The Death Knell

Chapter 4684 Funny way to die

Many parallel universes are all white, but this black ball with a white skull painted on it is so unique that it is problematic no matter how you look at it.

Bait or trap, it's the same anyway, but now that you have entered the flat universe, it is equivalent to entering the world controlled by Blank, and you will have to confront it sooner or later.

At this time, defeating the opponent's conspiracy head-on may have better results.

Because as mentioned before, Su Ming noticed that Blank's behavior pattern was very mechanical. For example, it shows that they know that Batman is the key target of protection and still keep an eye on him instead of attacking other members of the Justice League.

Why did Deathstroke bring Xiao Dai back from Monster Earth and put him next to him? Isn't it just to verify this guess?

Facts have proved that Blank really turned a blind eye to her. Even if he sent his men to the heavily defended 40k Earth to continue killing Batman, he did not send a killer to Diana, even though her status and role are no less important as one of the Big Three. to the other two.

It can be inferred from this that if Blank has a relatively rigid behavioral pattern, disrupting her layout will definitely be a heavy blow. The more rigid a person is and cannot adapt, the worse his ability to deal with unexpected situations.

Well, Blank is not a person, it should be a thing, that's what it means anyway.

Now that Blank had prepared a skull-headed earth for him to see, and it was clear that it was a trap, he stepped on the trap to see if she would reveal any tail in her panic.

And in any trap or scam, there must be a bait. You must know that even if it is a mouse trap, there must be a piece of cheese on it.

Therefore, Su Ming is almost certain that the abducted Goddess of Death is most likely in this single universe, or even on the earth in it, because this is the bait that Deathstroke and his party want, and Blank knows this, Will definitely take advantage of it.

So, for the specific situation, you still have to jump into the trap and take a look before you can understand clearly.

In the short two seconds when the cloak flew towards the skeleton universe, Su Ming thought about a lot of things and made several backup plans, including throwing his cousin out to rear if nothing could be done. What is the backup plan for taking advantage of the opportunity to evacuate?

"Wait a minute, Slade, why are you suddenly looking at me with such salty eyes?" Wade covered his chest and swallowed warily: "Although I'm not a woman, I My intuition tells me that you seem to be thinking about something uncivilized? Wait, is this the way a Christian priest looks at a cute little boy? "

"Stop talking nonsense, Wade. After entering this single universe, we will most likely be scattered. The enemy may want to defeat us one by one, so use your belt to teleport to me as soon as possible. Do you understand?"

Su Ming was a little surprised by ***'s intuition, but in fact, it didn't matter even if he knew about it. After all, mercenaries were paid to do things and were always placed in the most dangerous environments. Without this mental preparation, they would not be able to do anything. It’s time to eat this bowl of rice.

"Okay, I understand, but if you are trapped by a monster as soon as you enter, you can't deduct my money if I don't arrive as soon as possible."

The cousin under the mask showed a philistine look again, and his voice became even more obscene.

"Everyone, have you heard what I said?" The black ball in front of you is already close at hand. Su Ming emphasized the tactical arrangements to everyone for the last time: "Try to unite as a team as soon as possible, and don't lose your head just because you detect a clue of death." Chase after him without any thought, especially you, Thanos.

"Hmph." Thanos' voice came out of his nose, and he didn't know if he heard Deathstroke's words clearly.

Just as Su Ming expected, after entering this world, everyone was separated by an invisible force, as if they were thrown into a garbage crusher, twisting and turning around.

After about three seconds, Su Ming finally landed on his feet, and the dizziness gradually dissipated.

But unexpectedly, Bobo was not thrown elsewhere. He was still sitting on the man's shoulders, holding the mercenary's neck with both hands. 「

He probably felt that the spinning had stopped. When he opened his eyes and saw that the death knell was still there, he was overjoyed and quickly lit up his pipe and took a few puffs to calm down his shock: "Your other two girlfriends?"

The orangutan was very happy. In fact, he was the most scared when he heard what Deathstroke said before coming in, because he was the only one with the worst fighting ability among the group. He was at the level of a real three-legged cat, let alone fighting a giant snowman. , even defeating regular supervillains is a bit of a stretch.

Of course, other chimpanzees should not be able to defeat adult male humans. Bobo has surpassed the limits of apes.

And he knew that Carol and Hela were not Deathstroke's girlfriends, they just said that on purpose, in a good mood, just as a joke.

But Deathstroke didn't seem to hear his words. He just stood there quietly, as if thinking about something. Bobo, who was asking for trouble, shrugged his shoulders and had no choice but to start observing the surrounding environment.

This is a very ordinary small room. The originally white walls are slightly yellowed, and there is a lot of black mold in the corners. There is a simple small bed by the window. The quilt on the bed has not been folded, and the curtains are torn. It was tattered and had some unknown stains on it.

Besides the bed, there were only two other pieces of furniture in the room. One was a cheap clothes hanger with some clothes hanging on it. The other thing is a computer desk. There is an old computer on the desk, and the monitor is still a big-ass style.

Of course, these are not important. What is important is that there is a half-fruited male human corpse sitting in front of the computer.

The corpse was in a sitting position, with its upper body lying on the table and its face to the side of the wall. It was not very rotten. It looked like it had just died. In one hand, there was an instant noodle bowl with only a little soup left. The other hand rested on the computer case.

This is a man of yellow race, so you can clearly see that some of his fingers are burnt black, and there are lightning-shaped markings under the skin of his arm.

As a qualified detective, Bobo solved the case almost instantly. This was an accidental death. It was probably because the junk computer used a junk power supply and had no overload protection at all. For some reason, the metal chassis casing leaked electricity and the food was eaten. The man above accidentally touched the case and was killed as a result.

Having seen so many dead people, there was no ripple in Tanuki's heart. He just thought that such a way of death was funny, because the body still had its legs crossed, so it was probably quite comfortable when it died, right?

Life is like this, accidents always happen.

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