The Death Knell

Chapter 4691 Concept Weapon

"Wade, take off your mask and go to the front of the line.

Carrying Deadpool with you is indeed not good for your health, especially your appetite and blood pressure.

But at critical moments, you can always use your cousin to do something. Whether it's a backup or a thunder trip, Wade is particularly useful.

What is needed now is for him to use his special skills, the passive effect he carries, that is, his appearance that is comparable to the ancient god of cow dung.

After long-distance fights with several men in black robes on the road, Su Ming found that if he could kill them by breaking their necks with force chokeholds, then they should be humanoid creatures, and some kind of creature with a spine, most of them The probability is that there will also be stomach and respiratory tract.

As long as you have self-awareness, are not mentally ill, and have a stomach, you will most likely be affected by Deadpool's "nauseating" effect.

"It happens every time. I know that my face is not as good-looking as before because of the disease, but it can still be considered handsome, right?" Still holding the katana in his hand, Deadpool raised his orchid fingers and pulled off the mask, rotten His mouth was full of jagged and rotten teeth, and he was still muttering: "These guys don't know how to appreciate it. They will vomit when they see me. This is too much, it's so sad..."

"Really, it sounds a bit pitiful, ugh..." Tracey still sympathized with Deadpool a little bit, but after the other party turned to look at her moved by this, the little girl covered her mouth and bent down.

"Why do you think you are joining in the fun?" The chimpanzee squatting on Deathstroke's shoulder was a little gloating. He stretched out his arms to pat her back and said, "It's okay. I'm used to it. It's our first time meeting Deadpool. I even vomited when I was young, after all, under normal circumstances, no one would look like this."

Bobo also recalled the scene when they first met, when Deathstroke was dealing with Doctor Destiny who was possessed by Naboo. At that time, the poor Doctor had no power to fight back in front of Deadpool and turned into a fountain of vomit. , was beheaded by Deathstroke. .

It stands to reason that Dr. Destiny has been around the magic world for so long and has seen a lot of disgusting monsters, including tentacle monsters, mud monsters, ugly bug-men, etc.

But even his resistance and experience can't resist the effects of Deadpool. This disgusting feeling seems to come from the heart, a kind of filth engraved in DNA, in the survival instinct of people. Disgust and revulsion.

There is no other way but to adapt. Bobo also came into contact with Deadpool again and again, which gave him his current mentality.


Sure enough, after Deadpool took off his mask, the team's forward speed suddenly accelerated.

The men in black robes blocking the road had difficulty standing up normally, let alone showing their true abilities to fight against them.

It's not that there are no macho men among them. There are actually a few people who are vomiting and crawling on the ground and want to resist, but it's useless. As long as Deadpool comes closer, they smell something like fox urine coming from their bodies. After the strong aroma like grizzly bear shit, the hands holding the weapons were shaking as if they had Parkinson's disease, and they vomited into fountains.

"It's too uncomfortable, I'm in too much pain." Deadpool seemed to want to find an enemy who wouldn't vomit when he saw him. As long as the other party could persist, he would go over and try to talk to them, and the result was that he would completely kill each enemy. Put down: "My young heart has been severely damaged. This kind of thing is too dark. I must pay more!"

"Okay, more money." Su Ming was so free that he even put down his hands. The men in black robes vomited in the corridor until they fell into coma, which saved everyone a lot of trouble.

And because they are not dead, they will naturally not be resurrected, so they can only roll and twitch in vomit, or fall into a baby-like sleep.

Once Deadpool has used it, it is no less than a conceptual weapon like the Anti-Life Equation, so if someone wants to add money, I, as an older brother, will not be stingy. My brother will settle the score, so he will also add $500 this time.

Although the U.S. dollar will soon be obsolete on the 40k side of the earth, isn't it not yet obsolete?

With the speed at which Deadpool spends money, even if you give him a few million dollars, he will spend it on women within a day or two, so he doesn't have to worry about currency reform, he just needs to have fun as usual.

In this way, Deadpool is used like a "Gorgon", and the group has a smooth journey. Although the road ahead is not covered with flowers and red carpets, but with all kinds of vomit and urine, this is It is the path of a warrior, and the enemy's cry is the most beautiful sound.

"Here we are, just behind this door.

Hela withdrew her gaze from a man in black robes. It was a blue-skinned alien. It was unclear whether he had Kree blood. He vomited all over his face and rolled around. His face was a bit unclear. . But this guy just dug out two of his eyes, as if he regretted seeing Deadpool's face.

"Get out of the way! I'm coming!"

There was a shout and the sound of striding running behind everyone. When they turned around, they saw that it was Thanos who had been abandoned outside to attract enemy firepower.

He came over and brought a lot of "tails."

"The front team changes to the back team." Su Ming ordered to adjust the formation and handed over the following black-robed people to Deadpool: "Thanos, I thought you were still addicted to killing enemies, so let's help you find out first. Exploring the path."

"Hmph, I'm not one of those idiots who will be thrown away easily by you." Thanos and Deathstroke passed by each other, and the purple giant kicked open the door in front of him. He didn't even have the time to say anything to Deathstroke, but shouted. Launch a charge: "My goddess! I'm here! Your Thanos is here to save you!"

Just like the last time I saw the goddess of death, she was floating in mid-air, with a mysterious magic circle at her feet. At this time, there seemed to be a light source on her chest, shining brightly. Unfortunately, it was a deep purple light, which looked a little bit... gloomy.

There were many men in black robes surrounding the magic circle. When they saw Thanos breaking in, they immediately began to cast spells, as if they were planning to escape from here.

But this time, they failed, because Deathstroke wrapped the entire pocket space in darkness, sealing the space layer by layer.

They were able to escape in front of Deathstroke for the first time before, but the same moves would not work on the Saints a second time. Deathstroke had seen their teleportation and understood the principle of their teleportation, so naturally he would not let them escape this time. Opportunity.

I saw these people cracking their fingers and stomping their feet, but it was all useless. Although they couldn't see their faces, their panic could be felt through their body movements.

"Run! Why don't you run?!" The lightsaber popped out of Deathstroke's hand, but then it turned into a golden pan: "I'll let you run 49 meters first, and then you'll be done with it if I knock it. !「

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