The Death Knell

Chapter 4685 Familiar Corpse

The room was almost empty. There was nothing worth seeing. The only corpse worth observing was Bobo. He found the cause of death instantly, so there was nothing to see. 「

He was a little confused as to why Deathstroke was standing here in a daze, still staring at the corpse. Could it be that he had discovered something else? This was not a corpse, but an enemy disguised as a corpse.

After thinking for a while, the orangutan decisively jumped off Deathstroke's shoulder and hid behind his thigh:

"Slade, is this... a trap?"

Deathstroke still didn't answer. He just asked Strangler to remove his mask and reveal his face, expressionless.

He walked to the computer desk, reached out and unplugged the power cord from the wall socket, and sighed softly.

Next, the mercenary pulled up the corpse lying on the table, broke the bowl of instant noodles from the stiff corpse's hand, then lifted the corpse up and let him lean on the back of the tattered computer chair.

This chair is also a cheap one, and it makes a squeaking sound when moved even slightly.

The wind blew in from the gap between the window and the wall, blowing the corpse's hair. Deathstroke smiled and shook his head, arranged the corpse's hair style, and then straightened its head that was tilted to one side.

The corpse seemed to have died not long ago and was in a state of rigor mortis, so the death knell broke his cervical vertebrae so that his head could be turned around.


The orangutan couldn't help but bared his teeth when he heard the crackling sound of bones. He didn't know why Deathstroke was playing with the corpse like this. Anyway, he didn't see anything wrong with it.

Judging from the strength of the bones and muscles, this corpse was just an ordinary person in life, and it was nothing more than passable in appearance. !

It's a pity that the death situation is a bit tragic. The expressions of people who are electrocuted to death are always particularly ferocious, and their mouths are opened to an exaggerated size, as if they are in extreme fear.

Looking at the face of the corpse, Deathstroke lit a cigarette about ten seconds later, then reached out to pat the computer, only to see Strangler quickly unscrew the screws from the chassis and take out the computer hard drive. Stuff it into the host's pocket.

After doing all this, Bobo found that Deathstroke seemed to be relieved, which made the orangutan confused.

"What is that? Did you find anything?"

"It's okay." Su Ming walked to the small bed, took apart the pillow, took out a dozen bills from it, put away the mobile phone on the bedside, and went to the clothes rack to pick out a few clothes.

"No, you even took away the dead man's clothes, and you said it's okay?" Bobo's face was filled with the expression of a black monkey question mark, and he wandered behind Deathstroke: "You used to only collect valuable trophies, but I No matter how you look at it, these clothes are all cheap items priced at one dollar and thirty cents each. They are probably only worn by Mexican smugglers, right?

Su Ming, who was putting away his clothes, paused and turned his head to look at Bobo speechlessly:

"Okay, I won't hide it from you anymore. I'm showing off my cards. These are my clothes. Are you satisfied?"

"Huh? Oh, I understand. If you pick up something belonging to a dead person, it belongs to you. It makes sense. The orangutan took a puff of his pipe, scratched his hair under his cuckold, grabbed a grain of salt, and threw it aside. : "But these things are really of little value, and the cause of this man's death is also obvious. Even if you collect these relics, you can't find any other results."?

Just in case, Bobo walked over to the body and took a closer look at it to make sure that he had not made a mistake in judgment. This was indeed an accidental death. The computer case was completely burnt, which was obviously caused by current overload.

Moreover, this house is too shabby. It only has a small room of ten square meters and a bathroom of two square meters. It doesn't even have a kitchen, and there is very little furniture. If you want to die for other reasons, you don't have the hardware conditions.

In such a destitute state, the probability of being plotted is very low, because the deceased has nothing that others want.

"That's not what I meant, my hairy friend. Su Ming was holding a dark blue long-sleeved jacket in his hand and touched the word security on the ***: "Let's put it this way, the one who died in front of the computer was my body. , my current soul is not my original body, do you understand?"

Yes, that's it, this is Su Ming's rental house in his previous life, and the person who died while sitting in front of the computer eating instant noodles was himself.

Although his expression was ferocious after being electrocuted, and his death was miserable, fortunately, he did not turn into black charcoal, and his body was not completely destroyed. You could recognize him just by looking at his face.

After arriving here, Su Ming was silent for a while. In fact, he was just thinking about a question.

Is this really the world that I lived in before? Or did Bai Bai fabricate some scenes to confuse himself?

It's possible both ways, so he's looking for evidence.

He probably knew how he died, so the cause of death was not important at all.

The amount of money hidden in the pillow is correct. This is the money to go back to the orphanage to seal red envelopes for the children during the Chinese New Year; the unlock password for the mobile phone is correct, and the chat history between myself and my colleagues is still there; the smell on the security uniform is also correct. I put on my own laundry detergent, and there was a hole in the cuff that was hung by a nail while patrolling the warehouse last night; the study materials stored in the hard drive of the broken computer have not been checked, but the number of teachers should be there.

All this evidence makes the investigation point begin to shift in one direction because there are so many details. Su Ming usually couldn't remember it clearly. He could only recall it when he got something, so it was blank. There is probably no possibility of reading his own memory and fabricating such a scene.

" turns out you are a resurrected corpse!" Bobo pretended to be surprised and cooperated, making some gasps and a look of horror on his face, but he immediately rolled his eyes: "Okay. , so what? Even if what you say is true, you are still my friend. Can we do serious things now? "

"No, I just want to collect a corpse for myself. You keep urging me, are you human? Just wait and see if Deadpool will come to us within five minutes. Su Ming dialed on the phone again After a few moments, I simply sat on the edge of the bed, opened the browser and looked at the web page. It turned out that I was checking the location of the nearby Baishi store.

In my previous life... no, I had no money when I was in this world. Now that I am gone, my money has not been spent. How painful it is.

With the little money I had saved in the past, I could still choose a better urn for myself and buy some incense and candle paper money. You must know that Su Ming liked to organize Xue gifts for himself. "

The orangutan sighed. He glanced at the corpse and then at the death knell. He came over with a pipe in his mouth, climbed onto the small bed on his hands and knees, and sat down next to the mercenary's thigh:

"Slade, as long as the soul is your own, we are all from the magic world and we all know that the body is just a decoration, so be open-minded."

"I'm not overthinking it, I'm just picking out the urn. Do you think the Ultraman carving looks good?"

Su Ming showed Bobo the phone in his hand. It was the official account of a Baishi store, which displayed various pictures of urns:

"Look, there's another line here. It says, 'Eternal, turned into light. What do you think?'"

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