The Death Knell

Chapter 4660 It’s hard to guard against domestic thieves

Whether or not to tell Daniel this matter actually makes little difference. Anyway, he has decided to attack the people in the dream and use the anti-life equation to avoid their state of non-belief, so it must be done.

This may indeed conflict with the Sandman's duties. He is the Lord of Dreams and the shepherd of all dreams. He must not only ensure the integrity of dreams, but also ensure that no one interferes with the creatures in the dreams.

All creatures have dreams, even a flower or a fish, and their dreams are the territory of the Sandman.

Daniel is an old friend. Ever since Su Ming arrived in the DC Universe, he has been in contact with him in various ways, either to find him who is missing or to ask him for help. Even artifacts like the Sandman Mask have been lent out. It can be said that Very interesting.

The Sandman has three artifacts, one of which is the gas mask-like crown. Its specific function has been mentioned before, so I won’t go into details here.

The second item is a palm-sized pouch, or small leather bag, which contains the Sand of Time and also serves as a storage space. It can be regarded as Sandman's fanny pack.

The third piece is the ruby, which is Sandman's identity certificate and the controller of his unique authority. If Daniel dies, the next generation of Sandman will also need this gem when he succeeds.

But no matter how interesting Daniel is, and he retains many of the emotions he had as a human being, today he has to modify many dreams, and Su Ming is not sure whether he will give permission.

Therefore, it is better not to say hello first, but to wait until I have solved the dreams of many unbelievers and established the established facts, then I can break up with Daniel.

However, if you want to do things in the Kingdom of Dreams, or spread things like the Anti-Life Equation, you will definitely need a little help if you want to hide it from the Sandman himself.

Thinking of this, Su Ming turned his head and looked at the black and yellow stickman behind him. The other person also imitated him and turned his head to look behind him, even turning his shoulders in exactly the same way.

Some of Kai's personalities can help hide the truth, but this new personality is definitely not going to work.

Then, we still have to use the original plan.

So Su Ming took out a box of catnip from his pocket, found a random place on the roadside, squatted down, and opened the lid.

The orange cat in his arms looked at the grass residue in the can and yawned without interest. The element-devouring beast only looked like cats on Earth, but it was essentially a group of amorphous tentacles. So catnip is attractive to it, but not much, just a little bit.

When she was at home, Carol also bought some catnip for it. At first, it thought it was quite good, but in recent years, it felt that this kind of grass has lost its interest, unless the leaves are rolled up in paper, like humans. Light a fire and smoke it like a cigarette.

But then, Deathstroke picked it up and sucked it fiercely from its head to its chest, and kissed the cat fiercely on its face:

"Mimi, little kitten, where are you? Come and suck the catnip."

This made the element-devouring beast look confused, and then it began to struggle with its little head tilted, and kept pushing the death knell's face away with its flesh pad, because she was also a girl, how could she be sucked by a man like this?

But what happened in the next second made it feel even more horrifying. Just as the death knell's voice calling for the cat fell, a pale white mist floated from the trees nearby. This mist jumped down from the branches of the tree, In an instant, it turned into a big gray tabby cat. The patterns on its body were like a living ink painting, constantly changing.

"Why are you here again? When we separated, what can I say other than telling you, meow?" Although the big cat said so, it seemed that he disliked the death knell for coming to it, but the high-erected The tail is slightly curled, which means that it is actually very happy at this time: "And the thing you are holding is not a cat at all. What is it? Amorphous flesh and blood, the ability to devour all things, this is the cub of an ancient being ?"

While meowing and talking, the big cat walked around to Deathstroke, lowered his head and started to lick the catnip from the can.

After all, it is the dream of a thousand wild cats. Good things like catnip are not something wild cats can enjoy. Likewise, dried fish and cans are the tributes that the dream of a thousand cats likes.

But it also depends on who gave it.

It likes Deathstroke, so it is willing to eat what he gives. If it were anyone else, A Thousand Cats Dream would not be bothered to deal with it. This is the character of cats.

"Oh, it's a long story." Su Ming threw the orange cat in his arms to Batman, stood up and petted the big gray cat: "I need your help with something. Human dreams can't work, but cat dreams should work. .”

"Oh, it's a long story." The stickman imitated Deathstroke's movements and tone. It also wanted to touch the big cat, but was glared at by the Dream of a Thousand Cats. It froze on the spot and was unable to move. Even the remaining The second half of the sentence was not uttered.

The big gray cat shook its beard and sat down on its hind legs. It licked the pads of its paws and a light flashed in its squinted eyes:

"It sounds interesting. Tell me, what kind of thing is it that Daniel can't do, but I can?"

"It's like this, it's still a blank thing, she's training people to daydream, and she's going to make these daydreams come true, specifically."

In this way, Su Ming told the big cat everything he could about his investigation findings and what was happening now, regardless of whether it could understand it or not. The final conclusion was that he needed the help of the Thousand Cats Dream. Cover it up a little so that when he attacks people's dreams, Daniel won't be the first to notice.

The big cat showed off a jar of catnip in just a few dozen seconds. It turned out that cats really can eat grass.

But unlike ordinary cats, it doesn't have the kind of 'afterward' reaction, such as rolling around or foaming at the foam, but just seems to feel comfortable:

"So this is your plan. Yes, it's a very good way to brainwash people from dreams and connect with the subconscious. And it's right to find me. You can't tell Daniel about this."

"Aren't you all Sandman? Logically speaking, you should not agree to such a plan."

Zorn was a little curious. He was not Bruce, but he preferred to ask questions.

The sky in the Kingdom of Dreams was clear, and the clouds with cartoon faces were floating happily. The big cat looked up at the sky, and then at Batman:

"Your taste has changed, you are not Bruce Wayne, but since you asked, I will tell you mercifully, meow. If Deathstroke wants to modify the dreams of felines, then I definitely cannot agree, but now What does it have to do with me being a cat if he's targeting human dreams? I'm the dream of cats and I think it's fun to make people believe in death knells, so why not?"

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