The Death Knell

Chapter 4674 Hide and Seek

In just a few sentences, Deathstroke discovered another advantage of journeyman Jack, that is, he was immune to Deadpool's "disgusting".

You must know that ordinary people may vomit to the point of coma just by taking a look at Deadpool without a mask, let alone standing with him eating lunch, and the two of them chatted while eating.

This is probably also the invisible benefit of Jack's special ability, because he can do all kinds of dirty work, whether it is draining sewers, repairing toilets, picking manure and fertilizing, cleaning corpses, and he is a skilled worker and has been exposed to disgusting things. The number is probably far greater than everyone present.

Unfortunately, it is of little use to everyone's current situation.

So Su Ming looked at the cockroach again. He took the glass jar from Tracy, threw a lit cigarette into it, asked the prophet to have one too, and then asked:

"How about it, Ezekiel, can you still sense the target location we are looking for here?"

"Well, go ahead.

The cockroach rolled a cigarette with one of its forelimbs, brought it to his mouth, took a puff, blew out a small smoke ring, and then pointed out the direction to Deathstroke.

He is a prophet. He does not rely on feelings. This is an ability given by God. This God is the only true God.

"Okay, let's continue on the road." Su Ming took off his cloak and spread it in front of him, letting everyone get on the bus: "The multiverse airdrop pod thrown by Blank is being held back by the hand of nothingness. We can take the opportunity to get rid of her pursuit. Hunting, to find the target... "

Having said this, Su Ming turned around and glanced at Thanos. The purple giant had been quiet for a while, which was a bit strange. Wasn't he in a hurry before? Why didn't he hurry now?

It turned out that the latter was already on the flying carpet at this time, but he was sitting in a corner away from everyone, holding a pair of guns in his hand, with a longing expression on his face.

This is probably because pigs miss people. Thanos may have thought of Death wearing this piece of clothing. And the way he looked when he was making out with Deadpool

Forget it, let him be alone.

"Slade, are you sure Blank won't send other troops to continue to hunt us?" The orangutan jumped back to Deathstroke's shoulder. He sat down in his fixed position, and his legs swayed a few times: "If I didn't remember, Wrong, there should be at least two monster mothers, right? "

"Ah, being chased is inevitable, but after we solve the problem of the enemy being unable to kill us, we can turn to counterattack. We don't know who will be chased by then."

Zorn answered in Deathstroke's place, and he also took over the ape's previous job, explaining to Wonder Woman what happened during her disappearance.

And he was very good at summarizing. First he talked about the death knell killing Zeus and others, and then forcing Hippolyta to go down and take the throne of Paradise Island for Diana. This obviously made the woman even more angry, because she again Deceived by Deathstroke.

You promised before that you would not deal with Olympus or embarrass your mother, but now?

Zeus has died, and the firstborn has died. Who is left in Olympus now? Will Athena be the king of the gods in the future?

"...Adjutant, send Zorn to join Barry." Regarding Batman's betrayal of himself, Su Ming knew that this was his revenge for "Martha's joke," but this also gave Su Ming some other ideas. That is to throw Batman to his base camp, where it is safer and eliminates the need for two voices in one team.

What's great about 40K is that Barry can also use the Speed ​​Force, the Scarlet Witch is there, the Ancient One and Emperor Weishan are there, and they can even use powers beyond realms.

It would be good for everyone if Batman went over there.

Before Zorn could say anything, the adjutant only followed the Sheriff's order and took the bat away with a flash of blue light so fast that he couldn't even see the shadow. And as if she knew what Deathstroke wanted to ask, she continued:

"The blank multiverse moved, but it seemed to be sucked into Multiverse 2 and couldn't get rid of it, so Batman would have some rest.

"I hope Zorn won't blame me. This is for his own good. I don't know why, but Blank seems to be able to feel his position. It's too risky for us to take him with us." Su Ming touched his chin. Look at Diana with innocent eyes

: "I'm really not retaliating because he told you those things.

Forget it, I know you do it for my own good, but I don’t need the Amazon throne because people know me as Diana from the Justice League, not the princess of Paradise Island.

Xiao Dai sighed, she knew that no matter what she said, the matter was over


She found that after she was often hit with a pan, she seemed to have adapted to it, and was even a little obsessed with this involuntary feeling. It was like being tied up with a noose and completely unable to resist. The tougher Slade became, the more The fiercer it is, the more she likes it.

"Of course it's best if you think so, but the best result is if you become the Queen of Paradise Island." Su Ming touched Xiao Dai's shoulder and gave her the cockroach jar in his hand: "Hippolyta can't keep up. era, you don’t want your sisters to live in the Bronze Age forever, right?”

"Xiao Dai, what Deathstroke said is right." The orangutan also gave his opinion. He sat on Deathstroke's shoulder and looked at the two people's little actions with a bit of sadness: "Look at Arthur's Atlantis, and then look at today. Paradise Island, just one month after your mother came back, the technology of your Paradise Island went back five thousand years, and the last god-king Zeus also died. The era of the gods has passed."

"I know, it just feels like usurping the throne." Diana rubbed her face with her hands, but she cheered up quickly: "Forget it, let's not talk about that. I will explain it to my mother later, Slade, let's go next where?"

"Don't ask me, ask the cockroach."

Su Ming turned around and looked at everyone on the flying carpet. They were all ready to go, but Hela and Carol seemed to be communicating with their eyes, which seemed a bit weird.

But it doesn't matter, it will be fine when you find the men in black robes later and take action. Being chased all the time without a real victory will inevitably lead to morale problems.

"Prophet Ezekiel?" Diana spoke to the jar and rubbed the glass jar. She seemed to regard it as a magic lamp: "Where should we go?"

Hearing what people often asked themselves on their way to the Holy Land thousands of years ago, Ezekiel was still a little dazed for a while.

He was a human at the beginning, but now he is just a cockroach, but it's okay, isn't he still useful now? If he is useful, he will not die. It's a simple truth.

"Go straight ahead, as I said, I can see that the person you are looking for is very far away from here, but I can take you to the promised land."

"Very well, Cloak, let's turn invisible. Without Batman, we most likely don't have to worry about being discovered by Blank, but we still have to be careful."

Deathstroke patted his flying carpet and let it start another journey of searching for people.

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