The Death Knell

Chapter 4659 Arriving at the Land of Dreams

The new personality is a bit annoying, like a follower. Not only does he follow Su Ming's words, but he also imitates his actions.

But there is also an advantage, that is, no matter what Deathstroke does, it will want to learn, so there is no need to communicate with it too much, it will naturally follow along.

The dark mercenary stepped with his left foot, and he also stepped with his left foot; Deathstroke did a standing long jump, and he followed suit.

I have to say that this guy is a monster. Su Ming can jump more than 200 meters without using cosmic energy. This is due to the blessing of strangulation. It is a bit outrageous that this stickman can keep up with his physical fitness. .

Although it has no weapons, it should have good combat effectiveness based on its power alone.

There are many routes to the Kingdom of Dreams, but the route Su Ming takes is basically fixed. Taking the spiked door from Lucifer's Hell is the safest and most realistic route.

It’s impossible for everyone to fall asleep collectively and walk away from the dream, right? Not everyone can control their own dream behavior.

In short, today's Dream Country is still the same as before, very peaceful. There are various animals in clothes on the roadside saying hello to the death knell. They look like they came out of a fairy tale.

The sun in the sky is puffing up its face and blowing out the wind. The wind composed of smooth lines is flying quickly through the sky, but when it encounters the crack, it will go around it.

You can see the gap in the sky from a distance, and there are many white faceless people falling from it into a giant slide, which looks very happy.

"Everything here is quite dreamy. It makes the stickman's performance look like a mime. The multiple personalities are so amazing. It is really learning the behavior of Deathstroke. It looks a bit cute, but I always feel that there is something wrong with it. A kind of uneasiness..."

Taking a lollipop from her pocket to eat, Tracy followed Batman and looked around curiously, not only looking at the scenery of the Land of Dreams, but also looking at the Death Knell and the stick figures from time to time.

The former is holding the cat while walking and playing with it, while the latter is a completely non-physical performance, but it seems like he is really bumping into an invisible cat.

She didn't eat sweets before because she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to find a boyfriend if she got fat. But since she became obsessed with Harley, Tracey also developed many problems that she learned from Harley.

But overall, her learning was limited. Tracey didn't learn things like Harley's sudden and inexplicable laughter, killing people and taking them home to feed the cats, and suddenly dancing on the street like she was sick.

What she likes is Harley's feeling and unrestrained appearance, especially as an ordinary girl without superpowers who still maintains an optimistic spirit after living in Gotham for so long.

"It doesn't matter, Deathstroke and I made a secret code before. If the Clone Wars breaks out and a fake Deathstroke appears, please remember to contact me and I will make sure that we don't kill the wrong person.

The orangutan holding a pipe turned his head on Deathstroke's shoulder and said this, because he was the one who felt the strangest.

The stickman stared at the death knell, learning as he watched, which made the orangutan squatting on the death knell's shoulder feel like a light on his back. The burning eyes behind the red goggles made his back feel like it was on fire.

"Not all multiple personalities are like this." Zorn had a faint smile on his face, but his hands were always hidden under the cloak and resting on his belt. "Changing personalities will change the appearance and gender at the same time. Even the species has changed. This is the first time I have seen this with my own eyes."

"This...can't be considered a human being, right?" The orangutan took a puff of cigarette, puffed out his mouth and blew out a round smoke ring: "It doesn't have any stress response to the outside world. No matter what we say or do, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with it." See, only reacting to Slade's actions"

"Don't worry, boss, do you think there is a possibility that it actually heard everything and is now planning to assassinate you one night?" The female bartender smiled evilly and poked her orangutan boss. Looking back, he said with a smile: "If you die, the Forgotten Bar will be mine. Then I will invite my friends to party every day and drink openly.

The orangutan glared at her, grinned and bared his fangs: "Then I will definitely crawl out of hell to settle the score with you, damn girl, I

I agree to bring you out so that you can see the dark side of the world and get to know the real world that is usually hidden underwater. I am not here to teach you the dark side. "

"Tsk, I just said that casually."

The girl twisted her mouth, and her attention was attracted by a rabbit passing by. The rabbit was wearing a tuxedo and took out his pocket watch to look at it as he ran, seemingly in a hurry.

"The Kingdom of Dreams looks normal today, that's fine." Deathstroke couldn't speak conveniently, so Bobo, as the monkey secretary, naturally took over the task of speaking for the leader. He began to introduce the situation here to Batman and his bartender: " Batman, you may know about Daniel's disappearance before, but there are a series of actions that happened in the dreamland afterwards, so you only need to know that Sandman's current state is also very ordinary."

"Well, Batman has suffered a lot from Daniel. What kind of riddle was he telling Bruce in the first place? It caused him to be tied to the tuning fork of the multiverse.

Zorn thought of Bruce's experience, the people at that time, the little girl in the dream, and the story in the book.

A bat hit the glass and died, leaving only a red blood stain that looked like a smiley face.

"You're not from a parallel world, are you?" Bobo's eyes suddenly became sharp. He grabbed the pipe in his mouth and gently lowered the deerstalker hat on his head with his other paw: "Let me guess, You're actually Bruce Wayne's alter ego, right?"

"Oh? How did you see that?" Zorn asked with a smile. He also looked down at himself, completely different from Bruce.

"Detective's intuition, Batman, you are also a detective, you know what intuition is." The orangutan exhaled a puff of smoke, and he squinted his eyes: "When I found out that you know too many things, it's like copying After all of Bruce's memories were the same, I ruled out several other possibilities, plus you seemed to be overly concerned about Kai's personality changes, so I came up with this conjecture."

"As expected of you, the best detective in the animal world, haha." Zorn reached out and touched the gorilla's hat. He even wanted to hook up with Bobo: "You are right, hairy friend, but the death knell was I didn’t want to explain complicated personality issues to the Doom Patrol, so I just made an excuse. I’m Zorn, nice to meet you, Detective Orangutan.” 2

"I'm glad too, at least you're not that serious." The orangutan's lower lip covered his upper lip, and he tilted his head and looked at Zorn again: "And you don't wear makeup with red lips, which is good... Okay, teammates, we are almost there. Slade, should everyone go to the castle to tell the Sandman first? Or should we go directly to the Dream Plain behind the castle to find people's dreams? What do you say? "

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