The Death Knell

Chapter 4669 There is no way out

"Brother Cockroach, are your predictions accurate?

About fifteen minutes later, everyone sitting on the magic floating cloak floating in the void could only stop. Deadpool, who had just finished healing himself, grabbed the jar where the cockroaches were stored and spat a foul breath into it. I don’t know if it was the light and shadow. Anyway, Su Ming did see brown mist coming out of his mouth:

"My cousin has led us away to the edge of the Heavenly Blood Layer. If we go further outside, we will have to leave the DC Universe. I asked you to predict the location of death, but you kept telling us to go straight, like that inferior Just like the car navigation system, it really led us to a dead end.

Su Ming was also a little speechless. He felt that this was not as bad as the unscrupulous navigation system. There was a joke circulating on the Internet in his previous life, saying that the navigation system led people to get lost. In the end, he said, "There is a scavenger fifty meters ahead. Please go to the car owner." Asking for directions, navigation completed.

Then you have to have an uncle.

After the cockroach jumped on his pants, he began to lead everyone. Su Ming dissuaded Thanos, who was still angry, and put Deadpool, who had turned into mud, into a plastic bag, following the direction mentioned by the prophet. flight.

Everyone felt quite confident at first. After all, the cockroach was also a Jewish prophet appointed by God. It would have been impossible without two or three brushes.

But as it flew out of the earth, out of the solar system, out of its own single universe, and now it has reached the edge of the universe at the multiverse level, the cockroach still said that it would continue to move forward.

Going further, you will enter the Heavenly Blood layer. You must know that not everyone can enter there. Even a steel body like Superman was almost melted when entering the Heavenly Blood. I am afraid that I and Batman are the only ones in this group. Can go in.

Deadpool might as well give it a try, since he can't die anyway.

But even if you can pass through the Sky Blood Layer, you will reach the Sea of ​​Light and the Void further outside, and you will reach other worlds any further away. Why not go from Sepurk and have to suffer the torment along the way?

"Ahem." Cockroach coughed twice with his hands behind his back. He looked up at the blood-red scene in front of him, rolled his black eyes a few times, and explained: "I never said that my prediction was definitely right. I can only feel it." I will tell you what I have come to. As for whether you believe it or not, whether you want to do what I say or not, that is a matter for Deathstroke to judge.

This cockroach has begun to blame the blame again. The Jews really... run faster than anyone else when they can make money. When problems arise and they are held responsible, they don't stick to the pan at all.

"No, then there is no need for me to take out those souvenirs that death gave me before. Deadpool grabbed the jar and shook it violently. The cockroach flew up and down in it, making a sound like a pebble hitting the bottle wall: "You caused me to be beaten by Thanos in vain. It hurts so much. You must be responsible for me. Get some of the $100,000 you earned!"

In fact, being beaten by Thanos is nothing. Anyway, every time he goes to bed with Inez, he will suffer comminuted fractures. Being beaten to a pulp today is not any more serious. He recovers quickly. This is nothing more. It's just an excuse to blackmail someone.

"Help...Help!" The cockroach whirling in the bottle screamed for life. It was as helpless as a car rolled up by a tornado.

"Okay, since you have come up with enough casting materials, I will give you an extra five hundred."

Su Ming took out five hundred dollars from his pocket, slapped it on his cousin's chest, replaced the cockroach jar, and held it in his hand to examine:

"I believe that the predictions of the doomsday prophet are correct. He has never missed a prediction about the end of the world. The result now is also very simple. That is, the people in black robes took their death and hid outside the DC universe. They also have a way to intervene inside Duanyu from the outside world..."

At this point, Deathstroke paused for a moment, because he felt that this technique was a bit familiar.

To put it simply, be like yourself.

For example, when you are working at Marvel or going on vacation in other worlds, you are not in the DC universe, but you can still exert influence on the DC universe at any time through Sepulk and his lieutenants.

It's like throwing a few people here, like intervening in some things, it can be done,

The same goes for 40K Earth.

He even has greater control over there, and can adjust space and time.

In this way, does "Blank" also have a small universe similar to Sepulke? It is used as a valve and connector? So where is it connected? Which world is connected to it?

"Does the Hand of Nothingness have similar means?" Batman took up the topic at this time. He sat in the corner of the flying carpet, looking at the blood that was as red as a tomato, and seemed to be looking for a way to the Speed ​​Force. Several entrances to the plane are the same: "They are located in different multiverses, but they can affect some things here. I have seen this method with the Hand of Nothingness."

However, the action of the Hand of Nothingness will be more like some kind of corruption. It will turn everything into twisted and amorphous flesh and blood. It will also eat away at people's hearts and turn people into unconscious shells.

This is different from "Blank's" methods so far, even drastically different, so everyone ruled out the possibility that Blank was the hand of nothingness from the beginning.

"Well... it doesn't matter. Let's adjust the starting point and let the cockroaches try it again. Su Ming nodded and looked at everyone in the team: "This time we will set off directly from the ghost universe where Sepulk is located to see how the prophet feels. Wherever it will take us, it will be easier to burst out the multiverse there. After all, there is no corrosive material like the Sky Blood Layer. Adjutant, teleport."

Now that he had reached a corner of the multiverse, a place so remote that it seemed like there was nothing there, Su Ming simply stopped flying back and directly called for space transfer.

The adjutant's transmission arrived as expected. The next second, everyone appeared in Sepurk's hall. Not far away, the adjutant wearing a beautiful dress smiled and waved to everyone. This was considered a greeting, and she continued to invest. to complex calculations and scanning.

On the one hand, there is the finishing work of Little Franklin in the transcendent dimension, which also requires follow-up by the adjutant; at the same time, there are a lot of technological creations that the Sheriff has snatched from various places, which need to be deduced in reverse; and there are also various daily tasks, such as surveillance And monitor some targets and locations, pay attention to the progress of the cosmic voyage within the 40K universe today, search everywhere and speculate on where the people in black robes may be hiding, etc.

These all consume a lot of computing power. The energy consumed by the adjutant every day is an astronomical figure. This is not a magnitude that ordinary "mining mines" can imagine.

Fortunately, we got Sepurk, which had a fire pit to provide energy, and later added things like the General Assembly and the Inverted Man. If the adjutant had stayed in the basement of Long Island Wilson's headquarters, he would have definitely encountered an energy bottleneck.

"Come on, Prophet Zhang Yu, let's talk to her again now. Where should we go? Su Ming didn't mean to stay long when he came back this time, so he just patted the adjutant on the head as a compliment, and then continued to talk about business. If the glass falls, who will let it try again?

The last time I used small pants, the effect was not very good because there were bodily fluids from other creatures on them. This time, I used a Taoist mother who has a closer connection with me as the casting medium.

Therefore, when Deathstroke reached out to his cousin who was counting money, the latter put a mosaic-like thing in his cousin's hand with understanding.

"Strangled" means that the touch is a bit slippery and the taste is a bit salty, but it should indeed be used by death frequently. It can be seen from the wear on the power switch button, and the connection is very close.

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