The Death Knell

Chapter 4695 Abnormal Emotions

I saw the black robe slowly falling to the ground, and its original owner revealed his true appearance.

It was a little bald head that looked very much like Thanos, with purple skin and a slightly bulging belly. Although he looked short and thin, his eyes were burning with golden flames at this time.

Seeing this person, Deadpool took a breath of cold air, took three steps back, and shook his head several times like a Japanese charmer shaking his head:

"It turned out to be him."

"Haha, isn't it him?" Su Ming simply took off his mask, lit a cigarette and smoked: "I already knew it was him, so this is a surprise I prepared for Thanos."

"How did you know it was him?" Wade also squatted down, stretched out his hand and asked his cousin for a cigarette: "Did the audience veterans also tell you?"

As he said that, Deadpool's small eyes were still looking in the direction of no one, winking as if he was complaining, complaining that the veterans in the live broadcast room should not bypass him and contact Deathstroke directly.

"No, think about it, besides Thanos and a psychopath like you, who else would be obsessed with death?"

Su Ming was not crazy. Naturally, he did not see any non-existent audience speaking. He told his reasoning process. Although it was very concise, it was very credible.

Normal people all know that death is the embodiment of a concept. For example, it is water vapor in the air or radiation in space. Will normal people fall in love with such a thing?

She does have independent thinking and emotions similar to humans, but after all, she is not a human being, but a concept.

Concepts are the rules for the operation of the universe, and they are various constraints and rules. Loving her will have no good results, because these things are ruthless. According to the old saying, this is "treating all things as a cud dog."

In addition, Marvel’s Goddess of Death is the top green tea bitch among green tea bitches. It’s okay to have sex with her like Deadpool. It’s like a double workout. But other than that, if you ask Deadpool what’s going on? How much do you love her? That's another story.

No, Su Ming doesn’t mean that Deadpool doesn’t love her, but that Deadpool loves too many people. He loves all of his horses. He even loves his cousin, but the one he loves most is definitely Not death.

Speaking of which, Vanessa should still be his favorite. After all, it was his first love after suffering from brain cancer and becoming mentally unstable.

Of course, his wife now is Xia Kaila, which is normal. After all, as a man, who can guarantee that the woman he marries will be the one he loves most? Life is such a reality.

"It turns out it's reasoning, beef, cousin." Wade gestured with his thumbs in a disgraceful manner, and came over with a cigarette in his mouth, trying to rub fire with the cigarette held in Deathstroke's mouth: "But before I I really didn’t expect it to be him, this guy is a bit perverted.”

"Ahem." At this time, the orangutan coughed twice, interrupting the communication between the two brothers, and interjected with a black question mark on his face: "What are you two talking about? Can you explain it to me."

Su Ming has always wanted to answer the questions that little Fu orangutan has. After all, in the DC universe, there are not many people who can truly be considered one of his own, and Bobo is definitely one of them.

"It's a bit complicated to say, but let me summarize it. The woman in front of us is the goddess of death in the Marvel universe, a collection of concepts, but unlike DC's second sister, she is more like a human being. Do you understand what I mean? ?」

"Understood." Bobo glanced at the goddess who was still screaming with her mouth wide open, clasped her ears with her little fingers, and threw away some of the earwax that was knocked out: "Then what?"

"Then she can give birth to children." Deadpool began to scratch his toes again, placed the boots on the toes, and put the fingers on the feet under his nose to smell: "But you should be able to understand this, right? I just heard from veterans that the DC Endless family also has a mother. Their common mother is called "Mother Night, right? That's probably what it is."

In fact, Mother Night has no blood connection with the seven brothers and sisters of the Endless Family in the conventional sense. The concept she represents is the night, and everything else is born from the darkness brought by the night, so strictly speaking, she is only a Mother on the rules.

"Well, I probably understand." Bobo actually doesn't fully understand, but his spirit is probably

After understanding, there was a hint of understanding on the monkey's face.

So Deadpool reached out and touched Death's belly. He looked at her face: "If you can understand this, I can explain it easily. The little man we see now is called Zane. He is the leader of Thanos and Death. Son, biological son, the goddess of death calling from his mouth is his mother."

In fact, veterans have also said that if it were Earth 616 or 1610, Zane should be the son of Thanos and other alien women.

But it’s different in Earth 40k. There are different fireworks here.

"Hiss~~~" Hearing this, the orangutan also took a breath of cold air. He looked at the purple-skinned father and son fighting over there, then looked down at Death, who was still screaming, and said dumbly: "This is too perverted. , ugh! Even among the mental illnesses in Gotham, there are not many Oedipus..."

"Martha." At this moment, the word suddenly popped out of Deathstroke's mouth.

The orangutan immediately rolled his eyes. He sat on Deathstroke's shoulder and shook his head: "Batman doesn't count. He just misses Martha. But look at the purple-skinned boy's eyes. Look, his eyes are full of The kind of desire between a man and a woman, he really wants his mother."

"Ah, this can probably be regarded as a family inheritance?" Su Ming glanced at Deadpool and asked for his opinion.

"It should be." Wade also felt that Zane's gaze at this time was a bit anti-human. He took a deep breath of cigarette, raised his middle finger towards the purple-skinned boy, and explained to the orangutan: "Thanos has a brother. , called Xinghu, he is the most famous pervert in our universe. Really, compared with Xinghu, we are like pure snowdrops.

Having said this, Deadpool shuddered, because Star Fox's hobby in this area is even scarier than Zeus's. He is someone who won't even let go of tree holes or mouse holes on the roadside.

Wade is very clear about his situation. He has a strong desire in that regard and likes to have sex with beautiful women.

But Xinghu... is really a taboo name. Both he and his cousin try not to mention that person, because just mentioning him makes their hearts become dirty.

"So, a serious brother, and then a pervert brother?" Bobo's eyes drifted from the faces of Deathstroke and Deadpool, the monkey lowered his head, and whispered: "I seem to have seen such a device somewhere. It’s settled…”

"Zane is three or four years old this year? I can't remember clearly, but he seems to have had some adventure, and now he can equal Thanos. Deadpool glanced at Jack's work progress, and he scratched Butt: "But I guess Thanos is probably more inclined to fight Zane alone and won't let us interfere, right?"

"It's okay, Zane can't win. He is still too young after all." Su Ming's eyes moved to the mage who was fighting Hela: "He is just a knife. We will kill the person who wields the knife first."

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