The Death Knell

Chapter 4664 The next plan

After an emergency escape from the Kingdom of Dreams, Su Ming and his party were currently in a safe house.

Of course, it is Old Deathstroke's safe house, not Su Ming's own, but since we are all from the same place in another world, we should not distinguish between you and me.

What is yours is mine, what is mine is still mine.

This safe house is located in a hidden cave in New Guinea. It has complete three-defense fortifications and sufficient reserves of all kinds of life. The various weapons alone should be able to support a special operation to subvert the regime, because Su Ming is very good at weapons. Curry also discovered tactical nuclear warheads.

Old Deathstroke has been a mercenary all his life, and he has spent all his money on this. Self-disciplined people are terrible.

Okay, let’s talk about the environment of New Guinea. Apart from the beautiful birds of paradise in the rainforest, the most famous thing here is the legend of the local Asmat people.

It is an ancient cannibal civilization. Its eating habits are very similar to those of symbionts. Its classic signature dish is to pour other people's brains into a small bowl and beat them into pieces, then drink it with some juice.

But that was a long time ago, because the island of New Guinea is very close to Australia. After entering the civilized era, people here did not eat people very much. Now the main industry here is tourism. As long as you have US dollars, the local indigenous people Can also be very enthusiastic.

It's real enthusiasm, no longer the kind of heat that puts people on a bonfire.

"Okay, no matter what tricks Bai Kong plans to play to help people realize their wishes, I have blocked her path now." Su Ming kept rummaging in the safe house and quickly found the old man's wine reserve of Deathstroke. He looked at the sign, and then took a can of luncheon meat from the side to drink and dine: "Let's wait here for a while and see how Blank reacts."

"I'm more optimistic, Slade." Bobo also reached out to grab the luncheon meat. He wanted to try whether this kind of food is qualified as a snack. If it is delicious, the Forgotten Bar will not be unable to supply it: "We are in the land of dreams. When she was not blocked by other 'mothers', it shows that Blank is not omniscient and omnipotent, and the fact that Dream can avoid her sight proves that she is still worse than God."

Little Fook really thinks so, and he is in a relatively relaxed state now. After all, Deathstroke and Batman are both in the team, so what else is there to be afraid of?

If even these two people can't protect themselves, then no matter where they go, they will lie down and die, and there will be nothing to struggle with.

"Ah, when it comes to God, my father, who is full of waste from the Holy See, always says one thing." Tracey also went to get the canned meat. She used a little magic to strengthen her fingernails. When using a can opener: "He always says that everything is God's arrangement. I just want to ask, is God really omniscient and omnipotent?"

"I don't know, kid." Zorn admitted his shortcomings frankly. He leaned on the shelf nearby and stole the grenades that Old Deathstroke had reserved while talking: "You should ask Slade about this kind of thing. He and There are more interactions with those higher-dimensional creatures.”

Zorn is replenishing his lethal weapons. Although Bruce also kills aliens, he doesn't always have enough lethal weapons on him. This can be regarded as one of his shortcomings.

Having lethal weapons and not using them are two different things. If some people think that Batman's fists are deadly weapons, then the attack range of this weapon is still a bit small.

"Haha, ask me?" Su Ming cut a piece of lunch meat with a black table knife turned from strangulation, and handed it to Bobo to eat with the tip of the knife: "Then you are asking the wrong person. When I arrived at Earth 0, God has died a long time ago, remember? At that time, the bloody battle between heaven and hell had begun. Every angel seemed to have been brainwashed. The first time I went to hell, I encountered a group of crazy angels. Every eye was red. Like a rabbit.”

"Giggle." Teresa covered her mouth and laughed. She had never seen angels, but they sounded funny in the description of the death knell.

So she didn't bother to delve into the question of God anymore, and instead went to discuss with the orangutan whether to take out the cockroaches in the bar sink and let the prophet Ezekiel make a prophecy or something. Guess where the blank is, what is she? Monster, in short, it is using metaphysics to fight metaphysics.

As expected, the young man has a lively mind, and she hangs out with Bobo every day, so she can be considered a smart girl.

Su Ming ate luncheon meat, drank the fine wine reserved by Old Deathstroke, and asked his adjutant to dial Wade's communication line. Before the communication was connected, he thought for a while and put down the food in his hand.

"Hi, cousin, have you finished your work there?"

A black and red mercenary appeared on the projection screen. He got a deck chair from nowhere and was lying on the road by the sea to bask in the moon. He also had a glass of mango juice in his hand, as if he was really on vacation.

"Well, so far so good, how's Lucifer's talk with death going?"

Deathstroke raised the wine bottle in his hand, toasted to his cousin from a distance, and asked a key question.

"It's still the same. The golden-haired demon is almost rolling around on the ground, but the beautiful girl Death is still shaking her head, as if she had taken ecstasy, and she can't stop at all." Deadpool glanced at the seaside, and he regretfully told Sly After hearing the bad news, he took out a pair of sunglasses from his trouser pocket and put them on, looking like he was getting ready for bed.

"Okay, don't worry about them, I have a backup plan." Su Ming turned around and glanced at the silent 'Director' beside him. This personality did not react at all to his gaze: "Those people who are teasing maggots Woolen cloth?"

As one of Kai's multiple personalities, the Director naturally has superpowers. His superpowers are a super low sense of existence and extreme pessimism.

To put it simply, he can be regarded as the DC universe's version of "Discouraged Brother". It's okay if he doesn't speak. Once he speaks, he will inevitably say some negative remarks, such as: "It's hopeless" and "Give up." , "It's better to wait until death", "There is no hope" and so on.

Anyway, it's just these things, there is no cynical foreshadowing, he is discouraged when he opens his mouth, and there is no reason to be negative. He is pessimistic by nature.

Perhaps he knew that Deathstroke didn't like pessimism, so he didn't say a word after joining the team, which saved a lot of trouble.

It's hard to say how long he can stay in the outside world, but once Kai switches to certain powerful personalities, there is a high probability that she can kill the three mothers directly.

"Actually, let me tell you, if it weren't for the fear of killing the black maggots and causing them to resurrect, then they would have died long ago."

Deadpool took a sip of juice and stretched out his hand to scratch his butt, with a happy and intoxicated expression on his face, and a suspicious blush:

"After targeting its psychic abilities, Hela was able to cut it into kimbap. It's a waste of manpower for all of us to stay here, especially me. You can't bear to leave your handsome cousin in the middle of the night. On the seaside? What should I do if I meet a lustful nympho? Oh, it’s really distressing. I’m a married person now. By the way, I heard that it doesn’t count if I wear it. Give?"

"Death Knell! You haven't done what you promised me."

Here, Deadpool was posing for the camera, and Thanos suddenly came over. His hands were still stained with black blood, and there was not much expression on his face, but his tone clearly meant that he had reached the limit of his patience.

"Okay, the key issue has been solved, let's get busy with your business next, okay?" Su Ming agreed immediately. After dealing with the problem of the unbelievers' wishes being fulfilled, the next step was to solve the problem of the enemy's infinite resurrection. The problem is: "You let the wheat pestle the black maggot. Anyway, Lucifer has to chat with death at the beach. She will be idle when she is idle. Then I will ask the adjutant to teleport you guys over."

Yes, Maizi will definitely like this arrangement. Watching her master chatting and laughing with other women at the beach, while she can only do dirty work not far away, this kind of sourness will definitely make her feel happy. Feeling.

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