The Death Knell

Chapter 4711 Is it over?

The flaming skull left, and the coast returned to darkness again. As the deep night fell, the group was temporarily silent.

The seawater laps against the breakwater, making a rhythmic sound that sometimes resonates with people's heartbeats, letting the coolness of the night enter the heart and mind, and thoughts seem to be carried away by the tide.

But Bobo was the first to come back to his senses. He jumped to the death knell with the orange cat in his arms. He first looked at the dead black maggots, then raised his head and looked at the mercenary:

"How do you know his name is Macabaka?"

"If you don't call me that name, I'll just say it casually." Su Ming took a deep breath and withdrew his gaze from staring at the space. He couldn't figure out where the recorder went through the dark concept. This guy's strength level is comparable to that of Manga. The observer on Wei's side was much taller: "Bobo, what do you think of those three names?"

Holding the orange cat tightly to prevent it from eating the body parts nearby, the orangutan frowned and thought for a while, then tried his best to touch the pipe in his arms.

But the drooling orange cat couldn't be controlled by the orangutan's power at all. It kept struggling and meowing at the 'cowardly' corpse, as if it insisted on having a taste.

"It's wrong for you to catch the cat like this." Hela came over to save Bobo and reached out to grab the cat's neck. As expected, Qiuer softened: "You can say it, don't worry about this bad cat. Find him something else to eat."

The orange cat was so fat and big that Bobo felt that it was almost the same weight as himself. Now that Hela was taking over, he nodded gratefully to the woman, then took out his pipe and lit it, took a deep breath to clear his mind, and waited for a few seconds. Then he said:

"Slade, I think there's something fishy about this."

The orangutan didn't think of anything from the three names, but he had seen the slight change in Deathstroke's expression when the recorder said these names. As the person most familiar with Deathstroke, he knew that Deathstroke must have made a discovery, so now he only Just need support.

Su Ming was amused after hearing Bobo's words that seemed to say nothing, but seemed to say everything. He picked up the orangutan and put it on his shoulders. Together, they began to inspect the fat body of the big black maggot:

"Come on, let's study this guy first. Even though 'Autism' was captured and dissected by Emperor Weishan, we can't just rely on gods."

Saying this, he squatted down and raised and lowered his hands on the corpse. First, he looked to see if there was any brain he wanted in the head that was split in half.

It's a pity that this black maggot is more than five meters long, but the baby's head growing at the front of the body is not big. After picking out the half-drawn head like a small cantaloupe from the pile of meat, Su Ming didn't look at it. to get what you want.

This 'cowardly' head is literally empty. You know, Su Ming killed a lot of bugs in the past. No matter how bad it was, there would still be a pool of pus. But this one is better. The bottom of the skull is clean, not even a little bit. No moisture at all.

"So we have been struggling with a brainless thing before?" Hela also poked her head out from behind Deathstroke and looked at the man's anatomy. However, although she said disappointed words, her tone was not very disappointed.

Because she mentioned being brainless, she naturally thought of Thor, and when she thought of Thor, she thought of other aspects of Asgard.

She was thinking that if she was just an ordinary Aesir woman, instead of being created by Loki and thrown into ancient times after being recognized as the eldest daughter by Odin, would she be married now?

What if you have a man of your own who will decompose the carcasses of prey in front of your home after he comes back from hunting, while you can hold your child and show off to the women next door?

Thinking of this and looking at her current situation, Hela was brought back to reality. There was only a dark sea in front of her.

Whether it's Thor or Frigga, they still have their families, but they themselves

"This is normal. Since Bai Bai knows my ability, she can't send a creature with brains to deal with me." Su Ming put down the head in his hand and went to check the inside of Black Maggot's body, trying to find the other party's strong Where did the corrosive body fluid come from: "And those subordinates who have organs like brains have never even seen a blank face."

"I have a guess." Bobo's monkey eyes suddenly became sharp. He pulled out the pipe from his mouth and said: "In the past, Bai Bai gave instructions to these three 'mothers', and then the mothers conveyed the orders to Second-level subordinates like the men in black robes or 'my lord', this is a very traditional leadership system."

"Well, there is a possibility that Blank can erase other people's memories of her." Su Ming tilted his mouth. He pulled out an organ from the mud-like acidic mucus and carefully identified it. Finally, I thought that the thing that was bigger than a winter melon might be a kidney, so I threw it to the orange cat to eat: "If Manhattan can do such a thing, so can Blank."

The orange cat was held by Hela's neck, looking obedient, but when the huge internal organs were thrown over, it still opened its mouth dozens of square meters in an instant, sucking in a storm like a trumpet.

A large cluster of red tentacles rolled around the waist and entered the cat's mouth. Its eyes narrowed and its little tongue stretched out to lick the corners of its mouth, as if it was savoring the taste.

"Now we don't have any clues, so we can only make wild guesses." Bobo sighed. He turned to look at Tracy, who was still retching in a coma: "But it's still a bit of a gain. At least that little girl can see clearly. The sky is the limit and we will no longer make trouble and run around in the future."

"I have some other ideas to test, but I have to wait until Barry comes back. Let's forget it for now." Deathstroke shook his hand. The corrosive body fluid was no longer useful to Strangler. After being corroded by it last time, Strangler had already It has evolved corresponding anti-corrosion capabilities. This is the power of the symbiote.

It is said that it is impossible to defeat the Saints twice with the same trick. Now it feels that this sentence can also be applied to itself. It is different from those coquettish bitches of the same race. They cannot change their weakness of being afraid of sound waves and high temperatures, but I am always evolving.

Today there is one less weakness, which is gratifying.

"Then let's get here first today?" Bobo looked up at the sky. Even the moon was not very bright in the dark night sky: "It will be dawn in two or three hours, and everyone needs to rest. "

"Well, what you said makes sense, but we can't disband yet. I have a hunch that the next enemy attack may come soon." Su Ming stood up, but found nothing of value in the dead maggot: "So you and Tracy first follow Jack to the Hall of Justice, meet up with the rest of the Doom Patrol, and wait for my news."

"Is it really that fast?" The orangutan pursed his lips.

"I don't know, it's just my feeling. Okay, adjutant, let's teleport to Xiaofu Orang and the others first." Deathstroke waved his hand, indicating to the adjutant to activate his ability. Before leaving, he also warned: "If you find that you suddenly have memory loss, or If something else happens to your brain, please contact me immediately."

"It sounds scary." Bobo pressed his green tweed hat: "Don't worry, orangutan, I'm not that careless. I understand what you mean."

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