The Death Knell

Chapter 4656: Eager to learn and love to ask questions

"I just told them to go to the Hall of Justice, not to the Justice Society's Battery Park headquarters, right?"

Seeing the chief running away in a hurry, Su Ming asked the orangutan who was collecting cookies with some confusion:

"The Justice League is different from the Justice Society. There is no old lady over sixty years old in it to get close to."

The hand collecting the biscuits paused, and Bobo rolled his eyes speechlessly:

"Although the chief is unreliable, he is not as unreliable as you think. Maybe he just wants to go to the Hall of Justice and use the ultimate machine to treat his waist injury?"

Well, the chief is also a paraplegic, so it makes sense for him to want to experience the ultimate machine, the ultra-intelligent fully automatic operating table, which only Zhenglian members can use.

"If he wants to use the ultimate machine, I'm afraid his wish will be in vain. The user still needs some medical knowledge, or has medical experts to assist him to achieve better results." Batman smiled and hugged the orangutan. He also rubbed the green hat on his head: "And based on my understanding of Mr. Zhuo Zhihuo, the scientific research and medical director, he should have disappeared again by now..."

After listening to Batman's words, Bobo showed a look of horror. He jumped on Deathstroke's shoulder and hid behind him, only showing a pair of vigilant eyes, and whispered:

"The Laughing Bat!"

As he spoke, he extended his black-furred paw to point at Zorn, and swallowed hard.

Batman actually smiled. Not to mention Bobo, even the members of the Doom Patrol who were about to go back to their rooms to pack their things, all put on a posture ready for battle.

Everyone has Laughing PTSD, and when they hear this name, everyone feels like there are bugs crawling on them.

"Don't be nervous, everyone, don't be nervous. Film man, please put on the bandage first." Su Ming quickly stood up and explained. At this time, he had to explain the second personality, as well as Batman and the laughing Bo Ben, which was too deep, so He chose the simplest statement: "This is the Batman of the parallel world, my friend.

"That's it." The mecha man scratched his head and looked at Zorn's purple uniform: "Sure enough, if you look carefully, it's not our Batman. It's a parallel world. We understand. Sorry, misunderstanding. is you."

"Haha, that's understandable." Zorn didn't refute Deathstroke's explanation. He obviously thought it was the most time-saving explanation, so he just smiled and nodded to everyone.

Everyone was polite again. If nothing else, maybe the Doom Patrol's combat effectiveness is not as good as Zhenglian's, but these marginalized people in society are really good at talking. Maybe because of the discrimination they suffered in the past, they are somewhat flattering. A type of personality that is particularly easy to talk to.

After that, they each went back to their rooms, packed up their belongings and prepared to go to the Hall of Justice. Su Ming picked up the orange cat and looked at the confused Tracy:

"You're going to follow them too. Do you plan to come with us?"

"Can't you?" The little bartender tilted her lips. The silver chain on her body swished as she moved a little in the goth girl dress: "When my idol Hallie debuted, she was about the same age as me, and now she is about the same age. My friends who are about the same age are all members of the Shadow Contract. If they can go to the battlefield, naturally I can too. "

"Bobo?" Su Ming glanced at the monkey on his shoulder.

"I still don't know what the purpose of this trip is, hess~" The orangutan took out his pipe from his pocket and took a puff, then signaled the death knell to go upstairs to find Kai. There are you and Batman in it, I’m afraid God can plot him to death even if he comes, right?”/1

"Haha, it's not that exaggerated. Zorn looked at the energetic girl, and then nodded: "Deathstroke, I think she can do it, but we happen to have a spellcaster in our team."

"Her father, Cross Hunter, "is a qualified spell caster. Apart from pyromania, amnesia, and a mouth full of Bible excerpts, he doesn't have any major problems, but she... is not a qualified mage." Su Ming shook his head. , walked out of the warm living room and walked up the stairs in the dim corridor light: "But since you think you can take her, Zorn, and Bobo also thinks you can take her to see the world, then in the spirit of team democracy, this Let’s take her to see the Kingdom of Dreams next time.”

"Yeah!" The girl jumped up. She was very happy. After all, this was her first time to participate in something related to the fate of the world.

Yes, she doesn't know what kind of enemy she will face yet, but with Deathstroke and Batman in the team, any enemy is the same, and she couldn't be safer.

"Don't be too happy, little girl. If you die, don't expect me to go to hell to get you." The orangutan reached out and patted the girl on the head to wake her up: "I will take you to open your eyes, but the action During the process, you must listen to Deathstroke's command, don't run around, and don't act like a hero. Do you understand? "

"I'm not stupid, and I'm not a superhero." The bartender reached out and made a gesture of counting money: "I won't take the initiative to do anything that doesn't benefit me."

"You can teach me." Su Ming nodded with satisfaction. When he arrived on the second floor, he immediately felt a burst of cold air coming from the northeast corner: "Tell me what kind of magic you are good at? So that I can think of tactics." .

"I know some heaven spells and hell spells, as well as some plant magic, some shadow magic, some space magic, some..." The girl came to the second floor and looked around curiously. After hearing the death knell's question, she started to break her fingers.

She smelled like alcohol, not cosmetics, but she looked like a very innocent child.

"Okay, I understand, you are good at all kinds of magic, but only a little bit of everything." Su Ming shook his head, put the orange cat into Bobo's arms, and handed Bobo to Batman: "I suggest From now on, you should follow your father and learn how to exorcise evil spirits from the Cross. He is really capable, especially the skill of using a flamethrower to roast cultists, which is a pioneering work in the magic world."

DC is different from Marvel. Many mages here are very conservative, and most of them don't know how to use mobile phones.

Tracy's father is a rare inventor. He has invented holy water mines, mercury bullets, soul washing machines and other gadgets by himself. He has also developed a serum that reverses the effects of a vampire's first embrace. He is a great talent.

Of course, geniuses always have some quirks. His problem is that he likes to play with fire. He feels uncomfortable every few days if he doesn't burn a few people. Moreover, he often forgets that he has a daughter.

"Tch, I don't want to imitate him. I work for the Holy See all year round, and the salary is horribly low. I was fostered in someone else's home three days after I was born, and I went out to work at the age of six to avoid starving to death. If not Gum help me, I must have died long ago.

Teranku Baoran hated his father's job, and even his abilities. When it came to the cross, he didn't even have a good impression.

"Jim..." The girl held the late Master of the Dark Night, and Bobo fell into memories again. "Okay, Ying Zheng, I brought even the rare cat with me, and I won't leave you alone. Come on, let's see what Kai is doing now." What kind of personality is it?"

Deathstroke winked at Batman, who nodded knowingly, and the two first walked side by side to the room at the corner of the corridor.

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