The Death Knell

Chapter 4657 Haunted House Phantom

The light in the corridor seemed to have a bad connection. As Deathstroke and his party approached, it began to flicker on and off, making a crackling sound of electricity.

A cold aura clung to everyone's backs, and it could be seen that the hair on Bobo's body stood on end. This was the natural reaction of animals to scary things.


With a sudden noise, the window in the corridor next to everyone was suddenly blown open by the wind, and the window blades hit the wall, followed by a squeaking sound as if some animal was crying.

The cold wind outside the window blew directly on everyone, as if someone was blowing air on the back of the neck and touching the cheeks with cold hands.

In addition, many strange things happened in the short distance from the stairs to the northeast corner of the second floor of the mansion, such as the sudden ringing of an old-fashioned telephone in the corridor, and the sudden falling of paintings hanging on the wall. There was blood, decorative vases suddenly caught fire for no apparent reason, and translucent white shadows seemed to flash past behind everyone.

"Slade, do you think the chief knows that his house is haunted?"

The orangutan hugged Deathstroke's neck and looked around with a pair of black eyes alertly. He didn't like ghosts very much. After all, as long as they were ghosts, they must be full of negative energy.

"This is not a haunting, but some special abilities of Kai's current personality. These disturbing spirit phenomena just look scary, but don't you think these scenes are classic and familiar?"

Su Ming lowered his head and lit a cigarette. He glanced at the moonlight outside the window and answered after making sure that the brightness was basically back to normal.

"When you say that, it seems a bit..." Bobo clutched his pipe and spoke in a calmer tone, but still huddled on Deathstroke's shoulder: "I am just a gorilla, not a spellcaster or an exorcist. , the understanding of ghosts seems to basically come from horror movies."

With that said, Bobo also came to his senses. Although he felt like he had entered a haunted house now, the atmosphere was just a bit scary. If ghosts really existed, they did not attack everyone.

At least they behaved much friendlier than those ghosts in Zatanna's old home.

"When we were playing cards downstairs, we didn't feel anything." Tracey sniffed. She didn't like the rotten smell in the air around her, but her mood was relatively stable. After all, it was the Forgotten Bar. The bartender is quite knowledgeable.

"There are 64 personalities that Kai regularly appears in the main dimension, 12 of which I know of are allergic to peanut butter, and 3 are vegetarians.

The calm Su Ming took a puff of cigarette and strolled out of the girl's room. The chief's manor was very large, and everyone had a suite of hundreds of square meters. It was a very nice environment:

"But she has more personalities that have not appeared. The so-called 64 personalities are just the tip of the iceberg. Among those unknown personalities, I can't say how many of them have abilities related to the undead. But based on the current situation, Judging from the situation, her personality at this time should be that one."

"Which one?" Zorn looked at the signs of haunting around him, he was a little curious.

It’s not that Batman has never encountered supernatural incidents, but in the past, such matters were left to Batwoman to deal with. Whether it was Bruce or Zorn, the most they knew about the dark arts, but did not want to participate. .

He doesn't have much interaction with the Doom Patrol, and he can only pay close attention to Crazy Jane remotely, because this team is quite autistic, and they basically live in this forest without going out, so even if they know Crazy Jane's There are many people who threaten the world, but Batman is just waiting and watching.

As for why Deathstroke shortened Madness to Kai, he didn't know, but he had to admit that Bruce thought of the idea of ​​hypnotizing himself and cultivating a second personality to fight the Joker's toxin. I did receive some inspiration from Jane.

"Bizzie Lizzie Borden." Su Ming said another name, and the surrounding air became obviously colder. As if it was some kind of spell, he took another puff of cigarette: "This is Kai's more famous name. One of the personalities, but..."

While talking, he

He reached out and let Hangzhou pry open the door of Kai's room. Everyone could see that the room was empty. The white moonlight came in from the window, the evening breeze blew the curtains, and the clothes felt deserted.

Only then did Su Ming finish what he said:

"But he may not necessarily exist in the main dimension. He is a mischievous personality who likes to watch horror movies. He exists in the form of a spirit body. Maybe he is behind us now, planning to play pranks."

A ghost is wandering on the second floor at this time. Unlike other personalities, this personality will only appear at night, especially on full moon nights or stormy nights. He will easily run out when Jane switches personalities.

Even among a large group of personalities, Beezy is unique in that he can have no physical form or even exist at all.

Of course, apart from being naughty, this personality doesn't have any big problems. It's not an evil spirit personality like the oak spirit.

"Haha, is it phase shift? Or is the ghost invisible?" Zorn put his hand on his bat belt, preparing to take out some bat props: "Maybe I will have a way to use some technology obtained from the phantom zone. , I can use some equipment to make certain people escape from the phase they are hiding in."

"Isn't this one of your backup plans to deal with Martian Manhunter?" Bobo blinked a few times, took a puff of his pipe, and rubbed his black fur face against Deathstroke's ears.

"You don't need such complicated things to deal with Ron, just a lighter and a can of hairspray." Zorn answered the orangutan's question with a smile, but he was still waiting for Deathstroke's answer whether he should use his bat phase disturbance. Weapon: "This is my backup plan to deal with the ghost, that big guy in the green cloak."

Yes, it couldn't be easier to plot against Martian Manhunter. Not to mention a lighter, even a box of matches in the right hands can make the little green alien scream.

"You two smart guys, don't complicate the problem, remember? I said that Bizzy likes horror movies, and his biggest hobby is to improve his scaring skills.

Deathstroke, who was smoking a cigarette, took out a game console from his pocket, held it in his hand and said loudly:

"Come out, Biqi, I have a game here that you have never played before, called Chicken Killing at Dawn. It has the pure fun of hunting others, allowing you to scare other netizens through Internet games. I want to use it and You negotiate a condition."

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