The Death Knell

Chapter 4709 Skeleton Stranger

"Who are you?"

The lightsaber popped out of his palm, and Deathstroke raised his hand and pointed the weapon at the mysterious weirdo. What was strange was that he couldn't see where this guy came from, but there was a tingling sensation like needles on the skin all over his body, even if he was strangled. In warning, this weirdo gives it a very dangerous feeling.

Is it the book in the other person's hand? Or is it something behind it...

There was no use in guessing, but Su Ming judged that it was definitely not blank, because the guy in front of him felt too "concrete," and it didn't have that ethereal feeling about it.

And when he pointed his weapon at it, the skeleton did not show any hostility, but instead showed some interest in its eyes burning with red flames.

Don't ask how you can read the expression from a skull, it really does give people that feeling.

Deathstroke got ready to fight, and the others were naturally ready immediately. Diana even held a shield in front of the man, apparently automatically assuming the role of a human shield.

Carol took off immediately. As a pilot, her common tactics basically revolved around air strikes; Hela shrank back a little, preparing to cast a spell.

As for the others, Bobo immediately hugged the orange cat and hid behind the death knell, and Jack, who was carrying the unconscious bartender, did the same. He had no fighting ability and took the initiative to stay away from the battlefield so as not to hinder everyone.

This situation made Su Ming suddenly have a feeling. Should he shout a slogan? For example, "The fun people gather, or something like that?" 2

But before he could decide what slogan to use, the flaming skull in the distance had already answered him. The loose mandible moved a few times, and an emotionless voice came over:

"I am the recorder of the multiverse. I come from the origin of your human cognition. For a long time in the past that is older than eternity, I have been walking among different multiverses, observing the fate of each world, and comparing them to each other. record it."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to show everyone the huge book in his hand, which was the record book he just mentioned.

In response to this answer, Su Ming pondered slightly, then he raised his free left hand and made a fist, signaling his teammates to hold their positions and wait and see what would happen, while he continued to flow.

"Hello, recorder, I am Slade Wilson, code name is Mourning..."

The other party can communicate normally in English and speaks in standard British London accent, which shows that he is most likely an alien creature.

I was able to have a calm conversation with him, and even if I pointed a weapon at him, he did not show any hostility. This proved that he did not discriminate against humans, and was emotionally stable and relatively safe.

He claims to be a recordkeeper from the origin, so he should be one of the maintainers of order on DC's side, so he has a clear purpose assigned by his superiors, and he doesn't look down on things in the single universe, and he won't take advantage of them. It's also a good thing.

"No introduction is needed, I know you, you are Su Ming, a very interesting human being, a special case."

The skeleton tilted its head. He raised his hand to flip through the book, used his fingers to help position his eyes, and found a line of text:

"You come from another level. Well, Dr. Manhattan changed your destiny. There are also signs of other people's intervention. That's probably it. I'm not familiar with your origins, but I'm basically familiar with what you did after you came here. I understand, but there are still a few questions that are bothering me. I originally planned to go to you later to ask for clarification, but since you are already here, shall we start now? "?

As he said that, he reached out to touch his book, and simply sat down on the tail of the big black maggot's body. He also patted his side and asked Deathstroke to come and sit too.

"Quiz game? I like it too, but before I answer your questions, I also have something to ask you." Su Ming asked his teammates to stay where they were. Diana stretched out her hand to pull him, but he dodged it. He walked over and walked directly to the skeleton man: "How do you know the things I did in the past, and how do you know that name?"

Exchanging information? Very good. It just so happens that I also have a lot of questions now. Maybe the recorder of the origin can see more things from a higher level.

West, and are willing to speak out and share it.

As for the exposure of his real name, there may be some hidden dangers in this matter, but it is not a big problem at the moment. The creature in front of him is not a demon, and only demons who like to make deals are interested in people's real names.

"Observation, human being, when I understand the entire universe through observation, I will naturally have enough understanding of you living in this universe." The recorder turned over the book in his hand and showed Deathstroke a certain part of it. Page: "It's like looking at a bowl. Isn't it obvious what's in the bowl?"

However, in Su Ming's view, his book only had a ring drawn on the page, a black circle, not a universe or a bowl.

The deformed words around the ring were not recognizable to humans at all. As soon as he saw them, various abnormal situations began to appear in Su Ming's mind, including ear-piercing screams, distorted hallucinations, and the feeling of being sucked into the divine speed. It's like running wildly in the force plane, the kind of light spot that is constantly rotating and stretching.

"It's quite abstract." Su Ming closed his eyes to block the impact of the book on himself. Through the strangled perception, he walked steadily to the skeleton, sat down next to him, and read again. To the vast black sea: "Okay, since you answered a question for me, I will also answer a question for you. What do you want to know?

The recorder put the book on his knees again, held it down with one finger, and was ready to record:

"I observed stories from the past and found that you would disappear intermittently. Where did you go?"

There was no flesh on his skull face, so naturally there was no expression, but something could be heard in the voice, and he was a little curious about it.

"I have some special abilities that allow me to jump out of the DC universe system, cross the concept of super-time flow, and go to other large systems. Do you understand?"

Without thinking, Su Ming gave an answer that was infinitely close to the truth. As for the lie, it was up to the recorder to hear it.

He seemed to have heard it, because after the words on the paper appeared halfway, they suddenly stopped, and the scorched marks retreated for a while, and turned into different words again.

But even so, he didn't say anything, just nodded:

"Very good. The information you provided is very valuable. It is very helpful for me to broaden my understanding of the world. Thank you for your cooperation. Now you can ask questions. If you like trading and negotiating terms, then we will communicate in this mode. .

"Blank is the anti-Doctor Manhattan, right?"

Since it is a transaction, there is no need to go around the corner. Su Ming goes straight to the point and wants to verify his reasoning through the skeleton in front of him. If the other party has been peeping, then his duty should be very similar to Marvel's observation. There is a high probability. Know many things.

After asking this question, he stared at the skull, as if he wanted to see the flowers.

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