The Death Knell

Chapter 4683 Big and white

"You're not lying, the enemies here are really white and big.

After slashing an enemy with one sword, Su Ming said this to Wade beside him, but the expression on his face was a bit numb.

Because Deadpool said before that when he arrived, the people there did not wear clothes, and they were white and big. Su Ming was also very curious, so when he entered the white multiverse, he chose death as the first stop. I wanted to broaden my horizons by looking at the place where I fell.

I have no other intention. I just want to see what kind of ecological environment and social system exist in the multiverse controlled by the enemy. I am not here to see the naked woman.

The results of it?

There are giant snowmen here, the kind that children would build in the snow in winter.

They have no carrot noses, no coal for eyes, no iron buckets for hats, and of course no clothes, but they are indeed big and white.

Each of these snowmen was over fifty meters tall. They jumped and attacked everyone. It was the kind of attack mode that was like a mountain. They jumped up and fell naturally, just like someone stamping a stamp on the ground.

It's not Attack on Titan. The attack of these things would definitely crush it against ordinary people, but it's not much of a threat to Deathstroke. Carol can handle it without him even taking action.

However, after thinking for a while, Su Ming drew his sword himself to speed up the exploration.

"Hey, right?" Deadpool hid behind Deathstroke and paddled. He was not very good at dealing with giant enemies, especially giant elemental creatures: "They are really white, the snow here..."

As he spoke, Deadpool bent down and grabbed a handful of snow from the ground and stuffed it into his mouth. He squinted his eyes and tasted it carefully before spitting thick phlegm to the side and continued:

"The snow here tastes like chili pepper.

"It's not the smell of chili pepper, it's the stinging sensation caused by corrosiveness.

Bobo hid silently under the magic barrier that Tracy had put up. As I said before, this little bartender was good at almost all kinds of magic. At this time, he was using the purple light magic circle, which was like Kang Like Standing, draw the formation on the lining of your clothes and activate it directly when you need to activate it.

"Didn't you realize that you just stuck out half of your tongue?

"Ah?" Deadpool turned his head and looked, wasn't it? He originally thought he was just spitting, but now he looked carefully and found that it was the tip of his tongue that was melted, so he quickly spit out the rotten tongue, wanting to see what he was doing. How much shorter: "My photo, I can't see my photo!"

For a man, length and thickness are not as important as skills, but who doesn’t like the specialties of a certain part of himself?

What I’m talking about here is the tongue, nothing else. 「

"Thanos, can you feel the position of death?" Deathstroke was too lazy to talk to Deadpool who was sticking out his tongue. The latter also turned into a cross-eyed look because he wanted to look at the tip of his tongue: If death is not in this single body In the universe, we have a lot to look for. I took a glance at this multiplicity and found that there are about seventy or eighty single universes.

For accurate positioning, the cockroach prophet is not as useful as the licking dog. You must know that any licking dog can be a police dog at a critical moment.

Su Ming read a piece of news before time travel. It seemed that there was a licking dog who was looking at the goddess's circle of friends. He found that the goddess only posted three photos of shoes that day instead of the selfies in the past. So he immediately realized that something might have happened to the other party. , and call the police immediately.

The result is that, as expected, this "goddess has been killed by her boyfriend. She did not post the WeChat Moments, but the murderer wanted to create a fake death time."

This timely alarm allowed the uncles to quickly capture the suspect. Unfortunately, people cannot be resurrected after death. After all, police dogs are not gods.

"I don't feel the breath of the goddess on this earth, Death Knell." The purple sweet potato giant looked at the snowflakes falling on his shoulders. Even if it was corrosive, it could not hurt his skin; "But I can feel that she should Within this multiverse, nothing can go wrong.

"Okay, let's let the cockroaches come." Su Ming looked at the journeyman Jack. After all, there was no one in the team.

He was the only one without any fighting ability, so he became the one holding the cat and holding the jar: "Ezekiel, show the way."

"Go forward." The cockroach pointed to the sky. No matter which direction he pointed, it was all forward.

The void may not be in the plural anymore, Slade. When passing by another single universe, Hela, who was sitting next to Fei Shi, said to Jue: We must have been exposed, and according to the prey's habits, she may have run away long ago.

Hela is an Aesir tribe, and the Western Asaru tribe has a tradition of hunting.

Non-game genmon have different habits. For example, wild boars will choose to resist hunters, wild wolves will choose to huddle together, and rabbits will choose to run away.

In her opinion, blank ability is put aside for now, but its habit is really like that of a rabbit, running too fast and being too cautious.

"Let's take it one step at a time. As I said before, the goal of this trip is to help Thanos get death back first and abolish the enemy's ability to keep resurrecting. Deathstroke is not in a hurry. Anyway, there is no single person in this multiverse. The total number of physical worlds is limited, even if there are differences one by one, there will always be a day to find them.

The blank may have a way to escape, but those people in black robes are not easy to escape easily. Before entering here, the death knell has already wrapped the three layers of this place with the concept of darkness.

The concept of inner darkness cannot be used to see, it only gives Deathstroke a sense of touch, but even so, it is enough to do something.

The half-face polygon looks very big, but the main color in the void is still dark. The ubiquitous smile can easily encircle it, and then further form a huge cocoon.

While chatting with Hela, Su Ming wiped his strangled bean sprouts. After all, he had eaten too much corrosive ice cream and it needed to wipe its mouth.

"Hey, brother. What are you looking at over there?" Deadpool suddenly pointed to a single universe in the distance. A very obvious black skull on a white background appeared on the big ball: "Our 40K, from the multidimensional From the perspective of the plane, it looks like a half-black and yellow sphere. If you tell me this, could this be the universe of the Punisher?"

He said everything well before, but he suddenly took a wrong turn in the end. I don't know where the wrong connection was made in his brain, or he deliberately said it wrong in order to be cute and gain popularity.

However, what he discovered was very meaningful. This multiplicity was filled with large and small white spheres. They were single universes, and the one that Deadpool pointed out was special.

Then go and have a look. But it's strange, why didn't I notice this abnormality before, but only discovered it now?

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