The Death Knell

Chapter 4696: betrayal and separation

If it is the story of Earth 616, Zane should be the child of Thanos and other alien women. His mother died after being abandoned by Thanos, so he hates Thanos, and was also chosen by death to become the one who tried to replace Thanos. people.

His growth experience was almost the same as Thanos's. He also had death whispering around him at a young age, which caused him to have various hallucinations and his mental state was extremely unstable.

However, he has no independent opinion. After sleeping with Death, he is basically completely controlled by her. In normal days, he is controlled by another person around him.

That person was nominally his strategist, helping him with advice, but in reality he was just another careerist who used sweet words and flattery to manipulate him in disguise.

Anyone who has read the comics knows that this person is Ebony Maw.

After betraying Thanos, this former subordinate has been trying to kill Zizhu, because he knows how the traitor will treat the traitor. If he doesn't kill the Titan, the Mad Titan will kill him.

So he took advantage of Zane, who was powerful but had the IQ of a three-year-old child.

In the comics, Zane did obtain the power of the forgotten ancient gods from the God's Quarry, and even defeated Thanos once, took away Death in front of his face, cuckolded his own father, and threw him in space Waiting to die here can be said to be a moment of unparalleled glory.

However, the dying Thanos did not die. He regained his strength and killed Zane in the second battle.

Purple ginger is still spicy.

After recalling the story that should have happened in the parallel world, Su Ming now looked at the mage covered in black robes. He must be Ebony Maw. Although he didn't know when he became the Ultimate Supreme, it didn't matter. Deathstroke has always been a counter to all kinds of spellcasters.

The question that the Supreme Mage is thinking about now is actually Zane.

If Zane is the biological son of Death in the 40k universe, then the fact that he fell in love with his mother is really a bit abnormal.

But after thinking about it, Su Ming felt relieved again. Xiao Zishu was an alien, and he didn't need to do things according to human concepts. Many aliens had this kind of abnormal love. Much like beasts, inbreeding is not uncommon in the universe.

However, no matter which parallel universe, Zane will fall in love with death. Is this an inevitable story? Or is there something secretly manipulating everything?


The goddess of death at her feet was still screaming, and the electric cutting tool in Jack's hand was still spraying out sparks steadily. He was a skilled worker, and his hands did not shake at all no matter what interference occurred while he was working.

Now he is waiting for the progress of his work. As long as he separates the Death Seed from the Death Goddess and Su Ming verifies that the enemy's "immortality" has been broken, then it will be time for him to take action.

"You seem to know that mage?"

The orangutan didn't know where his ability came from. He could detect people's emotions through the mask. He first stared at Deathstroke's black and yellow mask for a few seconds, then raised his hand and pointed at the two fighting mages and asked this question.

"Well, we know each other, he used to be Thanos's friend." Su Ming sighed, and the voice changer made his voice still sound sinister: "That's a guy with a cunning temperament and more holes in his nest than a wasp. "

Speaking of this, I suddenly felt that Thanos was really miserable. Just look at what he looks like now.

Not to mention that Death was abducted, his good friend Adam, the warlock, split his personality and became an enemy, his son Zane became an enemy, and Ebony Maw under his command also rebelled. If the prediction is correct, then he has always been very capable in the past. The ambitious Deathblade General should have established his own business.

In the past, Thanos led the Dark Order to kill wherever he went. When he arrived on a planet, he killed all living creatures and looted all the resources and treasures on the planet.

Robbery was of course a pleasure. Although everyone who followed Thanos might die at any time, most of the time they were able to enjoy themselves.

Not to mention anything else, the weapon in General Deathblade's hand, the metal used to make it is extremely rare, if not

Following Thanos, he would never be able to obtain a long knife with the ability to resurrect in his ten lifetimes.

General Deathblade's abilities are average, but his weapons are very good. Even if he dies, the weapons can revive him. It can be said that the sword is still there.

It's just that the past was a happy life, but a group of bandits who were not engaged in production still had fundamental problems. The entire gang was built around Thanos alone. This was the biggest flaw.

Later, Thanos lost the battle and went to farm on a remote planet in despair. How could these people under him guard the remaining family business for him?

Not to mention that the tree fell and the hozen was gone, the former subordinates also came to overthrow everyone. Among the five former Obsidian generals, only Proxima Centauri and Superstar still respected Thanos and were considered die-hard loyalists.

They were the only ones left. The Chitauri under their control had long since dispersed, and all the tens of thousands of crew members aboard Temple 11 had also escaped.

By the way, these two are both females. If Su Ming can tell, if Thanos really can’t lick the goddess of death, he might as well make do with them and live a stable life farming. Anyway, whatever Thanos says, these two people He is absolutely obedient and there will definitely be no problem in farming. indivual

Then, wouldn’t it be nice to raise a cow and build a slightly better house, with men farming and women weaving every day?

All the cruel battles and conspiracies in the universe have been forgotten. If Thanos can have a few children with these two in the future, he can still sing that song to them from time to time:

"I haven't been a big brother for many years. I just want to have a good love..."

"Oh! I hate it~~~" Deadpool nuzzled against his cousin and patted him gently with his hand: "People know that cousin, you love me, why do you have to sing it out? It's so embarrassing. .

"Go away, I just hummed, why are you everywhere?" Deathstroke kicked his cousin's butt and distanced himself in disgust: "Jack is almost done, you go catch a black-robed human being." Come over here and we'll try the knife out later."

"Well, do you want a boy or a girl, older or younger?"

Deadpool put away his two swords and looked at the puddles of vomit on the road where everyone came. There were many black-robed fish writhing in pain:

"Let me remind you, cousin, I just saw that among these men in black robes, there are a few strong men who are quite handsome. Didn't you ask Lucifer for help this time and you haven't paid him yet? Why don't you capture them alive? Now, let’s leave it to Satan to enjoy slowly, so that people on the road can know in the future that we two brothers can do things well.

"Oh, are you afraid?" Unexpectedly, a sneer came from under the mask of Deathstroke. He raised his hand, and the yellow light ring on one of his fingers flashed: "I have seen through you, you are afraid, By the way, you slept with Maizi, and now you are worried that her perverted man Lucifer wants to sleep with you, so you want to give him a beautiful boy to save your own anus, right? Maybe you also have the excuse of helping me out You made up your mind and cheated me of another five hundred yuan?"

In this regard, Deadpool didn't say anything. He just gave a thumbs up. Obviously, his little idea was guessed by his cousin again. Deathstroke really looked like a ghost.

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