The Death Knell

Chapter 4668 Those who understand current affairs

It's so filthy, so depraved, so dark.

Even a veteran like Bobo can't stand these things that Deadpool comes up with. He immediately jumped from Deathstroke's shoulder to Teresa's head, and covered her eyes with his backhand.

"Don't look, kid, you'll go blind! Don't look! Control yourself!"

"No, I didn't look at the things Deadpool brought out. Aren't they just a bunch of weird swimsuits and trendy toys?" Tracy shook her head and pointed behind her with her thumb: "I was looking at this purple giant. Boss, have you noticed something? His face was purple before, why is it green now?"

The little girl's unintentional words attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's eyes turned to Thanos involuntarily.

Sure enough, the Mad Titan's face looked very ugly at this time, as if he had just eaten shit. His facial features were distorted like a boatman in a Japanese Ukiyo-e painting, and the skin on his face turned a greenish blue.

Thanos suddenly felt like he was standing in full view of everyone without any clothes on. It's like the time when he was ostracized and bullied by his classmates because he looked like an abnormal race. His pain and grief almost immediately turned into anger, and he naturally found a target to vent his emotions.

"Deadpool! I'm going to kill you!"

As he said that, he punched Wade, who was holding a pair of lace crotchless pants in his hand and smiling obscenely, and his head exploded. The next thing is that a hungry tiger pounces on the food, grabbing Deadpool's headless body, the two of them roll through the wall and roll to another room, probably a bathroom or something like that?

There was a crackling and ringing sound from behind the door, and then a large amount of blood flowed out from under the crack of the door like in a horror movie, which may be the result of Deadpool being dismembered.

Brains were sprinkled on everyone's body, and blood covered people's feet. The cockroach prophet was stunned.

What kind of team is this? Deathstroke is so dark, and none of his teammates are normal.

One teammate cuckolded another, and he said so openly, even showing the woman's underwear to tell the story.

The other one started killing people, making the scene extremely bloody. There was still a lot of stored food in the room, which was splattered with stinking dirty blood. Who would eat it in the future? Isn’t this a waste of food?

The most important thing is that Deathstroke didn't seem to see it. He reached out to catch the thin pair of pants that were slowly falling, and unfolded them to look at its shape and design. Maybe it was because it looked like a translucent butterfly. So the man nodded with a satisfied smile and handed the thing to the glass jar.

"How is it? Can this be used?"


The cockroach was in a daze, and he seemed to have a new understanding of human cruelty.

"Hey, Deathstroke is asking you a question." Bobo reached out and knocked on the jar, urging him to help. At the same time, he also explained: "Don't worry, Deadpool can't die. He can be resurrected even if there is only one carbon particle left. Let the big purple guy vent his anger a little, after all, you know."

The orangutan is a detective, and he is very familiar with affairs such as affairs and cheating. Before taking over the bar, he relied on such commissions to make a living.

Now that the suffering master has caught Huang Mao, it is normal to beat him to vent his anger. It is normal to leave him wherever he is. It is just that the purple giant is stronger. !

Anyway, Deathstroke is here, so there won't be any trouble. Even Batman doesn't want to intervene. You're a gorilla, and you're a cockroach, and you still want to meddle in your own business?

"Uh, okay, yes, you're right, Detective Orangutan. The cockroach's legs are no longer bent, and its beard is no longer shaking. It seems to have finally remembered that these people are mentally ill, and it is too dangerous to negotiate terms with them on its own. : "Please open the jar, I need to touch this piece of clothing, Mr. Deathstroke, hehe."

"I'm here, you actually said honorifics, no, I still like your unruly look, you are the Lamb of God.

Su Ming was helpless. Sure enough, Jews can only understand money and fists?

"Blind, isn't God dead?"

The black cockroach lowered its head very realistically and jumped

When he got to the equally dark pants of the Goddess of Death, he bypassed some dry white suspicious marks, then touched them left and right, and then started to dance as if he had inhaled something.

Anyway, it's a good thing that the prophet is willing to help. As for the cousin, well, as Bobo said, after playing with death for so long, it feels good enough, and now he will be beaten by Thanos and he will not die.

"The warlock hasn't come back yet, teacher, you said..."

In a mysterious space, a man in black robes said this to the people around him. He walked around anxiously, and his shadow seemed to be trembling in the firelight.

"Don't worry, master, you have to learn to be patient." Another older voice answered him, putting his hand on the former's shoulder: "We have all been given new abilities, and now we have infinite life. Maybe the warlock Just want to play with Deathstroke and the others for a while?"

After saying that, he let out a chuckle, as if he was happy to see the outcome of this situation.

"That's right, yes, we won't die at all now, no one can defeat us!" the young voice said, as if he had regained confidence, and there was a smile in his tone: "Very good , Hahahaha, ah, the goddess of death is mine, no one else deserves to have her, when can I marry her?" 「

"Soon, my young master, you just need to build a business first, or have a brilliant record. In this way, the goddess will be proud of standing behind you, right?"

The old man said this, which is a very reasonable statement.

After all, his little master is still too young, and many people don't even know of his existence. If he wants to defeat Thanos, he must make his voice heard in the universe.

Whether you make others fear or admire you, the key is that you cannot remain in obscurity.

"Blank" is different. Her mystery represents too many things, but giving up reputation is two different things from having no reputation at all.

"You are right, my dear teacher, thanks to you, I can get to where I am today." The young man was obviously very satisfied. He walked in the long and narrow corridor and rubbed his hands under his black robe: "Then you How do you think I should show my existence? Should I kill people? Kill more people than Thanos? But not now, I want women, more women."

"Ah, you have power, you can do whatever you want, of course you can kill, as long as you like it."

The old man opened the door in front of him and respectfully sent the young man inside. There were various female aliens in the room. These were the substitutes he found to relieve the little master's desires. He looked at the young man. He couldn't wait to pounce on these unconscious bodies. He paused slightly, but quickly exited the room and closed the door. He leaned against the door panel and let out a chuckle.

Young people...

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