The Death Knell

Chapter 4672 Nothing and Being

At present, everyone does not have much information about Blank, but one thing is certain, that is - Blank is definitely not the hand of nothingness.

The reason is very simple, that is, there is a big difference in the styles of doing things between the two.

The Hand of Nothingness disdains hiding. Everyone knows that his headquarters is in DC's Multiverse 2, and the dark shadow sits on the evil and deformed throne.

But even so, no one wants to actively seek trouble from the Hand of Nothingness, because once entering Multiverse 2, it is equivalent to facing endless evil thoughts and powerful people, ubiquitous evil and deformity, and strange things that disturb people's minds. Whispers, and powerful concepts mastered by the Void Hand himself.

At present, many parallel worlds in the multiverse 1 still have a defensive attitude towards the Hand of Nothingness. Even so, Earth 8 was still destroyed, and the entire universe turned into a deformed sarcoma in almost one day, and this was just Feel free to play with the hand of nothingness.

But even so, in Su Ming's impression, the Hand of Nothingness basically never played any dirty tricks. Although they did not make any high-profile offensive speeches, they really did not deliberately cover up their actions.

Whether it's filling the line with miscellaneous soldiers or airdropping elite units, he doesn't avoid people at all and just attacks frontally.

But Blank is different, she only has a code name, her real name is unknown, her appearance is unknown, her current location is unknown, and she works secretly.

I don’t know if it’s because of her nature, or if there are sinister people among her men as counselors, but the main tactics of this group at present are to deceive and sneak attacks.

Her men carried out terrorist attacks and stole things at the Skyward Sword Bureau space station, tricked some Eternals into boarding a pirate ship, tricked the Goddess of Death into kidnapping, attacked the lone Superman, and even sent giant maggots to attack and kill Batman.

But throughout the whole process, her true body was well hidden. Even now, Su Ming was willing to bet that even though there was a multidimensional Yulei flying towards here, the blank space was definitely not there.

There may be many enemies up there, but most likely they will all be abandoned.

Generally speaking, what kind of subordinates there are, there are what kind of masters. Because the superiors follow the example, the subordinates will always subconsciously imitate the leader. To put it harshly, the so-called upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. This is the truth.

This is one of the reasons why Su Ming does not go to Kama Taj often. Although he can easily defeat most magicians, he does not want Kama Taj's apprentices to blindly imitate him.

But this is not a problem that everyone needs to consider now. The purpose of coming to Martha's Earth is also very simple. No matter what is in that seemingly white multiverse, let it touch the hand of nothingness first.

Speaking of which, the last time I went to Ezenia to find He-Man, I was able to fight against the Skeleton King's army with the help of the Hand of Nothingness. The pure and simple evil thoughts of the evil nobles, the kind of seeing the living beings It makes me want to tear things into pieces. It’s so useful.

Gradually, in Su Ming's mind, the images of Hand of Nothingness and Kang the Conqueror tended to overlap. One of them was always enthusiastic about contributing, while the other was constantly providing technology. They were both good people.

The place where everyone is now is the underground base left by a Darkseid peer. He originally brought some people here to deal with elemental creatures, but his home was ransacked by Deathstroke later.

At present, it seems that this place has not been discovered by the hands of nothingness, at least not by the numerous evil-minded dignitaries on the ground who look like mushroom-headed zombies. They are not very active in low-temperature environments, maybe some kind of hibernation.

"The hand of nothingness has been looking for you, Slade." Bobo held his pipe and filled it with tobacco: "I hope we hide here in the dark instead of falling into a trap."

The orangutan is originally black, and he seems to be particularly suitable for this dark environment. Only his white teeth are shining.

"Don't worry, my hairy guy, I know what you are worried about, but it is impossible for the hands of blankness and nothingness to work together to deal with us." Su Ming took a puff of cigarette, and the green mist dispersed in the dim basement: "It can be seen from Blank's method of dealing with Superman that she seems to want everyone to disappear. Although the hand of nothingness has "nothingness" in its name, he is actually an interventionist and does not

It’s the exterminator.

As I said before, in Su Ming's previous life, it was said on the Internet that the Hand of Nothingness was actually the embodiment of evil thoughts outside the fourth wall, such as negative reviews from the audience, malice toward certain characters, and disgust with certain characters. Negative emotions generated by these stories, etc.

Therefore, Su Ming can say that the motivation of the Hand of Nothingness is basically clear. It wants to distort the story, twist the people in the story, and let everything develop according to its ideas, instead of erasing everything.

It can be seen from the current situation of Multivariate 2 that although it is filled with all kinds of deformed creatures, there are living universes like Pac-Man in the multidimensional dimension, and there are also multidimensional creatures that are similar to arowanas but have zombie heads. Super giant beast, but it has to be said that this diversity is in an endless and strange balance.

It may be dirty and chaotic, but its vitality is unmatched by Diversity 1, and this is the characteristic of the Hand of Nothingness.

"Does the multiverse collide?" Batman drank a little wine, but he was still very restrained: "If Blank also has a multiverse in his hand, what do we need to do when it collides?"

"It can't be hit. If the sky falls, there will be a tall one to hold it up. The Hand of Nothingness will definitely take action. Anyway, let's just wait for it to entangle the void." Su Ming raised the bottle in his hand and gently talked to Batman. Clinking glasses, he said with a smile: "Just like we let the wheat entangle the black maggots, when the hands of nothingness entangle another group of enemies, we will then find an opportunity to help Thanos find death. First, we will destroy Blank's infinite resurrection of his subordinates. Method."

"Ah, I found the water, but where is the socket?" Deadpool came back holding his noodles and pot at this time. He looked around and looked around: "You have been to this place before, cousin, do you remember where it is? Is there electricity? I suddenly feel a little hungry. The air here also makes my nose itchy. When my nostrils are itchy, my stomach becomes sour.

Before the generator Su Ming gave him could come out, there was a sudden muffled sound in everyone's ears, and a sense of losing control of the body like a sudden brake. The lights in the room also flickered on and off a few times. .

"Okay, the two enemies must be facing each other. The movement caused by the Hand of Nothingness just now must have intercepted the multiverse thrown by Blank." Su Ming stood up from the wall and stretched his waist. and his arm, and patted Deadpool on the shoulder: "Don't soak your instant noodles. Let's make Pan. Adjutant, show us what's going on outside."

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