The Death Knell

Chapter 4687 Return to Hometown

After sending away the courier who wanted to see the monkey, as soon as the door was closed, a piece of dust fell on the old door frame, and a spider web hung on the door.

Su Ming tore open the plastic bag in his hand and took out the contents. Su Ming looked at the urn and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, I still prefer the Black Cat Sheriff style to the Ultraman style. It's great. I've wanted an urn like this in the past, but I never had the chance to buy one.

The street of this white shop is also very wild. The cat's head is carved lifelike, the cat's eyes on the box are as wide as bells, even the beard is carved out, and the cat's hair is completely visible.

But don’t expect this kind of thing to be handmade. It must be done by a machine, and it can’t be a genuine copyrighted product.

Speaking of which, the business of doing white things has to keep pace with the times. In the past, old people liked traditional styles, such as carving cranes or pine and cypresses. And when most of the people who die are Su Ming's generation, there will be a market for two-dimensional urns.

He spoke with great emotion, and his eyes when looking at the small box were full of emotion. Bobo couldn't tell whether it was a joke or the truth, so he could only say:

"I don't think a living person can use this kind of thing, right? But it turns out that you have always been a cat fanatic. No wonder A Thousand Cats Dream likes to play with you.

"You are wrong again, my Bo."

Su Ming returned to the computer desk holding the box and corrected one of Bobo's statements:

"The dream of a dry cat looks like a cat, behaves like a cat, and is held like a cat. But it is not one cat, but the dream of a thousand cats. It is the embodiment of a concept."

In cats' dreams, cats are the main characters and characters: just like in people's dreams, whether it is themselves or others who appear, humans are the main characters.

Su Ming has seen many dreams, both sweet dreams and nightmares, but there is no simple "landscape dream", the kind where there is no living thing in it, only natural scenery.

Because no matter what kind of beautiful scenery it is, it must be seen by a living creature before it can be recognized.

It sounds like the idealism of "The sun exists because of me," but dreams are the most idealistic thing, because people can't prove to others that they exist.

"Tsk, I get it. By the way, why is there no such thing as Gorilla Dream?"

The black-haired detective squatted on the man's shoulder and looked directly at the urn, as if trying to see what was inside.

"Yes, orangutans also have their own dreams, their own Sandman."

Deathstroke answered him while opening the urn, taking out the warranty card and desiccant packet and throwing them aside.

"But I guess your dreams don't belong to it, because ordinary orangutans only dream about how many more fruits they eat every day and how many female orangutans they have. And your thoughts are human thoughts, except that you don't like humans. Except women."

"And all Sandman are actually the same? Are they all Daniel?"

Little Fuorang nodded, and when he mentioned other orangutans, he also looked down upon them.

"The Sandman is like this, it can be one, or it can be all. You can think of Ganmao Meng as a Sandman, or you can think of it as a multiple personality of the Sandman. You can even pretend that they don't exist. Because that’s what dreams are like."

After taking a puff of cigarette, Su Ming wiped his hands on his Erdao vest, and then used the force to control the body under the table to fly up.

Then he no longer had any nostalgia, mobilized his cosmic energy in his hand, and patted the corpse lightly.

How can an ordinary person's body withstand this? In the blink of an eye, it exploded into a puddle of ash in the colorful light and shadow.

Hanging was waiting with the pot transformed from the lightsaber in his hand. When the handful of ashes were gathered together by the force and fell from the air, he caught them with a frying spoon, just like he was holding a pot to stir-fry. , and then dunked into the open urn.

It's just right, it's full, the ashes burned by the host are neither too much nor too little, just one box.

But Su Ming still had a look of regret on his face. He closed the lid of the box, put away his weapon and shook his head:

"It seems that I was really nothing before

Such a good person, he didn't even burn the relics. I'm not even as good as the Holy Mother on the Internet. "


The orangutan on the side didn't know what to say, and gave a perfunctory laugh, because he didn't know how to answer this. This was the first time he saw someone checking his ashes, and he was disgusted that they were not burned.

Besides, bombarding with cosmic energy will directly break the corpse into a molecular state. It is not a true cremation. Where does the calcium salt recrystallization come from?

"Okay, five minutes are up, let's get down to business." Su Ming's vest and big pants squirmed and deformed, turning into thick black and yellow armor again: "First, gather all our teammates. , and then go straight to Huanglong.

"How to do it specifically?" The orangutan looked out the window. It was bright and bright outside, which was not the night Deathstroke liked.

"It's very simple. Regardless of whether this is the universe I used to live in, Blank has another purpose for throwing me here." Su Ming took out his phone and shook it towards Bobo. He lit up the screen: " In the past, I was an ordinary person. Apart from being able to stay up late playing games and reading comics, I didn’t have any extraordinary abilities. Blank may also know this, so by throwing me here, she is also exerting a psychological suggestion... "

Su Ming lit a cigarette and took a puff. Even though it was his own body, the smell when it was cremated was not very good, so he needed some nicotine to suppress it while typing.

"I understand, she wants to hint you to forget your superpowers, no, she wants to put invisible restraints on you."

The orangutan is also a clever little guy. When the death knell was mentioned, he immediately thought of it, and his black eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Yes, she wants me to go back to the past state, caring about the world and everyone here." Deathstroke showed a dark smile, and he blinked at the orangutan: "I told you before, It's very simple to destroy the enemy's trap. First of all, don't let others lead you. "

After that, Deathstroke covered half of the phone's screen with his hand and gave it a look to the orangutan.

Loneliness, alienation, fear, despair, self-worth, laughter…

Bobo knew what it was just after reading the beginning. He opened his eyes and looked at Deathstroke. After confirming that the other party was serious and had posted this series of formulas on social media, the orangutan swallowed. saliva:

"You posted the Anti-Life Equation on WeChat Moments, so your former friends and colleagues will soon be infected, and then you control them to spread it to more people?"

"Haha, since I have this weapon in my hand, why don't I use it? Isn't it just for the dark concept and the anti-life equation he mastered that I killed the real Darkseid? You don't think I'm really free Can you help the Justice League?"

Deathstroke turned off the phone screen, put it in his pocket, and patted his waist with a relaxed expression:

"And you have to know that I have restrained myself enough, otherwise, I would still have many ways to overturn the table."

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