The Death Knell

Chapter 4708 Suspicious Skeleton

"Well, it looks like our little friend has done his job."

Lucifer, who was blowing in the wind on the beach, suddenly stopped for a moment, with a half-smiling expression on his face, and looked at the embodiment of the concept beside him that had not let go:

"Look, I asked you to do a favor before, but you always disagreed. Now it's fine. Look what good things you have delayed. I'm afraid Slade won't love you anymore."

The evening breeze blew quietly, carrying the moisture from the black sea. The smiling girl put down the parasol in her hand and touched the Ankh cross on her breast:

"How many times have I told you that death will not change it. Even your request is useless. You are not God. In addition, it is useless to sow discord, Satan, because I am death. I know that no matter what I am here no matter what others think, and humans never really love me, as long as I love them.

Human beings are one of the races in the universe that are most keen on fighting among themselves. They are keen on sending their own kind to die, but when it is their turn to enter the gray world, they will scream, cry and become hysterical when facing the smiling girl. He shouted that he didn't want to die.

It is undoubtedly very funny that how passionate he was about death in the past, he was so afraid of death in the end.

"Ah, it's really hard. We all love human beings, but we didn't help today. You are so helpful, you make me lose face." Lucifer smiled miserably, and he stretched out his hand to smooth his blond hair, and said coolly Casting his gaze towards the sea: "Now we can skip the previous topic and talk about the blank space. Please tell me, has Superman been to your place?"

After listening to Satan's question, Death looked at his face under the moonlight. She saw the devil's true form in her eyes, a god of filth with red skin and a head with curved horns.

"No, Lucifer, but since you ask, it means his soul has not gone to your hell." Death smiled and raised an eyebrow, which made her look a little playful: "Would you mind taking me to heaven with you? Do you want to investigate? Is it possible for Superman to become an angel?"

"Of course, I'm happy to go with you, dear, although it may be a bit inappropriate for me to go there, but I don't think my brothers will be able to object at this time, haha." Lucifer showed a greasy smile , he turned to look at McGeeken who was fighting a giant maggot not far behind him: "Kill this bug, Maizi, you stupid pig, hurry up, we should leave."

The Queen of Pain was very happy to hear her master's call. Even though she was now one of the Satans in hell, what she loved most was not power and power, but being treated like a bitch by her master.

Her face flushed when her name was called, because in her eyes, the master was the son of light with white wings and wrapped in white light. He was so dazzling and great.

Looking at the death next to him, he is so pure and beautiful, with a charming smile.

Thinking about how ugly I was when I was disfigured, I was as humble as dust in front of these two people, and I could only do menial tasks while the adults were talking.

She was very afraid that death would steal Lucifer, but the worry and pain of being hated almost immediately turned into pleasure. !

Especially when he heard Lucifer calling death "Darling," Maizi reached a certain peak. His legs trembled unconsciously and he let out a long hum from his nostrils.


A moan with a tail tone was her answer. While enjoying the torture of her master with excitement, she showed her true skills and split the giant black maggot in front of her in half with a sword.

This monster's strength is good, but if it weren't for its strange mind-disrupting ability, it would definitely not be a match for Superman, let alone one of Satan.

Maizi inherited Lucifer's hell, and the corruption and darkness provided her with a steady stream of power. When the fire of hell rose again, she stretched out her tongue and licked her rotten arm, stained with the blood of the enemy. Strongly corrosive, these bodily fluids boiled on the snake-like tongue, giving the wheat a tingling sensation as if drinking soda.

Seeing that she had taken care of the bug, Lucifer didn't say anything. He just smiled and took out a playing card from his pocket, holding it in his hand and shaking it a few times.

As it burned, a portal opened.

"Please, Lady Death, let's go to the Garden of Eden first."

Swinging the parasol in her hand as a cane, Death walked into the wormhole that looked like a ring of fire with a smile. Although the air was filled with the pungent smell of sulfur, she seemed not to feel anything and her movements remained graceful.

The two just left, leaving behind the gentle evening breeze and a somewhat anxious Maizi. The Queen of Pain looked at the corpses on the ground and then at the two people who had left. She quickly reached out and chased after them:

"Master, wait for me, Master!"

After she also ran into the portal, the ring of fire disappeared in the night, and everything returned to calm.

But just a few seconds later, the dark coast suddenly lit up again, and a strange man wearing a spacesuit with a head that looked like a flaming skull suddenly appeared. He was carrying a heavy book like a suitcase in his hand. , the book cover is still squirming as if alive.

This weirdo walked towards the child-like giant maggot corpse that had been abandoned by everyone, and stood next to the mountain of meat that was split into two halves, tilting his head to observe its baby-like face.


He made a sound of thinking, and at the same time he held the big book in his arms and opened it. He stretched out his thin fingers and pointed on a brand new page. As the red firelight flowed down his fingertips, new words appeared on the paper. The words are like scorch marks after burning, and also like twisted insects.

And just as he was recording what happened, along with a beam of light, another group of people appeared on the beach. The two sides subconsciously looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Of course, the people who arrived later were Su Ming and others. They originally said they were going to eat pancakes on that earth, but Deadpool insisted on having some kind of romantic dinner with Death. If he didn't agree, he would lie down and roll on the cloak. He was crying and fussing, taking off his mask and pants. It was really impossible to do anything about him.

So Su Ming could only take everyone back to Earth 0 first, then give his cousin some money, and send him and Green Tea Death to Gotham to eat at the Iceberg Restaurant. The rest of the people teleported again and came to the beach in Boston to find Lucifer and Death.

As for Thanos and Zane, they are still fighting in that flat universe, and they don’t know how long it will take to finish.

But it is always right for others to interfere less with other people's housework.

The result was that Su Ming took the girls to the beach. Satan didn't see it, but he saw a guy who seemed to be the space version of Ghost Rider. He was standing next to the corpse of a giant black maggot. He couldn't understand what he was doing. But it's really suspicious.

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