The Death Knell

Chapter 4706 The Disappearing Friend

After telling his reasoning process, the clues he found, and the information that could be told without causing everyone to go crazy, Su Ming smoked a cigarette and gave Bobo and the others some time to think.

After all, the term anti-quantum is really unconventional. To make everyone recognize the existence of something that does not exist, we really need to turn that corner in our thinking.

Things that don’t exist, indeed don’t exist, there’s nothing to say about this.

But it represents the blank space in the concept of "non-existence". She does exist, and she exists as the opposite of Dr. Manhattan.

Now that Manhattan is dead, the balance between the two has been lost, so it makes sense that she would come out to cause trouble.

And the reason why the Viking prince also mentioned the existence of blanks in a story told a thousand years ago is precisely because of the characteristics of quantum, which can time travel. Even if blanks are born in the future, she can still participate in past events. Go in.

In this way, if you want to find the location of Blank's true self, you will probably have to go through the level of super-time flow. Searching in the conventional sense will not find anything.

Obviously, among his teammates, only Bobo has a faster brain. The chimpanzee holding a pipe also thought about this problem at this time, and his round grape-like eyes looked at the death knell.

"So if we want to find the location and time of Blank, we can't do it in a short time, right?"

While others are still confused, the orangutan has already thought of this. He is worthy of being the strongest detective in the wild animal world.

"Uh, wait a minute..." Su Ming stretched out a finger to signal Bobo to wait. At the same time, he silently ordered the strangulation, and tasted the ebony throat brain in his hand. With a hissing sucking sound, he was about to After ten seconds, he shook his head: "Well, there is no useful information in Ebony Throat's mind at all. Let's take a look at Zane's memory later, but I think that the traitor only has women in his mind, so there is no chance.

The son of Thanos is so fierce that it sounds like he has inherited his father's advantages, such as the super high IQ of the Titans.

However, the reality is just the opposite. If Thanos has set a new limit for the Titans' appearance, then Zane has set a new limit for the Titans' IQ. Not to mention compared with their fellow racers, even with the conservative and nostalgic Eternals, and those of the past. Compared with the abnormal race created as defective products, he is considered to be the stupid one.

But fortunately, such fools are not teammates, but enemies. This is good news.

Under normal circumstances, the black and yellow mercenary's mood is very stable, but when he sees a fool who can't be taken away, he will get angry, because meeting someone like Star Man is really uncomfortable. .

It's just a lack of brains. He doesn't know how much he weighs. When Su Ming sees people like them, he wants to strangle them to death.

Zane feels the same way. Now he is watching him wrestling with Thanos from a distance, and then listen to what he said...

Although Thanos followed him all the way here, he didn't say much when everyone was chatting, but when it came to educating his son, his words were so lofty that he talked about fate and the universe, and his words that were inspiring were simply On the same level as a certain Austrian corporal.

And what about the rebellious son? He can say one sentence, and to sum it up, he wants his mother.

Let’s just forget about it, and then think about his perverted motives, even Su Ming feels a little disgusted. You must know that he is a warrior who has been tested by Deadpool.

"Then when we return to Earth and reunite with Lucifer, let's see if he can do anything." Bobo was not surprised by the answer given by Deathstroke. After hearing the layman's made-up word anti-quantum, he I have a deep understanding of what blank space is.

The existence that should not exist, the guy who sounds contradictory, should be left to Lucifer to study, because when it comes to "contradiction," there is no one more contradictory than him in the entire DC universe.

It is clearly the first light of creation, but it is also the worst evil in this world. The blond Satan has been trapped in this contradiction his whole life.

"I didn't fully understand it, but I probably knew what it meant." Diana squatted beside Deathstroke's legs holding her shield. She paid attention to the battle between father and son in the distance: "I know

Dao may not be able to find Blank in a short time, but Slade, do you have a way to save Superman?

After saying that, she still looked at the death knell eagerly, with some expectation in her eyes.

Superman is an important member of the Justice League. Whether it is without him or without Batman, the entire team will appear incomplete.

"Don't ask me about this kind of thing. I'm an expert in killing people. How about saving people..." Deathstroke smiled and spread his hands. As a mercenary, the only packages he provided were the three types of packages that no one had heard of before and Mercenaries can provide "living" services corresponding to "death", right?

If you really have that ambition, why not become a mercenary or a doctor? If you are also at the top of the world, being a doctor will make more money than being a mercenary.

Take Strange, for example. Before he had a car accident, he made more money from one operation than Deadpool did in a month's work.

Who can say that Deadpool is not the world's top mercenary? Except that he often forgets his weapons in the taxi, or accidentally kills his employer, his mission success rate is also 100%.

"Haha, sister, I think you can ask this one." Hela, who was eating with Carol in her arms, shifted her body, revealing the skilled worker Jack behind her. At this time, this honest and honest worker brother was still carrying As for the comatose bartender: "With Deathstroke, who can change a lot, maybe one of his personalities has the ability to be resurrected?"

Hela had never seen a multiple personality patient before. Even though she had heard the code name Daqun on Earth 40k, Professor

So after seeing this girl named Kai, she felt very magical, and even she felt that magical beings could do things that others couldn't do with a high probability.

However, before Diana could be happy, Bobo, who was smoking a pipe, interrupted her fantasy.

"That's not the case, Xiao Dai. What we need to do is not to resurrect Superman, but to find a way to bring the disappeared Superman back. This matter is not that simple, because if Superman is really considered dead, the endless family before Deathstroke should have told Deathstroke something. Obviously, she didn't, so we have to face the fact that Superman is "gone."


Diana had always believed the words of the orangutan detective. She was unwilling to give up hope, but now that the supermen who represented hope had disappeared, she was inevitably a little shaken.

"Stop being so gloomy. When Blank is killed in the future, and the mechanism and upper limits of her abilities are figured out, or the role of quantum is thoroughly studied, I believe that Luthor will definitely be able to find a way to bring Superman back."

The gentle and attentive mercenary put his arm around her shoulders and rubbed her strong arms a few times:

"But the Justice League can't live without Superman, just like the West can't live without Jerusalem, so I propose that Supergirl Kara Zor-El temporarily take Clark's seat on the regular alliance. Which of you agrees and who opposes?"

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