The Death Knell

Chapter 4707 The long stalemate

Superman is gone, and neither is Batman. Now the only one left in the Justice League who can keep their word is Diana.

Ron and Hawkgirl have been busy raising their children recently, just like Green Arrow and Black Canary are busy reliving old dreams. Now Zhenglian basically has no backbone. At first glance, there are so many talents, but if you think about it carefully, there are only The outsider is left to bear the death knell.

If there are any suggestions, Barry and Arthur will definitely support him. Needless to say, non-staff member Luther is no exception; Shazam got the game console given by Deathstroke, and Cyborg is still thinking about replacing Octopus. , these two young people have now become the nods in front of Su Ming; Hal will not come back from outer space, and Black Adam, who recently joined Zhenglian, is not recognized by everyone and has no influence at all.

Now let alone Deathstroke suggesting that Kara take over, even if he planned to plug Hela into the Justice League, no one would stand up to oppose it.

So for his suggestion, Diana just shrugged and said that she had no objection, because although Kara was young, she was a member of the Al family after all, and her strength and position were unquestionable.

"I'm afraid Kara has forgotten Clark's existence. Did you see her when you left Earth 0?"

This is what Xiao Dai is worried about, because it is really cruel for family members to forget each other.

It is said that there are two kinds of death for human beings, one is physical death, and the other is complete forgetfulness. In Clark's case, it should be the latter.

"No, we were in a hurry when we came out." The orangutan took off his hat, combed the hair on his head with his fingers, and put the hat back on: "But Kara doesn't need to know about Clark, she just needs to understand. The Justice League allows her to temporarily become one of the Seven Giants, and then she can fulfill her duties and obligations and maintain the status quo of Earth 0."

Orangutan understands why Deathstroke mentioned the Justice League, because when everyone wants to pursue blank clues in the future, someone has to guard the house, right?

Who else can do this job besides the Justice League? Counting on the fat black woman Amanda’s clairvoyance? Or counting on the Teen Titans with the highest combat power being Damian? Just thinking about this idea makes me feel unreliable.

At the same time, thinking from another aspect, the red and blue figure and the El family logo on the chest mean a lot to people.

It is hope. Everyone may forget the existence of Clark, but as long as they see Kara, they also know that she is a representative of hope.

"Okay, retreat, this space is going to collapse." Su Ming took off the cloak behind him, pulled his teammates in, and flew towards the sky: "I don't know how long the battle between Thanos and Zane will last. What I hate the most is this kind of rough hand-to-hand combat with no technical content. It always depends on who exhausts their energy first. It’s such a waste of time.”

"Oh, if it were you, how would you deal with Thanos' son?" When it came to this matter, Carol, who also only knew how to confront the enemy head-on, became interested and wanted to learn advanced tactical ideas.

This silly question made Su Ming laugh. He glanced at Hela who was also laughing and shook his head in the oncoming wind:

"Have you ever seen anyone dare to fight hand-to-hand with the symbiote host? If it were me to deal with Zane, I wouldn't need any complicated tactics at all. Just let Strangler perform a "Guanyin with dry hands and touch the bald head," and this kid's head would be destroyed. I picked it up.

That is to say, the current situation is Thanos's housework, so Su Ming did not intervene. Otherwise, if Carol had been asked to help Da Zishu, the battle would have been over long ago.

"Oh, that's right." Carol scratched her head in embarrassment. She remembered that even in the past, Deathstroke did not always use tactics, but she still refused to give up: "But I am not the symbiote host. If I have to What should we do if we use tactics and strategies to defeat Zane?”

"You should have said it would be you.

The speechless Su Ming knocked her on the head, and the cloak took everyone out of the pocket space. Everything before was only a small glowing dot in front of everyone's eyes:

"Let's put it this way, the basic guiding ideology of designing traps is generally to prey on the prey. Since Zane is a crazy Oedipus, then you can go to Contracia to order an android in the shape of the goddess of death, and then put this ,

Stuff it into the body of the bionic man and wait until he hugs his mother to detonate it. The little purple sweet potato will at least be slightly injured. You can hit him casually if you have the advantage. "

As he spoke, he took out a ball from his pocket and showed it to Carol. Maybe others didn't know what it was, but as a girl who often works with Deathstroke, she knew that it was the God of Killing created by the God of Bombs. bomb.

Back then, Deathstroke rescued the frog-like god from the God-Slayer Gal, but that guy was targeted by Deathstroke. Based on the principle of catching a toad and peeing, over the years, the alien technology god Has been working for Deathstroke.

Providing ten such bombs every year was the terms of the deal back then. I wonder if he has ever regretted it or shed tears secretly on a dark night without light to this day?

This kind of bomb death knell was not used much in the past. It just blew up a star system as if it were practiced. It had almost the same effect as rubbing a black hole with your hands. It annihilated all the matter in a planet system. After all, this thing was invented to kill the gods. .

But for Deathstroke, if he can kill gods with just a sword, why bother destroying the environment?

"Okay, we can't find a blank now, and we don't know any more clues. Should we wait here for Deadpool and Thanos to come out, or should we do something else first?" Bobo put out his pipe and took the The beautiful walnut knocked on the knee a few times: "How about going back to find Lucifer directly?"

"Well, the clue Lucifer is pursuing now is "Make a wish, this line, maybe he can find something in the future, but it will definitely not be today, so we can go somewhere else."

Deathstroke thought for a moment, and then looked into the distance of the universe, the direction they came from:

"How about we go back to this false earth first and I treat you to pancakes?"

"Wait for us!" With a strange cry, Deadpool and Death were teleported to the flying carpet at the same time. At this time, his face was bloodless and his legs were trembling, while the deceased beside him looked very good. "Hoo, hurry up, eat." Bring me something, I need to supplement protein now, a lot."

"Hey, you are a little fast today." Su Ming raised his arm, pretended to look at the watch, looked at his cousin with a narrow look, and poked his shoulder with his elbow: "I thought you two were going to We play until the space collapses, and I still want to see what it would be like for you to "merge" and float in space.

"Holy shit, it's dark, it's too dark." Deadpool sat down on the flying carpet and wiped the sweat from his forehead through the mask: "You can usually punish me, so why do you say this in front of Death?" ?Don’t I want to lose face? My young heart is hurt. I can’t afford it without five hundred dollars. Hehe, I don’t know if you have noticed that the “can’t afford it” is a pun. Hehe!

As he spoke, he began to wink in the direction of no one again. Apparently, meeting death again made him go crazy again.

"Don't talk about that, my *** cousin, you should think about how Xia Kaila and Halli will treat you after they have had enough of zero-yuan shopping and see you and the goddess of death like this when you look back, right?"

"Hey, could it be..." Wade's expression under the mask became a little stiff.

But Su Ming just smiled slightly and asked Cloak to take everyone to Skull Earth to eat pancakes:

"Yes, that's right. Based on what I know about my sister-in-law, she will definitely kick you aside and lead the maid group to fight death. From now on, you will only have to continue to use Xiaozuo and Xiaoyou!"

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