Deathstroke. His eyes were not on the battlefield, but seemed to be eavesdropping on the conversation between Lucifer and Death.

The Prince of Hell said a few words, and Death smiled and shook his head. Then Lucifer said a few more words, and Death smiled and shook his head.

And so on.

"When are we going to talk about this? One is an immortal fallen angel, and the other is a member of the endless family that co-prosperates with the world. It is best not to communicate in millions of years. We don't have that much time.

Looking at the two people blowing in the wind on the beach, Zorn Batman, wearing black and purple, smiled slightly and asked the equally dark Deathstroke beside him.

"Who knows, trying to get a person to change his rules may seem like a small thing to us, as simple as persuading a superhero who is used to not killing to kill."

Deathstroke, who was smoking a cigarette, came to Zorn with narrowed eyes and put his arm on the latter's shoulder:

""But it's different for the Endless Family. The reason why concepts exist is because they themselves are the rules of the universe. If you want them to make changes, only Lucifer can do this. Now that God is dead, we Satan, as the eldest son, inherits the highest authority. If he..."

"If he said there would be light, we have light, right?" Batman picked up where Deathstroke left off.

"It should have been like that, but now, Blank is fighting against him." Su Ming took out two folding stools from his pocket, sat on one himself, opened the other and invited Zorn to sit on it too: "I am currently We still don’t know how Blank does it, but the fact that she can help people realize their wishes means a lot of things. We must block this road first. "

"Heroes see the same thing." Batman looked at the black sea, and then at the tender cry behind him. Even though he was entangled by several people, he still looked at the child-like giant maggot rushing towards him: "I see Lucifer and We have to talk about death for a while, otherwise, you and I will go to the Kingdom of Dreams first?

Wasn't there a plan before, to go to the Kingdom of Dreams to launch the Anti-Life Equation, so that the unbelievers would begin to believe in the new dark side of Death Knell in their dreams?

Lucifer can't go with him, so he may not be able to convince the Sandman normally, but it doesn't matter. Su Ming can convince Gan Mao Meng on his own, and it's the same with Big Cat's help. After all, it is also one side of the Sandman.

"Yes, but it can't be just the two of us. Su Ming took a puff of the cigarette until the sponge on the butt of the cigarette was ignited, then put it away: "Two of the three holy ladies have not appeared, and there are still a number of people. The unknown man in black robes is listening to Bai Bai's command. Once I am entangled by the enemies that keep resurrecting, you may be in danger, so let's find some helpers first."

Zorn nodded after hearing this. He stood up and returned the stool to Deathstroke:

"It makes sense, ago, let's set off."

"Wade, stay here to cover everyone and hold down that black maggot. I'll take Batman out for a spin." Su Ming assigned his cousin a new mission and threw him a pistol and some bullets at the same time: "I'll try to see if your gem can be used later. I always think it should be possible.

Deadpool smiled crookedly and skillfully checked the firearm: "No problem, but they are all my brothers and sisters, dear friends and relatives, so you have to pay extra."

When he arrived at the forest manor through the flight of the magic floating cloak, Bobo was playing poker with the Doom Patrol. He was squatting on a chair while playing cards and picking his feet, which was obviously not a good habit.

But he is a monkey, what more can you ask for?

Everyone in the Doom Patrol was completely crushed by him in terms of intelligence. There was already a pile of chocolate biscuits used as chips in front of the gorilla. The bartender Tracy stood behind her boss with a smile, reaching out to eat secretly. These orangutans are the fruits of their labor, and from time to time they have to give pointers to the country.

When this card should be played, when that card should be played, she was even more anxious than going into battle herself.

Fortunately, Bobo didn't listen to her at all, otherwise he would have lost his pants.

"Good evening, friends, I thought you should all go to bed at this time." With Batman by his side, Su Ming doesn't need to go through the door to enter the house. As long as he follows the bat, he can always appear suddenly behind others, like Like a ghost.

Bat is really an expert at picking locks. He can open all the anti-theft locks, alarm devices, and hidden trip wires with just a touch of his hand, faster than Bruce can undo a woman's clothes.

"I'll go!" Bobo was so frightened that he almost dropped the cards in his hand. After turning around and seeing Deathstroke and Batman, he rolled his eyes: "You want to scare people to death. In the past, there was only Batman." Forget about being elusive, and now you're here too? Don't talk about them until you ask the adjutant to inform me. Even I'm asleep, and the Forgotten Bar is not open 24 hours a day."

"Deathstroke." "Slade."

"Good evening, Deathstroke.

Everyone in the living room smiled and greeted Deathstroke. It could be seen that they were in good spirits, but they were all wearing pajamas, as if they had been pulled out of bed in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, the fireplace in the hall is very warm, and everyone has wine to drink to warm themselves up in the coldest part of the night.

"Good evening everyone. Well, it's half past four now. In a little while we can say good morning. Su Ming smiled and stood next to the card table. He put the orange cat in his arms on the card table. He took a biscuit from in front of the orangutan and fed it: "But maybe Bobo didn't make it clear. Everyone in the Doom Patrol should go to the Hall of Justice to find a group of superheroes. Just let Kai go with me and the bat. By the way, Where is Katharine?"

"Well, she's a little bit in bad shape tonight." Everyone looked at the chief, and after struggling for a while, the chief explained to Deathstroke with a smile: "Her bedroom is in the northeast corner of the second floor. Go and take a look for yourself. We won’t go up. If we want to go to the Hall of Justice, I have to get my hair permed quickly, excuse me.”

After saying that, the old man turned his wheelchair and ran away. He was still drifting in the corridor, making a harsh squeaking sound between the rubber tires and the wooden floor.

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