The Death Knell

Chapter 4673 Didn’t do as expected

The adjutant has run away with Sepurk and Nanling Universe, and now he has returned to the 40K multi-dimensional world. However, simple surveillance can still be done. After all, when two multi-level forces collide, who will notice a person on the battlefield? What about the little inconspicuous probe?

Originally, the white ball was coming menacingly, hitting the multi-dimensional 2 that looked like a bunch of rotten meatballs. But just when the terrifying multi-dimensional collision was about to happen, a big black hand suddenly stretched out from the void and directly threw the multi-dimensional ball into the air. The white ball of the universe blocked it, and the movement was a bit like the unloading movement in volleyball, and then gently brought the red and white balls together.

It's the kind of level where there is a little contact, but not much contact, and it's a bit distant. . !

A small intersection appeared between the two multiverses. The adjutant took a close-up of the location. Once the camera was zoomed in, you could see the densely packed troops of both sides entangled together. The battle heated up almost instantly. state.

Various deformed monsters made of flesh and blood faced off against a large number of strange white shadows similar to elemental creatures. The scene was very bloody.

"I originally thought that Blank didn't have many troops under his command, so he chose to use decapitation tactics similar to sneak attacks before." Batman's face didn't look good, but he still smiled: "But now it seems..."

"I don't know who you are talking about, but with this number of troops, we on Earth 0 will never be able to resist it alone. We have to notify the Incarnation of Justice." Diana put her hand on the hilt of the sword, and she seemed to want to join the battle. .

"There's not much the Incarnation of Justice can do, don't count on them. The orangutan sighed, and pulled down his deerstalker hat: "You don't know yet, Superman died not long ago."

"What?! How could Clark..." Hearing the news of Superman's death, Diana was surprised at first, and then angry. She shed a tear, gritted her teeth and looked at the enemy group in the projection: "It shouldn't be like this. Yes, what happened? "

"Explain it to her, Bobo." Su Ming picked up the orangutan from the floor, put it in Diana's arms, and said to the man who had no sense of his presence: "Director, you have been out for a walk for a while. , otherwise, go back and replace someone? We need a spellcaster now, the stronger the better.

There is a spell caster in the team, Tracy, but now the little girl is stunned just looking at the two armies that look like Cang Beewei. If they really go to the battlefield, how much fighting power can they exert? What's more, she is already The kind of wild sorcerer who knows everything but knows nothing about it.

As I said before, the characteristic of the director's personality is that he has a very low sense of presence. Everyone is obviously having a meeting in this small room, but he is standing aside, and many people feel that he does not exist.

Being able to be seen, but then turned around and forgotten, leaving no impression. This is one of his special abilities. He can be said to be a natural spy, the kind that the ancestor chases after him to feed him.

"Oh, it's hopeless. Let's wait for death. We will all be finished sooner or later, so why bother struggling.

The man in the suit sighed and replied with a dejected look. There was no reason for him to say this. He was just so pessimistic anyway.

He is too passive, almost to the point of not wanting to do anything, so even though he has good abilities, he is still considered useless among many personalities.

But it is one thing to say discouraging words, and another thing to do. He still obeyed the command of Deathstroke. Maybe it was not time to come out for air, but he still went back and came out with the next personality.

I saw the figure in the suit twisting and shaking in place as if being electrocuted, and then instantly turned into another person.

This is a cheerful young man wearing suspender jeans, a plaid shirt, and a yellow security photo. He has a smile on his face and carries a small toolbox on his shoulder. He waves to everyone and says hello:

"Hi everyone, I'm Jack, nice to meet you all."

He also wanted to shake hands with Batman, but when he looked down and saw that his hands were covered in black oil, he could only give up the plan with a blush.

There was nothing Su Ming could do about the fact that the person who appeared was not a spell caster. Although this was not random, the many personalities had their own order of arrangement. Even if they did not fully understand it, it was still unclear.

You should participate casually, because some personalities will really kill other personalities because of certain things. Kai is a more useful fighting force. It is best not to trigger the many personalities in her body to start "werewolf killing."

In short, the personality in front of me is called "Journeyman Jack". As the name suggests, he is a journeyman. In fact, he can be regarded as a super support. He is very capable in helping the team.

He is a skilled worker when building a house; he is a skilled worker when cooking and cooking; he is still a skilled worker when driving a vehicle or airplane; he is still a skilled worker when repairing machinery and equipment.

Kai's heart is filled with different platforms for different personalities to live in. The driver's personality 8 drives the subway through these platforms, and the journeyman Jack is the one responsible for maintaining the subway and various hardware facilities.

He can use and repair any technology-related machines and tools that come into his hands. Even if he comes into contact with them for the first time, he will automatically master the level of a skilled worker. He is not the best, but he is definitely better than most experts who can only talk.

And the scope of application of this ability is actually not narrow, as long as you are willing to understand your brain.

For example, many modern medical equipment are also machines, so as long as Jack is given a device like the "Ultimate Machine" or the "Da Vinci Surgical Robot", then he, a person who does not understand medicine at all, can also perform various surgeries on people. , the level is also the journeyman level.

But in the current situation, Su Ming actually wants to be a spell caster, and Jack can do anything else, but he knows nothing about magic, which is a bit embarrassing.

But this is normal. Everything can't go as planned. Even if you draw cards in a mobile game, no one can guarantee that the character you want will always be produced, right?

Well, Domino might be able to, but her good luck is considered a superpower, so it's just an example.

"Hey, boy, are you holding a toolbox?" Deadpool was chewing a round piece of bread and spoke vaguely. He came to Jack's side and stared longingly at the tool he was carrying on his shoulder. Rectangular iron box.

"Yes, Mr. Deadpool." Jack patted the box and said with a smile: "These are the guys I eat for. Is there anything you want me to repair?"

"Hehe, Slade, did you hear, someone also called me sir." Wade happily hugged Jack's arm and smiled with satisfaction. His neck was shaking like a spring, but Finally, he reached out to touch the box: "But according to my experience, most workers will put their lunch in the tool box with them when they go to work. Did you bring a sandwich when you came out?"

"Oh, I brought it. Do you want to eat it?" Jack opened the box. It was indeed filled with wrenches, thread knives and other gadgets, as well as a small lunch box wrapped in cloth. He took it out and opened it very generously. , there is a sandwich inside, which is delicious and delicious: "I can share half of it with you for free."

"It's great. It's great to have split personalities. Deadpool didn't know what to do with being polite. He turned around and spat out the half-eaten instant noodles. He reached out and grabbed half of the sandwich and stuffed it into his mouth: "If I also have multiple personalities, I would definitely I want to become brothers with you. Hey, your food is too delicious, right? Why do I feel like crying? Is this what my mother tastes like? "

The journeyman Jack was of course also a skilled worker in cooking. He picked up the remaining half and stuffed it for himself, took a bite, and replied with a smile:

"It's onions, I put onions."

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