The Death Knell

Chapter 4670 Jumping Music

Just when the cockroach was hesitating to settle on the mosaic in the jar, the alarm inside Sepurk suddenly sounded, and the originally red lighting began to shine. The Space Marines who were the guards immediately entered the battle state and began Block entrances and exits.

"Chief, there is an emergency situation. There is a multiverse that is rapidly approaching DC Multiverse 1. The estimated impact time is still thirty seconds.

The adjutant raised his hand and released a projection. You can see the miniature multiverse selection interface. There is a white ball marked with a red circle that is moving rapidly. Among the many other motionless balls, it looks like A swimming fish.

"This is most likely a blank response." Su Ming quickly walked to the adjutant, got closer to the projection to observe, and at the same time threw the cockroach jar and the casting medium in his hand to Bobo: "Friends, maybe our enemy New information will be sent."

"Hey!" The mosaic object flipped back and forth quickly in the orangutan's hand, as if it was hot and there was no place to grab it.

"We have to get out of here, Slade." Zorn Batman immediately made a decision, and he quickly said: "Sepulk has high strategic significance for you and us. We cannot put the battlefield here. Darkseid's engineering and alien box defense systems are good, but I doubt whether they can block Blank's new method. You need to let it transfer with the ghost universe immediately."

"That's what I meant, Adjutant, backup plan K-33." Su Ming patted the silver-haired girl on the shoulder and quickly returned to everyone. Then, everyone escaped in a flash of blue light.

The next step is for the adjutant to take the Ghost Universe to hide first, for example, cut off the connection with DC Diversity 1 and retreat to the 40K Universe for a while.

The next second, everyone opened their eyes in the light and found that they still seemed to be on the earth, but it was a mess.

The city is dilapidated, with broken buildings, abandoned cars, and damaged roads everywhere.

In addition, there are serious natural disasters. Many people, such as Hella, have seen extreme weather such as hail, floods and typhoons for the first time.

"Where are we?" she asked Deathstroke, and at the same time she did not forget to keep her distance from Thanos, because before Deadpool brought out a bunch of things belonging to the Goddess of Death, and now Thanos was holding a pair of guns in his hands. , touching and smelling, the expressions on his face alternated between happy and angry, which really made people feel scared.

Su Ming let his cloak lift everyone up from the ground and flew towards the hilltop not far away. He did not answer Hela's question immediately, but contacted the adjutant to continue asking:

"How about it?"

"The other party has changed direction and is heading towards where you are now, Sheriff." The deputy's projection indicated that as expected in the backup plan, the blank multiverse had changed its flight direction: "She was heading towards Batman." , Diversity 1 and Sepulke are not her first targets.”

"Very good, wait a moment before launching the next plan. Su Ming nodded and temporarily cut off the communication. At this time, everyone was taken to an observatory by the magic floating cloak: "This is it.

There is a wall built of scrap metal around the observatory, and there are some sentries on the wall. In the yard, greenhouses were built, as well as some RVs or simple tin houses that were pieced together at first glance, and there were also some houses converted from shipping containers.

At this time, the residents below had discovered everyone. They ran into the main building of the observatory in panic and sounded the alarm.

"The bad guy is here! The bad guy is here! He's still sleeping in NMB! Come on, get up! Hahahaha!"

Different from the piercing sound of a regular alarm, the alarm here is a female scream playing in a loop, accompanied by hysterical laughter, which is right now.

"Why is it Harley's voice? Where is this place?" Batman instantly recognized the owner of the voice, and showed a strange expression: "Don't tell me this is where you and her vacationed. I didn't realize there was one here." What fun.

"Human beings like many things, but knocking down dominoes and building blocks, building and destroying, are always the favorites of many people." Su Mingmodou

He lowered the hood, and his body shape began to change, and soon he became the resolute appearance of a middle-aged man: "I know everyone has questions, but now is not the time to explain. I can only say, everyone is welcome. Come to the MonsterVerse, even though we have to leave in three minutes.

"Then you. Just when Deadpool was about to ask his cousin why he wanted to come here for a ride, he saw a figure flying out of the observatory gate below. A golden rope was hung on the corner of the flying carpet. The figure was Like Tarzan, he jumped up and landed next to everyone. Then *** immediately changed his words and bowed:

"Hey, it turns out it's sister-in-law Diana. Uncle, I'm being polite."

Diana ignored him at all. Her eyes swept across the crowd and immediately locked onto the death knell that had changed its appearance. Her shoulders were shaking with anger:

"Slade! You still knew you were coming to find me?! Where did you leave me? People here actually think I am Harley!"

“Ah, honey, there’s no time to explain, get in the car.

Su Ming poked his head out from the edge of the flying carpet and waved to the tavern uncle and Russian aunt standing in the snow below as hello. Then he shrank back under the surprised eyes of the other party and ordered:

"Adjutant, carry out the next step of the plan. By the way, at the same time, revise what happened today from the memories of the survivors. After all, the flying carpet is still too magical. Let them remember that it is a helicopter. I will take their leader out. Come on, come back soon."

So after another teleportation, everyone arrived in a dark space, with the adjutant's projection floating aside with a faint white light:

"Execution completed, Sergeant, all goes well.

"Very good, is Halley's Comet chasing us?"

Su Ming touched his pocket, took out a camping lantern to light it, and placed it on the ground aside. The light made everyone see that this was a basement-like space.

"The other party changed direction, but they didn't seem to notice you immediately. Sheriff, no, they have adjusted correctly now and are rushing towards you."

The silver-haired girl answered the Sheriff's question, and she greeted Diana with a smile, but Wonder Woman's face was now covered with black question marks. Things happened so fast that she couldn't digest it.

"Okay, we still have a little time, we can take a rest." Su Ming sat down against the wall, and let Strangler drag Diana to sit next to him: "Whoever wants to eat can tell me, of course. , if you want to ask anything, you can also ask."

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