The Death Knell

Chapter 4686 Adapting to the environment

Well, Bobo admitted that he was still speechless by the death knell.

What did he show himself? A weird man with a duck-egg-like head carved on the wood, and the box was red and white. Would any normal person really choose this kind of urn?

But thinking that the death knell was for himself, Bobo remained silent. After all, when it comes to choosing an urn, it is best to respect the opinions of the parties involved.

To be honest, the orangutan detective is well-informed and knows that cremation is popular in the big Eastern countries, so there is such a thing as an urn.

However, in the United States, everyone uses coffins, and the size of the coffin gives artists more room to express themselves.

Deathstroke on the side seemed to be able to see through his thoughts. He nodded, put the phone back and continued to rummage, saying:

"Actually, it would be better to use a coffin. I can also customize a sliding lid, and the entrance and exit will be more ceremonial."

"Why don't you get a foldable one so that the body can do sit-ups in it?"

The orangutan complained, and he was relieved to see that the death knell was not affected. He climbed up on the man's shoulder and sat down with a pipe in his mouth:

"Okay, Slade, let's get down to business. Since this corpse is your former self, then this is your former home, so this world is most likely where you lived before, right?"

"I dare not say absolutely, but it is possible." Su Ming lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth and smoked: "But you should be able to think of several other possibilities, so I won't emphasize them. We may even be Maybe in a dream."

In fact, there isn't much difference. Even if Blank got his memory from nowhere, if he recreated such a world based on his memory, then this place would be the same as the place Su Ming was familiar with, and it would have the same home field advantage.

Of course, I didn't have the habit of drilling into sewers before, so I was really unfamiliar with the underground in the city.

"Let me try." Bobo pinched his arm simply, and he grinned in pain: "Well, it probably wasn't a dream, it hurts a lot, and it may have been bruised."

"Our understanding of dreams is very limited. In other cosmic systems, whether there is pain in dreams is another matter." Su Ming calmly put away his mobile phone. He had already bought the urn, and the courier in the city would soon deliver it. Will deliver the goods: "And when we enter this universe, I was thrown here directly. The whole process is a bit too deliberate, don't you think?"

This incident cannot be a coincidence. It is not a possibility that the murderer returned to the scene of the crime and returned to the place where he died. It is impossible for it to be a coincidence.

Su Ming was 90% sure that it was Bai Bai who threw him here. The purpose was either to disturb his mind, or to delay time and set up some kind of trap, or both.

But as I said before, Su Ming came in with the mentality of avoiding the trap even though he knew that this single universe was a trap.

Since Bai Kong wants to prepare a trap, let her prepare it. Su Ming wants to see what tricks she can do if she is rigid.

"It does feel deliberate..." The orangutan took a puff of the cigarette and took out his stainless steel flask from his arms to take another sip. The stimulating taste of pure whiskey made him grin: "However, if she just gives If you show the body you have used before, it will not affect your mentality. We have seen a lot of dead people. "

If nothing else, Deathstroke may be the person with the most stable mentality that Bobo has ever seen.

Many superheroes have emotional control problems, and even Superman is no exception. He also experiences loss, fear, and pain. This is why Batman thinks he is human.

But Deathstroke would not. He had always maintained absolute emotional stability during the mission, which was so frighteningly stable that he was like a machine specially designed for the mission.

"Ah, indeed, if it were me, I would at least draw some blasphemous paintings on the corpse, or simply design a booby trap underneath the corpse, one that would explode all the intestines on the ceiling if it moved. "Su Ming took a puff of the cigarette and patted the security uniform on her lap: "But Bailan didn't seem to want to do that, so how else could she be said to be rigid.

"Okay, it's almost time. Deadpool still hasn't teleported here. Are you sure he can find you no matter what the situation is?" The orangutan changed the topic. Anyway, there is no difference in the display of the corpse. Yes.

"Yeah, but Wade's belt and his people are both cheap. Just like his self-healing ability, it can be fast or slow. It's completely random."

Putting the security uniform that he didn't like very much back into his pocket again, Su Ming checked what else could be taken away from the rental house. Although they were all shabby and worthless things, their emotional value was also valuable. A sort of.

Especially this security uniform. I used to think it was ugly and fat, but times have changed. Maybe I can still wear it when I play role-playing with Harley in the future.

"In that case, we don't have to wait for him. Anyway, no matter where you are, he can teleport directly to you. Then we should go find someone else first, for example, the big guy with purple skin. By the way, I think Your other two friends don't seem to like Thanos that much, so, he's an alien?"

Bobo understands Deathstroke. In his eyes, aliens have no human rights. They are almost like chickens, ducks, or pigs and dogs. They can be consumables or consumables.

"Isn't this obvious? Although there are purple-skinned anomalies on my 40k earth, Thanos is famous in our universe. He once flicked half of the creatures in the universe to ashes with a snap of his fingers. , I was still playing games with the Laughing Bat here on Earth 0. "

Deathstroke probably mentioned the Mad Titan's great achievements and agreed with Bobo's opinion. After a while, he went out to find Thanos first. He is an unstable factor:

"But we still have to wait for a while. I asked the local courier to pick up the urn for me. The store is not too far away. If we calculate the time, we should be there soon."

Just as he was talking, there was a knock on the door outside the small room. The thin walls could not block the voices outside:

"Is there anyone at home? Your express delivery!"

This small shabby rental house is located in a village in the city. It is surrounded by poor people and the environment is very poor. The courier's attitude is a little impatient, which is understandable.

"Haha, Cao Cao will be here soon." Su Ming asked Hangsha to hide the body on the computer chair under the table, while he carried Bobo to open the door. His body began to change, and his face became that of his past self. The blue armor also turned into big pants and a two-way vest: "It's coming, it's coming, hurry up!"

As soon as the door opened, the courier was in a hurry and stuffed the urn wrapped in a plastic bag into Su Ming's arms, then turned to leave, but before leaving, he asked:

"Brother, the monkey is pretty good. How much did it cost?

The orangutan was about to correct the other party's words, but his mouth was covered by the death knell. At this time, the ordinary-looking mercenary replied with a smile:

"The monkeys are not for sale."

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