The Death Knell

Chapter 4661 The mischievous cat

After receiving the big cat's evil smile, Batman stopped talking and glanced at Bobo.

The orangutan detective immediately flattened his mouth and squatted on the death knell's shoulder speechlessly:

"I know what you're thinking, Zorn, but I'm different."

It's just that Batman feels that those who are not of my species have different hearts. Even the Sandman in A Thousand Cats' Dream does not have the same heart as Daniel. So, as an orangutan, does Bobo have some small calculations?

Bobo has beast-like intuition and is also very smart. Batman glanced at him and he immediately realized what the other person was thinking. Smart people don't need to say too much.

Bobo believes that he has no problem. The reason is very simple, that is, he is completely dependent on human society for survival and has no common language with his kind.

To put it more seriously, he simply does not consider other chimpanzees to be his own kind.

Maybe Thousand Cats Dream can play with other cats, such as kicking a ball of yarn with its paws, or catching a mouse on the street, but you want Bobo to get along with other orangutans? He would just feel uncomfortable all over.

Even though the intelligence level of ordinary chimpanzees is not low, about the same as that of a four-year-old human child, and there are some that are even smarter, compared with Bobo, the gap is like two species.

There is a gap in intelligence between ordinary humans and Bobo. Our detective can't even bother to deal with those idiots, let alone orangutans?

Therefore, Zorn Batman's doubts about himself are unreasonable. His relationship with humans is a matter of prosperity and loss. After all, if all humans are dead, who will go to the Forgotten Bar to drink? That cockroach in the sink?

After leaving human society, what would you eat? What to drink? Is it too miserable to survive in the wild wilderness? Is it possible for humans to live the life of an ordinary chimpanzee?

"No, man, I didn't mean that." Zorn smiled and shook his head. He took the pipe from the orangutan's hand, took a puff himself, and smacked his lips: "I'm just curious about the flavor of your tobacco leaves. Use Have you drunk?"

In order to add flavor to the tobacco leaves, some people sprinkle red wine on them and then dry them, so that they will have a different aroma when smoked. It is quite time-consuming to understand tobacco.

"I didn't even say what I meant." Bobo looked unbelieving and a little disgusted that his pipe was stained with Batman's saliva.

"I didn't say what you know what it means." Zorn smiled and blew out a puff of smoke, returned the pipe and nodded: "It's very strong, and it's still Cuban tobacco. You have great taste."

"Can you two stop guessing?" Tracy stepped in between the two with her hands raised, then pointed at the Dream of a Thousand Cats and said: "The big cat is talking, aren't you curious? I've never seen it before There’s a talking cat, so cute!”

Her eyes seemed to have turned into heart shapes, and she was obviously fascinated by the charm of felines. Unlike the orange cat that had been lying lazily in Deathstroke's arms, this talking cat fit the little girl perfectly. All dreamy ideas.

There is Puss in Boots in fairy tales, but now this cat is obviously better, the pattern on its body will change, and now it is playing backgammon with itself.

"Hehe, thank you, little girl." Thousand Cats Dream swung its torch-like tail. It squinted its eyes and nodded to Tracy: "People who like cats are good humans. You can dress up." She looks like a rebellious girl among humans, but is unexpectedly gentle, meow, come on, you all come with me, I will take you secretly to the Dreamland Plain, and then start doing things, you are in a bit of a hurry, aren't you?"

After saying that, it exhaled a light mist and enveloped several people to prevent Daniel from sensing everyone.

In some ways, Daniel is not as good as A Thousand Cats Dream. You must know that big cats can change the world without relying on any external force. Daniel not only needs some props, but also has too many rules to follow.

After hiding everyone, the big cat checked to the side again to make sure that the smoke he exhaled had hid everyone well. Then he nodded and led the way with his tail raised, signaling for everyone to follow.

Of course, it didn't forget to loosen the weird black and yellow stick figure so that it could move freely.

The release of the control this time may have caused Kai to be stimulated by something. The stickman disappeared and was replaced by a middle-aged man with an indifferent expression.

He looked like a business elite from Wall Street. There was a white handkerchief in the breast pocket of his suit, and his hair was waxed so shiny that flies would slip on it.

Neatness. The first impression this person gives others is that he is clean. He is as clean as a mannequin in a display window, rather than a living person.

But he was undoubtedly alive, but very quiet. After he came out, he just glanced at the death knell, nodded, and followed silently without saying anything or making any unnecessary movements.

"Okay, everyone, this is the 'Director', one of the many personalities of our children." Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief. After all, there are always people imitating him. Even if there is no hostility, this feeling is too strange. He is Know how Cindy felt when she saw her for the first time.

Although we know that imitating others is human instinct, but that stickman? Really not like humans.

"Is it so easy to switch personalities?" Tracey followed everyone and looked at the new person curiously.

She was too young and had never been around Gotham. The patients with schizophrenia she had seen in the past were all in movies or TV series.

Seeing this situation for the first time, she suddenly realized that the person Deathstroke said he was looking for was Kai, but now she didn't even know what Kai looked like.

This was so weird and exciting, and this trip was definitely worth it.

In other words, the boss and Deathstroke have acted together so many times in the past, and he should have let himself follow him long ago. Otherwise, how would he know that the world is so vast?

"It can be more casual than this, just get used to it." Bobo tilted his mouth and knocked on his employee's head: "Just watch quietly, learn more, think more, and talk less."

"I know, you're very annoying." The girl waved her hands, but she still said something harsh even if she knew.

Now everything she sees is novel and everyone she meets is interesting, so she doesn't care about Bobo's verbosity.

In such a short journey, everyone spent their time chatting. The big cat talked to Deathstroke as he walked, but the content of the conversation was not about the 'blank', but about the Asgard that had been lost in history.

"I heard that Thor, the last surviving Thor, went crazy. Do you know the inside story?"

The dark mercenary asked the big cat, and reached out to touch the pointed ears. The shape of Thousand Cats Dream was like a calf, and its soft back was as high as Deathstroke's shoulders.

"I have heard some things about the gods of the earth, but not much, because I have also said that I am a feline Sandman, not a human one. If you want to find those so-called 'gods' Sandman, I can help you introduce it, have you heard of 'First Dream'?"

"Well, I seem to have heard something."

After hearing the first dream, Su Ming took a deep breath of cigarette and showed an expression as if he had a toothache.

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