The Death Knell

Chapter 4667 The Ultimate Dog Licking Body

In the brightly lit safe house, the air seemed a bit turbid due to lack of circulation, and many dust particles were floating in the light, like plankton in the sea.

With so many people crammed into a small space, the smell became very complex, including the smell of tobacco and alcohol, the essence of Spam luncheon meat, the stink of Deadpool, and the smell of weapons. The smell of gun oil and so on.

These smells mixed together can easily remind people of the end of the world. This kind of chaos and disorder seems to urge people to make decisions quickly.

Thanos wasn't nervous, but he didn't respond to Deathstroke's request. No matter how the human's hand opened and clenched in front of him, he seemed not to see it, and he didn't react at all.

"Oh, Thanos, why are you pretending to be a deaf-mute here?" Su Ming turned to look at Zishu. He urged the other party with a smile: "You are a super soldier, and naturally you also have super hearing. Did you hear it just now? Cockroach If we need some things used by Death, you can bring a few out for us to use and return them to you immediately. This cockroach is not dirty, so even if it touches Death’s things, it will not be considered defiled.”

"Hmph! I didn't!"

Thanos, who was fine at first, seemed to be suddenly irritated. He impatiently slapped Deathstroke's hand away, turned and walked away, as if he didn't intend to pay attention to everyone at all.

"No, what do you mean no?" Su Ming touched his chin with a look of doubt on his face: "Every time I saw you before, you were either going to give death something fun, or you were going to give her flowers. She Didn’t I give you something in return that you could take out? "

After hearing this, the purple giant turned around, looked at the death knell seriously, and said seriously:

"I do! I have her love for me! I have the beautiful memories of when we were together! This is the most precious thing!" "!

That's right, that's it. The so-called matter cannot last forever. Whether it is flowers or jewelry, even stars or the entire universe, it cannot be eternal.

But Thanos believes that he will never die, so the memory between him and death will never disappear and can withstand the test of time without a doubt. This is not the most precious thing, what else is?


After hearing his confident answer, Hela, Carol, and even the orange cat took a breath.

As insiders from the Marvel Universe, both of them knew that Thanos was meticulous about Death, while Death had a very average attitude toward him. He was just raising fish as a spare tire. This matter can be regarded as a bystander who is trying to understand the authorities. Everyone on earth knows that, Thanos himself doesn't know, or maybe he knows but doesn't want to face it.

But no matter what, they didn't expect that Death didn't even give Thanos a small souvenir?

You must know that even if you are a so-called "campus beauty" who is taller than the short ones in a rural middle school, if you want to show off your poverty and ugliness, you must at least give the other person a beautiful photo of yourself.

It's better to be here than Thanos, he doesn't even have a hair on his head.

Yes, Thanos is a little ugly and a little crazy, but his strength lies here, and he is a being who has the right to speak in the universe.

If he had been allowed to collect the infinite gems, he might have replaced Deathstroke now. Many women would like such warriors.

For a time, the gods of the underworld and the mixed-blood female warriors of the nine realms all had a new understanding of the green tea rank of the goddess of death. Because this skill was too high-end, they all had an incomprehensible feeling. At the same time, they all He glanced at the speechless Deathstroke, who seemed to be thinking about something.

"You don't have anything used by Death, and you don't have her hair or nails. It's a bit difficult to find someone's magic." Su Ming looked at Thanos with admiration, not for anything else, just because of this purple Su did what he couldn’t even do.!

Anyway, it is absolutely impossible for Su Ming to be a licking dog like this. He especially admires those licking dogs. In what spirit do they lick their respective goddesses?

The fearless spirit of the proletariat?

In short, regardless of whether this is a mental illness or self-PUA, he still sympathizes with Thanos. Although the other party's emotional look made him embarrassed

He couldn't help but smile.

Do you want to make a backup plan? "Bobo raised his hands to speak. He hugged Deathstroke's neck. "If we can't use prophecy, we have another way, and that is to find a wishing machine.

The wishing machine, as the name suggests, is a machine that can help people realize their wishes.

Anyone can find it and speak English to it, and their wish will come true. It sounds very simple, but the last time this machine was recorded was 50,000 years ago, and then its whereabouts were unknown. Finding it may not be easier than finding Death and the people in black robes today.

"Hmm..." Su Ming was thinking about which plan was more convenient.

"Ago, you have a tiger trap in your hands." Zorn Batman approached him with the same smile on his face: "You have a way to get information from other people's minds, right? Maybe you need a little privacy Space? It doesn’t matter even if the other party can be resurrected, right? "

He didn't directly tell the symbiote to eat Adam Warlock's brain. Zorn is also Batman. He doesn't kill people, but the meaning behind his words is that he wants Deathstroke to take action.


Su Ming didn't plan to do this. After finally catching Adam the Warlock, the opponent was caught because of vomiting. The Deadpool tactic might not work as well next time.

It is easy to let Zhuo Zhu read information from his mind, but once the other party dies and resurrects, he will definitely realize that his memory has been read, and give up all the original plans. Since then, he has no intelligence advantage at all. , I can only place my hope on the speed of competition with the opponent.

This is not safe enough.

The best way is to hold Warlock Adam still, let the other party proceed according to the original plan, and you and others can use some off-board moves...

"Wait, hehehehe!" At this moment, a mean voice came from the darkness, and Wade was seen staggering out of the dark corner. He pulled out the dagger from his belly and gently Throwing it back to my cousin: "Don't despair, and don't come up with any backup plans, because whenever this happens, you only need to rely on me, the passionate red rose in the mercenary world! Ah! If it ignites, then I will Let’s be honest! Whatever you want in death, I have it!”

"Huh?" As melon-eaters, Carol and Hela's eyes widened immediately. Hades took out a small bag of melon seeds and started dozing off with the pilot on the spot.

Tell me, cockroach who looks like a piece of dried shit, what do you need? Deadpool raised his chin high and walked back to the crowd like a rooster. He reached out and picked up a box of cigars from the shelf nearby. He took out one and held it in his mouth like a boss.

"It depends on what you have. Anyway, the closer the connection, the better. Body organs should be better than clothes, and clothes should be better than home furnishings..."

Cockroach also planned to explain what materials are needed for divination and how the priorities of these materials are divided, but when Deadpool heard this, he just waved his hand and showed a smile like a check mark on his face:

"Needless to say, her clothes, pants, vagina, ball, gag, and toys are all temporarily stored here with me. Come on, pick whatever you want." Wei.

As he spoke, he began to take out things from his trouser pockets. All kinds of clothing with very little fabric, all of which needed mosaic props, and some strange things that no one knew how to use, quickly piled up into a small mountain. …

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