The Death Knell

Chapter 4698 Horrible

The two of them became more and more passionate as they got closer, and soon developed into licking and biting each other. The goddess of death jumped up and struck with a move: "The old tree is entwined," and her legs were stuck on Wade's waist, holding him in her arms. The rotten face was gnawed fiercely like a woodpecker, and in the blink of an eye, the mouth was full of minced meat and pus and blood.

But she didn't care. Anyway, she liked this food, so she didn't want to eat good or expensive food today, so she wanted something crunchy.

She thought that Deadpool would forget about her after he got married, but that was obviously not the case.

Deadpool, who has no moral bottom line, could not leave the meat and not eat it, so he also responded enthusiastically. This caused Tracy, who had just shown some signs of recovery, to roll her eyes when she saw this disgusting scene, and finally vomited while The bile side passed out.

But *** didn't care so much. He hugged death and walked towards the way everyone came. It was obvious that after a long separation, he wanted to do something that could not be told to outsiders.

Along the way everyone came, there were many rooms on both sides of the corridor, but for Deadpool, he just needed to find a place with a door.

While making a few tactical gestures with his cousin to express what he meant, he quickened his pace to leave because the monkey, the goddess of death, was extremely anxious.

Wade considered that there were still minors present, so he would not hold an exhibition game. It would be better to carry some people behind his back.

Seeing him and the Goddess of Death leave temporarily, the expression on Xiao Fu's face was extremely complicated. His dark eyes looked at Thanos, who was completely addicted to hand-to-hand wrestling with his son. They were about to break out of the current hall. Then he looked at the door in the hall that flashed back and forth after the Deadpools left, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Thanos paid by mistake after all, I thought..."

The orangutan jumped off the death knell's shoulder, went to the side and helped the little bartender up, letting the girl's back rest on his arms to prevent her from drowning in his own vomit.

This way of death sounds ridiculous, but in reality it is not uncommon at all. Many young people who have taken drugs will drink a lot of wine at the same time, and sometimes they will vomit in their sleep, thus drowning themselves. Working as a police officer in the United States If so, we often encounter such death cases.

"Why? It's true that Death is Thanos's favorite goddess, but she is also Wade' what." Su Ming took off his mask, lit a cigarette for himself, and knelt down to inspect the white-skinned alien. body, and at the same time swallowed back a word that was not suitable to be said in front of minors.

I have already said that Thanos and the goddess of death are not suitable for each other. In the end, there will be nothing left. Even if death gives birth to a child, what will happen? This green tea still doesn't love him.

"Oh, let's not talk anymore, let's get down to business. I'll watch Tracy and Jack, and you go deal with that mage."

After all, Bobo is an old Jianghu, and he knows that there are always all kinds of grievances and grudges between the children of Jianghu.

Take the Justice League, for example, except for the Big Seven and some second-tier heroes. After many superheroes join the Zhenglian, they are more like looking for a partner.

We are all masked vigilantes, so we have a common language. We are all still young, have too much energy, and all have secret identities. Isn't this just like a costume party?

The weaker the fighting ability and the weaker the brain of the superhero, the more they like to spend time on falling in love. Today they break up with this person, tomorrow they are with that person, they start quarreling again the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow they find a third partner, the situation It's so complicated that any detective would be scratching his head when faced with this messy interpersonal relationship.

The role of these people in the Justice League seems to be to support themselves. The Zhenglian plus the Zhenglian Community, the American Zhenglian JSA, the International Zhenglian and other affiliated organizations, there are almost more than 400 people. No one really thinks that this Are all of the more than 400 people at Batman or Superman level?

The majority are masked vigilantes at the block level. The upper limit of these people is to deal with bank robberies. Really big events cannot be counted on them. If you don't allow them to find a partner in the team, then what do you think? What makes people join your Justice League?

All relying on the belief in justice and meal subsidies in the canteen? Don’t be ridiculous. The reason why the alliance is called the alliance is that it is a platform for interpersonal relationships.

So even Batman turns a blind eye to this kind of thing, even if he is a third- or fourth-tier person

The superheroes were living like college spring break every day, and he didn't bother to care.

"Well, I'll change Xiao Dai back." Su Ming nodded, took out the lightsaber from his palm and walked towards the battlefield: "You can also take out your own night blade sword, it would be kind to you."

The orangutan did as he was told and took out the black sword from his suit pocket. He held it in his hand in a vigilant posture, but let alone killing people, his hands were shaking as if he were holding the sword like this. Just like a weapon.

Well, we can’t expect everyone to be perfect. If an orangutan has a good brain, we can’t expect him to have strong combat effectiveness.

Thanos and Zane were fighting each other and had already penetrated the wall from the hall to the outside, while the remaining people were basically besieging Ebony Maw.

Carol, Diana, and Hela, the three female warriors have different fighting styles. Some are like bombers dive-bombing, some are moving forward with shields raised, and some are constantly trying to get around and stab the enemy in the back with a heavy sword. .

No matter what, they fought very well, their bodies were toned and stretched, and their movements were full of power. This was one of the reasons why Su Ming liked female fighters.

Of course, when it comes to flexibility, Harley is the best.

But their three-on-one approach has no real results. Ebony Maw's magic is mostly related to the manipulation of gravity and space. It is both offensive and defensive, and the spells and moves released are invisible to the naked eye, making it very difficult to deal with.

They fought lively, but there was no chance of a fatal blow.

"Okay, beauties, let's change shifts." Su Ming walked nearby and raised a hand, like a player waiting for a high-five on the sidelines: "Leave the enemy's mage to me, the supreme mage, to deal with it. The Ultimate Supreme Being cannot be defeated like you."

"Okay." Hela was the first to exit the battlefield. She took a few steps back and slowly moved away from the black-robed mage. She did not forget to ask Deathstroke: "Can he be killed now?"

"That's enough. I know that the Death Seed can provide you with a powerful boost, but there are not hundreds of millions of bones in the ground here for you to use. Your necromancy magic is still restrained by the space system." Su Ming high-fived her and did a few As a warm-up action, he walked towards the battle site: "So you go and touch up those miscellaneous fish who are unconscious due to vomiting. Do you know what to do?"

"I know, unscrew their heads completely." Hela turned around and left with a smile in her voice: "You like skulls, and so do I. When this matter is over, I can give them to you. Making a throne out of skulls is a gift to you for allowing me to live on earth for so long."

"Thank you." Su Ming smiled. He had already walked in front of Carol and Diana: "You two go and protect Bobo and Jack, as well as Tracy who was unconscious just now. Leave the ebony throat to me. .”

"Okay." Carol hated fighting with mages the most. It felt like beating a ball of cotton, and she couldn't use her strength. She was very frustrated: "Also, are you sure he is Ebony Maw? That's not the case. A former subordinate of Thanos? How come..."

She wanted to say that she had betrayed him no matter what. So how come Thanos used to be a famous and powerful man in the universe, but now he has retired and ended up in such a miserable situation?

"You'll know if you ask him to take off his hood." Deathstroke pinched the cigarette butt and put it away, raised his mask, and the diamond-shaped one-eyed goggles lit up: "But it doesn't matter, anyway, I kill It won’t take long for him. When you eat chicken, do you still care about how the chicken on your plate died?”

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