The Death Knell

Chapter 4693: Catch each other and fight

Before it even hit him, the man in black robe in his hand was already vomiting and giggling, especially when a brownish-yellow gas was sprayed on its face, and the face that was already covered with vomit appeared. He gave a big smile and even ate back a lot of what he had vomited out before.

When Su Ming saw this, he let go:

"He's crazy. He's overstimulated and his brain is fried."

"It seems so, but didn't I just make a joke with him?" Deadpool curled his lips, and his eyes fell on Thanos and Death. At this time, the one who had fought off Carol and Diana before The little man in black robe is rushing towards Thanos: "It's just ordinary American bullying. Although I haven't gone to college, I have watched a lot of youth movies. Don't all those frat guys fart in the faces of nerds? Are you having fun, I haven’t seen anyone go crazy.”

***'s anti-hero level is quite high. In his opinion, killing is just like eating bread, so bullying is of course equivalent to an ordinary joke.

Speaking of this, Wade still feels a little regretful. He really missed out on a lot by not going to college. How many female college students did he miss out on?

"You must have not finished watching those movies, because in most similar plots, the bullied people either commit suicide or become murderers." Su Ming shook his wrist, and the golden pot in his hand turned back to light. In the shape of a sword, he looked at the condition of the goddess of death over there and said: "The state of death seems to be very unstable now, and she is about to burst.

Just like what Deathstroke said, there is a crack in Death's chest, and a stone that looks like a giant cotton boll is growing out of it. It should be the Seed of Death, a creation of the original gods.

Although it looks like a purple-black stone from a distance, if you look closely, you can see that there are thin indentations on it, with purple light spots swimming like tadpoles.

This kind of thing reminded Su Ming of the Necron Slate he got from the Warhammer Universe, except that the light spots swimming on it were green.

"I think so. Well, logically speaking, I should go over and see her, but if Thanos's mad dog sees me approaching, he will definitely hit me again." Deadpool scratched his head and looked at her through the mask. Her scalp was making a gurgling sound of pus: "And I'm really not a doctor, and I have never treated the concept of embodiment. Although I know the body of death very well, I probably can't save her. 「

"Don't panic. If it doesn't work, take her back to 40k. Can't you use your plot continuity gem there? Are you afraid that you won't be able to save her?" Su Ming calmly gave an idea, Then he took out a box of chewing gum from his pocket and threw it to his cousin: "Go and get rid of the taste in your mouth first. You may have to communicate with death later. Let's watch the show first."

What show to watch? Of course it's the show between the little man in black robe and Thanos.

At this time, the two of them had already exchanged hands. Although the man in black robe was not big and was only slightly taller than Damian, his fighting power was really good. His body was burning with golden cosmic energy, and every move he made was full of energy. The sound of thunder, just by looking at it casually, one can tell that it is at least the pinnacle of the single universe level. 2

Because Thanos is at this level under normal circumstances, the relationship between the two currently seems to be 50-50.

Of course, this level is a bit lower than the current Su Ming himself, but if there is such a person in his hands, why not use it? Isn't this man in black robe much stronger than the "Three Mothers?"

As the battle progressed, Su Ming understood the reason after about fifteen seconds. It was that this little man in black robes had really poor combat experience.

Obviously, Thanos's battles don't have any decent routines. They all rely on miraculous recklessness with great strength. The holes between the moves are wide open, and there are as many flaws as the stars in the sky, but the little man seems to be invisible. Want to go head-to-head with Thanos.

The cosmic energy from both sides collided, making the sky dark and the ground dark, the space was agitated, and it was extremely lively, but...

Su Ming was a hundred meters away, and his blood pressure was rising, so he almost didn't remind Master Hei to cut Thanos in the middle.

"Huh, I can't look. I'm so worried. What are you talking about?" Su Ming turned his head and looked aside speechlessly. At this time, Hela faced another man in black robes.

It was a magician. The other person's hands and fingers formed a triangle on his chest. If you took a quick look, you might have thought it was the Holy Seal of Emperor Weishan.

But if you look closely, you can see the difference. When performing the Weishan Emperor Seal, the tip of the fingers is pointing upward, while when he is performing the Seal, the tip is pointing downward, which is exactly the opposite, so this is a "reverse" Trinity "Seal.

This turned out to be an anti-Trinity spokesperson.

As mentioned before, Emperor Weishan has two groups of three rivals, one is the Ash Trisolaris and the other is the Anti-Trinity. The spokesperson of the former is the Ashes Supreme, and the latter is the Ultimate Supreme. Logically speaking, as the Supreme Mage, when he sees either of the two, he should immediately go up and fight to the death, killing the other's for his own god. The spokesperson is.

When he was doing the Dormammu thing, Su Ming killed an Ash Supreme, who was a very traditional mage. Facing an anti-mage like Deathstroke, he was beheaded after just a few moves. He didn't expect to see him here today. Going to another company's spokesperson is really a road of enemies.

But now that I have helpers, there is no need to go up and fight with others myself, let Hela also help.

The current situation is quite optimistic. Most of the men in black robes have been knocked down by Deadpool and are addicted to vomit. It is not a big problem for the few remaining soldiers to practice with Tracy.

The little man in black robe and the Ultimate Supreme were dealt with by Thanos and Hela respectively. Now he can see what the situation of Lady Death is like.

Doing what he thought of, Deathstroke raised his hand and activated the force, dragging the woman over there who was screaming and spitting out black light after being dropped by Thanos from the ground.


She was still shaking her head and shouting. The seed of death in her chest seemed to be larger than before. No, the volume coming out of her chest was larger.

"The stone seems to be separated from this woman." The orangutan squatting on Deathstroke's shoulder said this, and then turned his attention to Tracy. Although it was safe to stand next to Deathstroke and cast spells to bomb the black-robed men left for her, but The orangutan still had to keep an eye on the bartender to feel at ease.

"Well, it's a pity that I'm not a doctor, and Death is not a human being. My strangulation can't do anything about her illness." Su Ming looked at Deadpool, because at this time, it is almost possible to take the person back to 40k for rescue.

Although I don't know what will happen if the Death Seed and the Death Goddess are separated, it seems that she is in great pain now, which does not seem like a good thing.

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Deathstroke." At this moment, Jack, a journeyman who had been making soy sauce on the side, spoke. He took off the tool string he was carrying on his shoulder and opened it with a click, revealing the densely packed tools inside: "I don't know how to do it. Save people, but I can repair this piece of technology and get it out safely, can you let me try it first?"

He picked up a wrench in his left hand and a welding gun in his right hand, pointed with his chin at the black stone that was still slowly separating on the goddess's chest, and said this confidently.

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