The Death Knell

Chapter 4665 The Lamb of the Lord

They must have had enough fun with the giant black maggots. In short, after Maizi took over the task of entangling the monster, they didn't want to stay long at all and immediately asked the adjutant to teleport.

Not only them, Su Ming also asked Bobo to use his big sword to open a portal, go back to the bar, and get the cockroaches from the sink.

"Ah, I'm going to die. You ran away in the middle of the night and didn't even say you would leave me any food." Ezekiel was lying on his back in the palm of the orangutan, looking very weak. His cockroach legs kept shaking: "I don't care, you guys To compensate me, I need to eat something now, and it can’t be an olive or a lemon in a wine glass.”

After saying that, he secretly glanced at Deathstroke to make sure that the latter was not angry, and then lay back down again.

There is nothing I can do. If Deathstroke gets angry, I'm afraid he will die.

"Okay, I'll let you eat the strawberries in the wine glass next time, okay?" The orangutan put the cockroach into a small jar and asked Tracy to hold it. Then he raised his hand to greet Deathstroke's new friends. An enthusiastic look.

However, the new arrivals were a bit indifferent to his overtures.

"It's so annoying. That maggot is so disgusting." Hela held up her arms. The skin on the back of her white hands was covered with specks of black blood. She grabbed a bottle of pure water and rinsed her arms: " It's dirty, smelly, and corrosive. Death knell, don't let me deal with this kind of thing in the future. I'm an excellent warrior, but that doesn't mean female warriors should do such dirty work."

Yes, Asgardian women can indeed go on the battlefield, but except for the Valkyrie, other female warriors are not allowed to come into contact with dirty things.

Although in her underworld there are only black clouds and green lightning, and the souls of timid people may be buried under every ground, the undead are actually much cleaner than the living. They do not produce domestic waste, let alone body odor or excretion. things.

They are just simple bones.

"I think it's okay." Carol took back her orange cat from Batman, lowered her head and took a sip. She was also a little dirty, but she was much more positive: "I have encountered more disgusting things before. The situation, the big black maggots on this baby’s head, is still within the realm of understanding.”

Captain Marvel felt that he was carrying out an order from the leader of the team. As for the specific details of the order, it was not Deathstroke's choice?

"You're right, it has an entity, but that doesn't matter! Where is my goddess?! Deathstroke, give me the answer."

Thanos stared at Deathstroke, his eyes obviously telling humans to do the right thing quickly, that is, to help him find death.

"Yes, cousin, how do you plan to find Adam the Warlock? Is it time for me to throw away my shoes again? Do you prefer left or right? Ah, in case there are new old irons who don't know, let me explain , my left hand and right hand are called Little Left and Little Right, and my left foot and right foot are called Big Left and Big Right. They have accompanied me through sleepless lonely nights. Ah, even if I have a wife now, I will still continue to do so in the future. Have an affair with them."

Deadpool came over, dancing tap dance to show off his hands and feet, while looking behind Deathstroke.

He focused more on the glass jar over there, obviously very interested in the talking cockroach.

There were a lot of cockroaches in his house because he lived in his wife's house after marriage, and Xia Kaela's house was in the sewers of New York, but there wasn't a single talking cockroach.

It's a pity, even if there are no talking cockroaches, it would be nice if there were mice or turtles that could talk. It would be even better if these mice and turtles knew ninjutsu.

"Aren't you just looking at the answer?" Su Ming stuffed the remaining half of the box of canned luncheon meat into the mouth of Strangler Bean Sprout, stood up and pointed to the jar in Tracy's hand: "Everyone, let me introduce to you. This is Ezekiel, the prophet of the doomsday, and the last person to dare to contradict God.”

Ezekiel’s experiences were not all caused by arguing. The key was that he said something he shouldn’t have said, so he was abandoned by God.

"He used to be a human being?" Deadpool came closer to the jar, as if he wanted to observe it carefully, but his body scent made Tracy uncomfortable, and she had already started to retching: "The veterans said that it was God who turned you into a human being. Became a cockroach? Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a pervert, that old man in paradise, I haven’t unlocked the crustacean gameplay yet.”

"Hey, what kind of perverted topic are you talking about?! Be careful, I'll call the police and arrest you." Even though Ezekiel is a cockroach, he is a cockroach with human thoughts and consciousness. After listening to Deadpool's words, look at the rotten His face suddenly felt tense: "Don't come here, I'm warning you, I am God's beloved lamb, even a cockroach is also the Lord's creation, stay back, you rotten devil!"

Demons are all from hell, and Wade's skin looked like it had been severely burned by fire due to cancer, which became the basis for the cockroach's judgment.

But he said he was disgusted, but he didn't show any disgust, because cockroaches are naturally resistant to odors, and they even like the smell of Deadpool a little bit. It's irritating to the eyes and also to the head, like It's wine that has gone bad.

"Okay, don't bully the little animals." Su Ming pulled Deadpool aside and explained his plan: "You can also tell from the code name that Ezekiel is a prophet, although his predictions sometimes work well and sometimes fail. "

"Most of the time it's accurate!" the cockroach corrected as he waved his legs in the jar.

"Okay, okay, just treat it as accurate most of the time, right?" Su Ming showed an expression that said, "There's really nothing you can do about it." He flicked the glass jar with his finger: "But we don't need his prediction now. For any big event like the end of the world, just try to get him to predict the location of our goddess of death."

Yes, it's time to engage in metaphysics. Taking advantage of the blank space and perhaps not realizing that his wish-making tactics are blocked, he can snatch death back from the opponent's hands in time and dissolve the immortality of the three mothers.

"Tch, looking for someone? Is that all?" After hearing the target of the death knell, the cockroach immediately sat down in the jar, crossed his legs, and said with trembling joints: "You can find any magician , if you use divination magic, you are 30% sure that you can find the correct location, why do you need to ask me to help?"

As he spoke, the tentacles on his head also trembled, but his two front legs began to rub together rapidly. Su Ming understood this movement at a glance.

This is asking for benefits. As expected of a Jew, his business genes have not changed even if he becomes a cockroach.

"Well, how about you help me this time, and I'll find you some female cockroaches to breed with later?"

Su Ming, who has always liked fair transactions, offered a very sincere reward, but Bobo on the side seemed to have thought of something, and his monkey face wrinkled up.

"Who wants a female cockroach?! I am a human being!" At the same time, the prophet was so angry that he danced in the jar. He flapped his wings and made noise: "I want money, I want to enjoy, and I want to live a human life. !I’m tired of being a cockroach!”

He stopped pretending, he showed his cards.

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