The Death Knell

Chapter 4682: Capture one alive

The sea breeze was blowing gently, but the murderous intent was clear in the mirror space. The giant sword in the hand of the man in golden armor was blocked left and right. Amidst the bursts of cremation explosions, his figure swayed left and right.

But just when it thought it had fended off Ancient One's attack, the bald mage suddenly changed his gestures, and the discs that were deflected suddenly turned into illusions of Ancient One. Then they cast spells at the same time, and dozens more The red belt of Sai Torak shot out from his hand, tightly binding all the limbs and neck of the man in golden armor.

Once he gained the upper hand, Gu Yi used a series of magic spells, first freezing the opponent's body with ice, then blocking time and space, and finally using starlight to impose seals one after another. All aspects were considered.

If we talk about the power of magic alone, then Scarlet Witch's chaos magic is undoubtedly the first, Dr. Doom's blood magic is second, and the Ancient One master doesn't use black magic very much, so the lethality of her single magic may not be as good as Monaco. .

But once being the Supreme Mage, it is enough to prove that she is the strongest mage on earth. The key lies in her rich combat experience and the types of magic she masters far exceed others. And these magics are released through her hands, which is even more seamless. One body with millions of transformations.

When an ordinary mage releases one magic, she can often release three spells, and these three spells can also cooperate with each other to achieve an effect of 1 1 1 greater than three.

And as the Supreme Mage, she also has Emperor Weishan behind her. In the past, when Gu Yi wanted to die, Gu Yi might indeed die, but now that she wants to live, Emperor Weishan is naturally happy to see it happen.

The reason is very simple. Two supreme mages are definitely better than one. This is called the more, the merrier.

I saw Master Gu Yi using layers of magic to tie the man in golden armor into a rice dumpling. He seemed still worried, and then began to cast spells and chant to summon the clone of Emperor Weishan to come.

The Three Saints were also very generous, and soon appeared in a ray of light, with three huge heads lined up in a row.

"Ancient One, is it it?"

Ao Shutu rolled her eyes expressionlessly. Suspended in the sky, she looked at the captive of the Supreme Mage, a... strange concept embodied.

"Exactly, goddess." Ancient Yi bowed his hands in a slight salute. She is not Deathstroke. The older generation of mages have always been very polite when facing the devil: "This is one of the enemies that Deathstroke asked Xinibas to pay attention to."

"It's a very clever design, I've never seen it before." The bald Agamotto changed his human form into a burly man who looked a bit slovenly. He landed on the ground and circled around the man in golden armor. The look in his eyes Shining with golden light, it then returned to the sky: "This is a good creation, mother. The design is as ingenious as the God Eater you made back then.

"It's far off, you don't understand." The big tiger said something. He squinted his eyes and shook his beard: "The God Eater has a devouring method. What is this thing? The so-called mental ability to disturb the mind. It is nothing more than a toy."

The well-informed Hogs knew that Agamotto was still young. Although this kind of thing was still the embodiment of the concept, it was still far from a real weapon.

The God Eater can chase Sithorne around. How about trying it instead with this golden-armored man? Isn’t he afraid that he will be instantly killed by Chaos Magic when he meets him?

"Yes, Hoggs is right. This weapon may be suitable for dealing with humans, but it is useless against ancient gods." Ou Shutu stretched out a wing and rolled up the package with the feathers at the front: "Tell Deathstroke that we will keep this toy for research and let us know after he solves the resurrection problem."

After that, the images of the three saints disappeared at the same time, and by the way, they helped Gu Yi remove the mirror space. It was as if they had never been here before, leaving no trace.

"In obedience to the will of the Holy Spirit."

Gu Yi arched his hands toward the sky again. In fact, he didn't need to say anything himself. Deathstroke must already know what happened here, but the sense of ceremony still had to be taken into consideration.

"As expected, magic is still useful." Barry was a little envious and said while wiping his sweat: "Why isn't my speed force magic?"

I had been entangled with the man in golden armor for so long, and it was almost impossible to effectively cause damage. But as soon as the mage arrived, it was just a series of light and shadow special effects, and the enemy was captured without any help. It was not too cool.

"Haha, magic has the benefits of magic, and technology also has the advantages of technology. Barry, don't think too much."

Zorn patted Barry on the shoulder and walked towards Master Ancient One with a smile. At this time, the mage was also waiting for him. The two of them walked aside and whispered quietly to prevent others from hearing the conversation.

First, the bald mage said a few words, and Locust Man nodded. Then it was time for him to ask questions, and the other party gave a few answers.

Then Ancient One opened a portal and left, and Batman returned to everyone. He smiled and told his friends that he just had a few chats with Deathstroke's teacher.

As for whether you believe it or not, that's up to you.

"Okay, now at least one of the three mothers has been caught, but we still can't let down our guard. After all, there is another one we haven't seen. Zorn didn't have any doubts when he saw his teammates, so he talked about another one. thing, now that the man in golden armor has been caught, and the black maggot has been dragged away by Hui Dan, only the angel flesh statue described by Deathstroke is left.

"Then we wait for the enemy to come?" Barry held his dry food, which was a large pizza, and gnawed: "I don't know who this blank is, but she reminds me of the Laughing Bat, and it's aimed at you again. Come."

"No, Flash. In fact, I was not the one she targeted first." Zoe suppressed his smile and made his expression look more serious, just like Bruce before. He slowly said: "Clark was the first one. Target, he was unfortunately killed.


Everyone was shocked, angry, and then sad. Barry even burst into tears and could hardly breathe.

Now that everyone is here, Batman tells everyone about Superman's death, as well as some of his guesses and what he saw and heard while walking with Deathstroke.

After hearing this, it was rare that the calmest person was Cyborg. He touched his chin and then his long flowing hair:

"What did Deathstroke say? Can he resurrect Superman?"

"I don't know, but I don't think he is very sad. He should have a plan, right?" Zorn put his arms around everyone's shoulders and formed a small circle like before the start of a basketball game: "But don't worry, even if he doesn't No way, I also have a backup plan, because as long as Luthor is alive, he will not let Superman die at the hands of others, remember?

"That makes sense, suck." Barry sniffed and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand: "Then what should we do next?"

"Let's go somewhere. Deathstroke just asked his teacher to take us to his house. You know the place, right?

Zorn asked, but looked at Barry. Obviously, he also wanted a lift.

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