The Death Knell

Chapter 4710 Precarious

"I can't tell you the answer to this question, because we are recorders and observers with limited authority and cannot interfere with ongoing events.

The skeleton rejected Deathstroke's question without any hesitation. There was a little apology in his tone, but not much:

"I came to Multiverse 1 to observe how it is destroyed, not to destroy it or save it. In the face of the origin, any multiverse is small and not worth mentioning. You should understand this truth , so change the question and don’t ask me about things that may change the future.”

After hearing this answer, Su Ming curled his lips slightly. The existence of this self-proclaimed recorder was not easy to fool, and he was very cautious.

And I'm afraid he has the same power as Ganman's dream. If you want to be tough, it may not work. It's better to chat more and see if there is anything he likes and if he has any character weaknesses.

If the exchange of information can be regarded as a kind of transaction, then you need to pay attention to the skills when asking questions. Sometimes it is better to ask others to quote your own quotation. This principle is similar to bargaining.

"So within the scope of your authority, what information can you tell me that is most closely related to Blank?"

Deathstroke asked such a question, and at the same time, he tentatively took out a cigarette and handed it to the skull.

The recorder waved his hand and said that he didn't smoke. He didn't even have a trachea or a neck. His head was supported by cervical vertebrae, let alone lungs. How could he smoke?

However, not smoking does not mean that Deathstroke will not be given the opportunity to continue trading. On the contrary, he really gave a piece of information:

"You have killed two of the three mothers, so I can tell you one thing about them. The one you call the child-faced giant maggot is called "Cowardly"; the one who killed Superman before The flesh and blood sculpture is called "Inferiority"; there is another one you haven't seen before, she is "Autism", they are three unformed concepts...I can't say anything next. "

While everyone was listening with interest, the skeleton shook his head and stopped talking, because this was the maximum information he could give without disturbing the future story direction of the multiverse.

Is it meaningful? In his opinion, it has no practical significance. After all, it is just three names, and it is information that can be traded.

"Oh, that's it. It's a good name. I'll have to think about it carefully later. Su Ming smiled, lit a cigarette for himself, and touched the body sitting under his butt. The black maggot body was quite soft, as if he were sitting on a cigarette. Same as on a beanbag: "It's your turn, what else do you want to ask me?"

The three names that Skullhead thought were worthless didn't sound like that to Deathstroke...

"As the human who killed Perpetua, let's talk about her? She betrayed her race. "The creative hand created this multi-system with ambition, but also polluted it with the darkest attributes.

The burning skeleton raised his head, looked at Deathstroke's face, and asked his second question:

"Now that fate has died and all choices have been put into everyone's hands, in the face of the coming doomsday, do you think Multiverse 1 still has the value of continuing to exist?"

This question is a bit serious, because Su Ming has always known the origin and the attitude of the creative hand.

Because Multiverse 1 was created by Perpetua, and she was a crazy traitor, then the multiverse created by the traitor, which is the traitor's nest, must be destroyed.

Someone had told Deathstroke before that the Origin Judge would arrive soon, and by then there would definitely be a new round of bloodshed, which was inevitable.

Now the recorder's position was a bit unpredictable. Su Ming did not answer him immediately, but thought for a moment and considered his words:

"Who are you recording this answer for?

Hearing Deathstroke say this, the recorder's mandible began to move up and down again. This should be a smile, and he said:

"I know what you are worried about, but there is no need to do so. Although I have entered the reality level through the origin, the person I serve is "Taixu," and I am only responsible for observing and recording, and will not hold any position."

"I told you earlier that you were working for Taixu. I was shocked." Su Ming relaxed a lot immediately. He took out the wine and took a sip, and said in his throat: "As for your previous question, my The answer is of course that Multiverse 1 has the value of continuing to exist. Maybe the Hand of Creation and the Judge of Origin definitely don’t think so, but it doesn’t matter. At the current level of the universe, when there is a dispute, the person with the bigger fist still has the final say. I will Getting them to agree with my ideas is what humans often call convincing others with reason."

The recorder laughed silently again, his body swaying back and forth, and he almost fell off the tail of the big maggot:

"You are so funny, but you have no idea how powerful the Origin Judge is...

"No, I know." Su Ming interrupted him, and even stretched out an arm to hug the recorder's shoulders: "The three brothers of the Monitor told me before that the Origin Judge only descended into an incarnation, and then With a flap of its wings, Perpetua was imprisoned in the complex and sealed to the Origin Wall. You can think of this with your toes. It is a super-time flow level combat power. Multiverse-level opponents are in front of it. Like ants."

"Oh? Since you know this, why are you so confident that you can defeat it?" This time it was the skeleton's turn to be surprised. He picked up his hand and clasped his bare head, his fingers stained with some flames: "This Are human beings living in the dark multiverse1 infected with a rebellious spirit? Or is this the so-called immortality of hope? "

"I can't say. If you really get to that point, you will see it." Su Ming patted the other party's shoulder, stood up and stretched, put the cigarette in his hand into his mouth, and took a puff. When he reached the cigarette butt, he put it out and put it away: "You and I have nothing else to ask, or else we can't give you the answer, so let's part ways here, shall we?"

"Of course, I will wait for your performance and record it in this book." The recorder also stood up, and the big book in his hand closed with a bang: "Maybe one day in the future, I will appear again. In front of you, I hope that you will still cooperate with my work as you do today." 7

"If you always maintain a neutral stance, I have no problem." Su Ming shook hands with the skeleton and said goodbye. He could feel the terrifying power coming from the withered bone claws, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, and he smiled back. Said: "You know me. In fact, I already have a backup plan to deal with you. I hope I won't need to use it."

The burning head shook from side to side, but the recorder said nothing, just turned and left, as if walking into the night, taking one step and disappearing.

Obviously, he still doesn't believe in Deathstroke or that ordinary people can do incredible things. After all, he is not a human being.

But it didn't matter. Looking at the place where he disappeared, Deathstroke was silent for a few seconds. Then he waved his hand and said goodbye: "Good night, Makabaka."

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