The Death Knell

Chapter 4692 Two men competing for women

These men in black robes undoubtedly had no faith, and they worshiped her like a god.

From the perspective that Blank can help people realize their wishes, it is indeed good. It is fully qualified to be called a god. However, there is also a big drawback in using an organizational structure similar to religion.

That is when believers find that their gods can no longer help them, causing their faith to collapse, they will fall into confusion and chaos, and become a group of fools.

Some people may ask, why don't they make a wish to Blank and let Blank save them?

The answer is also very simple, that is, Blank cannot help people realize their wishes in this multiverse. Her ability is only effective in DC multiverse.

Su Ming has been using various clues to speculate on the scope of Blank's abilities, what exactly she is, what abilities she has mastered, what conditions are needed to activate these abilities, etc.

If Blank can really ignore the differences between different worlds and help people realize their wishes in any universe, then there is no need for her to target Superman and Batman. She is the true omnipotent god of the universe and above, and her opponent should be toaa Or a power like God instead of some masked vigilante.

So from the beginning, Su Ming judged that the blank space would not be at such a high level, or that her eyes could not reach that level, it was too small, and the layout was too small.

Therefore, there must be weaknesses or loopholes in her abilities. For example, she must capture death and fuse the seeds of death to give her subordinates the ability to resurrect from the dead.

After knowing that someone in DC made a wish to make a fortune, Su Ming immediately contacted the adjutant and asked her to investigate the 40k side. The result was that it was useless even if the unbelievers made wishes again, even if they said the name Blank in their mouths, the same No response will be received.

So Su Ming came to another important conclusion.

Blank was born in the DC universe. She is not an alien from the outside, nor is she a monster from a higher level. Many of her abilities are only valid in the DC universe, but not in Marvel.

In this way, Su Ming was betting that there were no bullets in her gun. No, he was betting that she would not be able to grant people's wishes in other universes.

The reason is also very simple. Su Ming himself can adjust the flow of time in the 40k universe, mobilize the concept of darkness, use the energy of the universe without restrictions, and even complete many miracles that look like God's work. He has very high authority; but in the same In his own ghost universe, he could not adjust the time flow rate in Sepurk, and he could not even summon Weishan Emperor by burning paper without making some preparations.

Of course both universes belong to Su Ming, but there is a difference in where the base camp is.

The same goes for Blank. DC is her hometown and she was born there, so she has very high authority; this flat white multiverse may have been occupied by her later. She is also the owner here, but she has not fully understood it. As a result, the control ability is greatly reduced.

Now that he knew this, Su Ming made some targeted preparations, so these men in black robes must all die here today.

"Xiao Dai, Carol, cover Thanos." Su Ming ordered while waving the golden pot and rushed towards the enemy group: "Thanos, go and put down Death!"

In fact, there is no need to say Deathstroke. Thanos, who watched death being taken away from his eyes last time, did not make the same mistake this time. He is now rushing towards the magic circle in the center of the hall, heading straight for the goddess of death.

The people in black robes couldn't escape, so they started to fight like crazy. All kinds of attacks were directed at Thanos who was rushing at the front. There were magic rays, cosmic energy, technological weapons, and all kinds of beams of light fell on Thanos. .

He was beaten and staggered, but he still moved forward.

It was getting closer, getting closer. When he came to the edge of the magic circle, he jumped up suddenly, jumped into the air and hugged Death floating in the air, tore her out of the invisible restraint, and the two of them rolled down to the ground together. .


The death on the ground seemed very painful. She seemed to be asleep, but now she screamed.

In her mouth and in her eyes, everything

A black beam of light was emitted, and with the light, the death seed on her chest began to become unstable, shaking like a tractor engine.

Terrifying negative energy flowed out of her body, and Thanos around her seemed to be coated with a layer of gray, but he still hugged Death tightly without letting go, and at the same time called her with a gentle voice:

"Goddess, my goddess, I'm here to save you. Please see my love for you."


The goddess of death was still screaming. Of course, this time there was another man in black robe who screamed at the same time as her. After seeing Thanos hugging Death, the man in black robe knocked back the attacker who attacked him with one punch. Carol kicked Diana's shield again and forced her back, roaring:

"The goddess of death is mine, Thanos! Let go of your dirty hands!"

"What? Is there any fun? Ouch~~~~I understand."

At this time, Deadpool, who had finished dealing with the pursuers and strolled back to Deathstroke, was putting on his mask. When he saw this scene, he suddenly realized:

"This is a common scene in romantic dramas between two men fighting for a woman, right? One of the two men is a domineering CEO, the other is a warm and affectionate puppy. They fell in love with a woman at the same time. Sure enough. I have seen it a lot, and there is a good peace. Solution, because on the road, this kind of thing will often develop into three horses in the end..."

"Bah, bah, we have minors here, please pay attention!" The orangutan in the distance quickly covered Tracy's ears to prevent the little girl from hearing these things.

Of course, the girl didn't seem to understand. Even though she was dressed in a very unconventional way, her father was the boss of the Earth-0 Cross Tribunal, and she was the eldest daughter of a wealthy family in the true sense.

He was kept at home since he was a child, and when he grew up, he went to the Forgotten Bar. He said he worked to support himself, but in fact he was taken care of by his father's friends.

It can't be said to be a flower in the greenhouse, but it can also be regarded as a person who never leaves the front door or steps forward. There are not many things she has access to. Otherwise, how could her idol be Harley? She longs for that kind of free spirit. As for the Tracey probably doesn't even know how many people Harley has killed and how dangerous Gotham is.

"Ah, my bad." Deadpool apologized immediately. He gently covered his mouth with his hand and slapped it: "My movie really needs to strive for an NC-17 rating. This is a bit too much. Director, just cut the part. ah."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and help me." Su Ming was holding a black-robed man in his hand. He handed the enemy who was still struggling after being strangled and tied up to Deadpool: "Put his head under your arm. one time."

"I understand what you mean, but don't talk about the armpits, I'm ticklish." Deadpool smiled playfully and spread his legs, taking a squatting position, and flexing his fingers: "Come on, still Put it in the place where Mr. Deadpool is used to it. I just happened to hold in a fart... Oh, I shouldn't believe that it's just a fart. I just tried it for a while, but something else came out. I can still stuff it now. ?"


I don’t know if the enemy he grabbed could understand English, but with the extremely frightened eyes in his eyes and the vomit that was already pouring out like a fountain, the death knell still grabbed it like a firewood stick and held it. Its head was close to Deadpool's hip.

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