The Death Knell

Chapter 4671 Killing someone with a borrowed knife

A series of space teleportation not only confused the enemies, but obviously teammates as well.

Especially now that everyone only knows that everyone is in the basement, but they don't know where the basement is, the decorations in this room look a little bit like wasteland punk, but they are also high-tech.

A large number of integrated touch panels and various home appliances integrated into the walls are obviously not something that should be popular in residential buildings.


Carol looked at Diana being held in Deathstroke's arms and was about to ask a question, but Deadpool got the better of her and started chattering in front of her.

"Do you have everything you want to eat? Then I want steamed lamb, steamed bear paws, steamed deer tail, roasted flower duck, roasted chicken, roasted goose, braised pig, braised duck, soy sauce chicken, bacon, Songhua belly, dried Meat, sausages, assorted soy sauce dishes, smoked chicken white tripe, steamed eight-treasure pig, duck stuffed with glutinous rice, canned pheasant, canned quail, braised assorted items..."

Deadpool is different from Deathstroke. His language talent is average. After all, no matter what language he wants to learn, recitation and memorization are inevitable.

But he is greedy and lazy, and suffers from brain cancer and often loses his memory. These necessary conditions for learning a language are not available to him.

But I don’t know if he used the plot continuity gem to modify his language region settings before. Now he can speak authentic Imperial City dialect, and the pronunciation there is simply amazing.

"Gungungun, are you giving me the name of the dish? No, it's really the name of the dish. When did you learn cross talk?"

Even though what he said was very good, the dark mercenary still couldn't listen. Deathstroke kicked his cousin away and threw him a box of instant noodles and an electric kettle for boiling water.

"Although I, Kama Taj, am the hometown of folk arts, it sounds lively when students sign up for dishes. But you are saying this? Are you trying to help me live without food?"

The names of these delicious dishes came from Deadpool's rotten and pus-filled feeling. Su Ming felt that he didn't want to eat them for a while, as if they had become unclean...

"Oh, what are you doing~~-~ Let us tell you what you want to eat, but in the end you only have self-heating hot pot and instant noodles to choose from?" Deadpool, who was driven aside, held instant noodles and an electric kettle. He walked away with his buttocks wet, and was going to find some water nearby: "I don't like you anymore, you are so bad! I'll make some noodles first, and then I'll come back and punch you in the chest with my little fist."

After saying that, he ran out of the basement with the instant noodles in his arms. He was so quick, as if he was afraid that others would snatch his noodles.

"Ugh..." Several people in the crowd retched, because Deadpool's coquettish behavior was so beautiful, and it also proved that others didn't want to eat the food that Deadpool had touched.

Except for the cockroach, it looked a little lost in the jar as Deadpool disappeared into the darkness.

"Okay, the guy who talks the most nonsense has been sent out to find water. You can ask questions now." Su Ming pressed Xiao Dai's hands and said, because she kept staring at him fiercely and kept arguing: "This tactic The arrangement is actually to delay, but our purpose remains the same, which is still to help Thanos find death. "

"Where is this place? Why do I have a feeling of deja vu..." The orangutan jumped off Tracy's head, wandered around the basement, stretched out his hand to touch the wall, and then lay down to listen to the floor.

The black monkey fur was stained with dust, and he didn't notice it.

"We were here last time, have you forgotten? But that time we came on the Waverider." Su Ming answered his monkey secretary with a smile, and asked Strangler to throw him a bottle of wine.

"Could it be!"

The orangutan's eyes widened immediately. He had been following Deathstroke around and visited many places, but he had not been on the Waverider many times. He quickly thought of where this place was.

"Yes, it's just what you think. This is Martha's Earth in the DC Universe Multiversity 2. It is also the place where Darkseid once built an underground city, and it is under the nose of the Hand of Nothingness."

Deathstroke told everyone the answer. Of course, the teammates from Marvel had never heard of Darkseid and the Hand of Nothingness, but it didn't matter. It would be difficult not to know what happened next.

And Zorn already had a dead fish-eye expression on his face, and he used his fingers to

Knees that sound the death knell:

"Why is this place called "Martha" Earth? Are you implying something?"

"Nothing, I respect your mother very much, so when I came here last time, I saw this white ice planet that was round and big, so I named it "Martha's Pearl, come on, you Look, isn’t it very easy to remember? Then the abbreviation was Martha’s Earth. In fact, Bobo originally wanted to call it Milk Earth, but it was too rustic and uneducated at first glance.”

The speechless little Fu orangutan pursed his lips. He simply drank and kept silent. I don’t know who named a single universe Soybean Earth last time.

"You... let me tell you what's good about you." Zorn sighed and shook his head slowly. He took off the hood with pointed ears from his head, rubbed his face with both hands, and said with a wry smile. : "Don't make jokes like this again in the future, okay? It's not funny at all. When Martha was shot and fell, the sound of the pearls bouncing on the ground was a lifelong dream of mine. If you treat me as a brother, don't Always exposing other people's scars.

Hearing what Zorn said, Su Ming felt a little embarrassed. After all, he just came up with it as soon as he came up with it, and just randomly named it to make fun of him.

Who knew that using this place as a backup plan for the battlefield would really be used one day, and Batman is still in the team, which is like saying to his face that he has no mother.

There was no way, Su Ming himself was an orphan. He couldn't understand what it would be like to have a mother and then lose it. The joys and sorrows of people are incompatible.

But before he could say anything, Diana, whose hands were controlled by his, spoke. She watched Batman take off his hood so naturally, and she kept smiling as she spoke, again with her own. The men called each other brothers, and she was so surprised that her mouth opened wider than a duck egg.

"You are not the Bruce I know. Who are you?! The Smiling Bat?"

Her eyes suddenly became sharp, as if her IQ suddenly increased when she was with Deathstroke, and she could think of something on her own, and even imagined something like the Smiling Bat.

"Don't think in such a dark direction, Diana. I am Zorn, Bruce's second personality. Don't be nervous. There is not much difference between us." As he said this, Batman took the hand from the strangled tentacles. Smoking and drinking, he sat down against the wall next to the death knell, and immediately stuffed both cigarettes and alcohol into his mouth: "It's too troublesome to explain the cause and effect, you just need to believe us.

... Just don't laugh," Diana shook her head. She glared at Deathstroke: "Let go. I won't hit you anymore. I'll settle the score when I get back. But I guess you regretted sending me to a strange earth. , what happened? "

"You can say that, but I'll let Bat Man explain it to you later, my dear. Su Ming raised his eyebrows and pointed at Thanos and the others to introduce Xiao Dai one by one: "Everyone needs to get acquainted with each other a little bit. Wait. Next, let’s see if the hands of blankness and nothingness meet, and then we can make the next plan.”

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