The Death Knell

Chapter 4666 Industry Involvement

Prophecy is always accompanied by uncertainty and a lot of riddles. Customers who have asked Mrs. Disaster.

To be honest, Su Ming still has not figured out the upper limit of Madam Xanadu's ability.

Back then, she was able to contact death through magic and give her dying self eternal youth. Logically speaking, her ability was very strong.

But now when someone asks her to divine something, she just talks vaguely. If asked again, she would cover her head and faint, or vomit a few mouthfuls of blood, making everyone embarrassed to ask further questions.

Is it true that Tao Po Tian will suffer backlash? Or is he deliberately pretending to avoid trouble? Then no one knows.

However, the doomsday prophet Ezekiel is a different kind. As the person who led the Jews to the Promised Land, the prophetic magic he is good at is actually pointing the way. No matter where he is looking for, he can point out a direction, and Basically there will be no riddles.

However, Ezekiel's prophecy is not absolutely accurate. At the same time, it cannot give specific place names. He can only tell you whether to go left or right, forward or backward. Simply put, it is more like "evil navigation". , instead of satellite positioning.

But now if you want to find those men in black robes and the changed goddess of death, Ezekiel's ability may come in handy, because it itself has said that it is a creation of God, even though it is just a cockroach now, then He is also a cockroach who is in love with God.

It is true that God is dead, but the other "God parts" are still alive. As long as one of these things is willing to give a little hint, Ezekiel will probably be able to feel it.

"It's easy to find someone to talk to, but it's also the most difficult." The cockroach in the glass jar crossed its legs and swayed with its beard. Later, it was used as a toothpick to pick teeth: "Because the place is Dead, you want to go to a certain promised land, I will point it out to you, but if you are looking for someone, that person is alive and will be running around. I need something to assist me in prophesying."

It didn't intend to work immediately, because the two forelimbs were still rubbing together. It was obviously not very satisfied with the "breeding" reward given by Deathstroke before, so it released a few hooks to get a price.

"Money? Haha, we have plenty of money." Su Ming smiled forcefully, then stretched out his hand to the side: "Zorn, give me the money."

"Huh? Where's your money?" Zorn was speechless, but he still smiled and took out the check from his pocket to sign: "I remember Bruce settled the bill for you for 67.5 million U.S. dollars. Don't tell me you spent it all."

"Knowingly, you know that all my money was given to Barbara to help me invest."

Su Ming moved his fingers again, signaling to Zorn not to act stupid. There was nothing that happened in Gotham that he didn't know:

"Barbara's foundation was set up by Bruce with her help. She did not hide her projects. You must be aware of it."

"I just know you have money, so I feel weird about you asking me for money." Zorn signed the check for one hundred thousand dollars, which was not much, but after comprehensively analyzing all the information, he felt that it was enough. The only talking cockroach used: "Okay, I'll pay the bill this time, but you have to buy me a drink next time."

"No problem. You know how to get to 40K. You can go there at any time." Su Ming took the banknote and pasted it on the glass jar to show the cockroach the series of numbers: "Is this number enough? Find the person we are looking for. , give it to you immediately.

"Well, it's a little bit less. Let's add more." The cockroach stopped picking its teeth. It rubbed its two forelimbs at a significantly faster speed, and some bright liquid flowed out of the corner of its mouth.

"Forget it, friends, let's all think about how delicious cockroaches are. I'll leave for a while and go to Greenwich to find Mrs. Xanadu." Su Ming took back the check, turned around and pretended to leave; "No. The solution is that if the deal cannot be negotiated, then the cockroach will be of no use. Isn’t God dead? We will send the cockroach up to be buried with him, which can be considered a bit of thoughtfulness.

"Wait! Cousin!"

Before Ezekiel could say anything, Su Ming suddenly felt his legs being hugged. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was Wade who was lying next to him, shaking his butt, with his eyes straight.

Staring at the check in a daze;

"I think I can play the role of a police dog to help you find someone, Wang! Let me try it with my sense of smell. Cancer Man offered me one hundred thousand dollars. You only need to give me eighty thousand, and twenty thousand dollars will be your agency fee. Wang, !\

,"After that, he took out a tail from his trouser pocket, which is the kind of adult toy that needs to be mosaicd when it appears on the big or small screen. As he spoke, he was about to take off his pants and remove it. Plug yourself in.


Just as everyone was shocked, covering their eyes or turning their heads, Deathstroke moved faster. This time he slid his hand harder, and Wade was stabbed directly into the air and fell into the safe house. In the darkness of the corner, bumping against the wall.

Only a cry of pain mixed with comfort was heard from there.

"Ouch-~~~Come in! It's so deep and hairy!" 2

"Tsk! Such clean and hygienic behavior and lines!" Bobo gritted his teeth in disgust and covered Tracy's ears next to him: "Children, don't listen to this person, your brain will rot."

"Tch, I'm already eighteen years old, do you think I don't understand anything?"

The little bartender had a calm expression on his face and slapped off his boss's black claws with disdain:

"Please, don't act like an old hat. Isn't it just that you were stabbed but nothing happened because of your self-healing ability, but then you found that the dagger penetrated too deep and shaved off some chest hair? What a big deal, I think. There has never been anything bloodier than this. Don’t forget that I was working in the bar when Hecate activated the Witch’s Hour to control the witch fire and let her burn all our guests alive.”

Bobo retracted his paws, his eyes a little relieved, and he took a deep breath.

"Yes, that's it, haha.

After such chatter, a sound came from the jar Tracy was holding. The cockroach prophet finally came to his senses and immediately shouted:

"Don't leave Deathstroke. You don't have to go to Mrs. Xanadu. Just one hundred thousand dollars. I'll help you. Who are you looking for? Give me something related to the target, such as the target's hair, nails, and body parts. ?If you don’t have any, you can use clothes that you often wear or things that you like to play with."

Turning around with the death knell of Zhiqin, he put the Zhiji in his own bag and kept it, and nodded with a smile.

"As long as you are willing to help, as for things related to the goal, that's simple. Come on, Thanos, do you have anything that Death used before?

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