The Death Knell

Chapter 4699 Motive for murder

In the empty hall, only the broken magic circle on the ground still has a little color. The faint white light emitted by the building itself has the same effect as a shadowless lamp, but at this time these lights are gradually being covered up by vomit and blood, turning into various colors. Sensuous light and shadow.

Xiao Dai and Carol do not kill prisoners who are unable to resist, but Hela does not have this taboo. She kills the men in black robes who are vomiting or have vomited to the point of coma with a smile, as if they can get out of this piece of clothing. Just like getting great pleasure from it.

Her Night Sword is very sharp, but she doesn't use it. Instead, she chooses to rip the enemy's head off from her neck, so that the skull with a cervical vertebra can be used to weave the Bone Throne in the future.

Although she is not as broad as Diana in terms of shoulders and not as big as Carol's butt in terms of figure, her strength is not bad at all. You must know that she is a woman who can crush the Meow Hammer with her bare hands.

Su Ming's eyes only stayed on Hela who said "Pull the carrot" for a few seconds, and then turned to the man in black robe in front of him. The other person stood quietly, and he could feel that the eyes under the hood were also staring at him. Own.

"Don't cover up, I have recognized you, Ebony Throat, please end this hiding trick."

The lightsaber in the mercenary's hand flicked, and the golden color left a fan-like afterimage on the retina. His voice sounded sinister and hoarse, and the voice changer obscured all the emotions in his words.

The black-robed man's shoulders moved, as if he took a long breath. He slowly raised his hands with seals on his chest, grabbed the edge of the hood on his head, and slowly pulled it down.

It was a somewhat pale, flat face that looked a bit like Voldemort, except that he had hair, and his half-long white hair was neatly combed to the back of his head, making him look somewhat elegant.

Ebony Maw is indeed the more stylish one among the five generals of Obsidian. After all, as a mage, he will not be covered in minced meat and blood when killing people like others. His foundation lies in despicableness. Evil plots and concealed cruelty.

"I thought that sooner or later I would face you, Supreme Mage, but I never thought it would be like this." Ebony Maw smiled and nodded gently, as if saluting the Supreme Mage. Even if he was forced into a blind corner, he would Not very desperate, he said with a leisurely tone while talking and laughing: "My plan actually does not conflict with everything you want to protect. I think we can talk about it."

Although he said this, Su Ming noticed through the energy induction of the cloak that Ebony Maw secretly applied several defensive magics to himself while speaking.

His magic can manipulate the power of space within a certain range and limit, while space itself is invisible to the naked eye.

Of course, the one who was calmer than him was Deathstroke. He moved his neck and said, "I know you don't believe in nothing at all. Your purpose from beginning to end is to use all kinds of idiots to kill Thanos. No Wrong? "

"Ah, as expected of the Supreme Mage, there are some things that can be seen clearly." Ebony Throat smiled and nodded. Now Thanos and Zane have gone outside, so he did not hesitate to speak: "According to the earth's calendar, I have followed Thanos for probably hundreds of years, I know what kind of person he is, and I also know that if I don’t kill him, there will never be peace for all of us.”

The pale mage said this and squinted his eyes, indicating that Deathstroke should understand what he meant.

"Because when death asked him to kill his entire family, he did it. And if death asks him to kill you one day, he will not hesitate to do it.

Deathstroke picked up Ebony Maw's words, and he also knew this. Not to mention his past subordinates, as long as death demands it, there is no one whom Thanos cannot kill. He will do his best to please the goddess. This is a dog-licker. habits.

From a rational point of view, Wumuhou's judgment was correct, and there was nothing wrong with striking first.

Think about their past situation as errands under Thanos. The mental pressure was extremely high. Not only could they be killed by Thanos at any time and sacrificed to death, they also faced the involvement behavior of their mentally ill colleagues and the internal rules that the mission could not fail. .

The mentally ill colleagues mentioned here refer specifically to the two female colleagues.

Proxima Centauri is the light in the dark night

An orphan picked up by Thanos, her Stockholm Syndrome is more severe than Gamora and Nebula who are in similar situations. She completely obeys any order of the perpetrator and has infinite respect and worship for Thanos.

The superstar is even more heavyweight. Her biggest problem is that she cannot die. As long as her soul is still there, that woman can reshape her body and is one of the top self-healing people in the universe. But the problem is that she wants to Something that only kills itself.

Thanos promised her that as long as she was loyal to him, he would really kill her one day, so this crazy woman has been absolutely loyal to Thanos since then, and there has been no change to this day.

As for the other three of the five Obsidian generals, General Deathblade has always wanted to replace Thanos as the boss; Black Dwarf is a captive fighter who was forced to participate in the war. If Thanos dies, his family will be safe; Ebony Maw He is afraid of death. He is so afraid that he wants Thanos to die to ensure his own safety.

Others in Thanos' team before, such as the Chitauri servant army and the Star Thief fleet, followed Thanos, on the one hand, because Thanos could take them with him to rob and obtain various benefits efficiently; second, because Fear, they were too afraid of Thanos to dare to oppose any of his decisions.

But when Zishu retired because he was disheartened, they realized that Thanos was not a god, he was just a mortal, and they acted too weak. Therefore, such a team will naturally become disorganized, and they are the ones who are the fastest to disperse.

Speaking of which, Ebony Maw's idea of ​​​​killing Thanos may be a good choice for Thanos himself. Only Blank's special ability to erase the dead from the material world can probably make it possible. The Mad Titan achieves true peace after death.

He didn't see Death when he and Wade went out just now, but if he saw it afterwards, he would probably feel that life was worse than death, right?

Thinking of this, Su Ming suddenly felt a little sympathy and a little bit of shame in his heart. After all, he had said that he would help Thanos find death, so the retired Zishu happily joined the team and used it for himself.

But now... what is this? After Death woke up, he didn't see Thanos at all. Following the smell, he saw Deadpool at the first sight, and the two of them were mixed together like dry fire.

I originally thought that Xia Kaila and her maids could satisfy ***'s cousin, but his behavior fully proved what it means to have insatiable desires, so he directly chose to want them all.

It seems that some details of the plan need to be adjusted.

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