The Death Knell

Chapter 4712 Where to start

The main purpose of sending the orangutans to the Justice League is just in case, because the Zhenglian side has no intelligence at all about Blank. Even with a smart guy like Green Arrow, he only has two eyes without intelligence. A smear of darkness.

It's safest to let Bobo go over and help Green Arrow guard the Hall of Justice. The orangutan basically knows all the ins and outs of the matter and can adapt accordingly.

Besides, he also brought the doomsday prophet Ezekiel who had been silent. After being possessed by something before, the cockroach in the jar was always in the state of being "emptied out", and he remained silent along the way. Let people forget that it exists.

However, when the teleportation was activated, the adjutant would not forget it and took it away from the corner of the cloak.

So now only Carol, Hela, Diana, Orange Cat and Deathstroke are left on the beach.

"Are we still waiting for Thanos?" Carol was a little worried. If Blank could appear anywhere, then Thanos, who was alone, was now in the most dangerous situation: "It's better to just go back."

Carol just wants to find the enemy leader in one go. She also knows that no one has any decent clues at the moment, but maybe Thanos can be used as bait?

"As I said before, don't interfere in other people's housework, little fool." Deathstroke imitated the tone of a domineering president and jumped on his cloak flying carpet: "If we kill Zane, who will Thanos take out his anger on? Maybe he will blame us for killing his son, don't use your way of thinking to reason about a lunatic's mental illness."

Su Ming was basically 99% sure that Blank would not deal with Thanos, because Zane was already an abandoned son, and there was no way she would fish for a useless little psychopath.

Dr. Manhattan is absolutely rational. As for his style of doing things, some with high EQ are called rigid, while those with low EQ are called short-minded.

And there is a high probability that Blank will have the same style, after all, it is quantum.

"In this case, let's get rid of this body and disperse." Diana, who had been thinking about nothing, also walked over. She seemed to have seen enough of the sea: "Soon there will be early risers coming to the beach for a run. "We can't let the public see the body of this monster unless you want to make headlines."

"You're right, Xiao Dai." Su Ming asked Strangler to pick up the body and throw it into outer space, while he touched his chin and nodded: "Speaking of the news, I think of Louise, dear, what are you doing? The three remaining giants of the Justice League should go see her and explain things clearly to her."

"I don't even know yet!" Wonder Woman rolled her eyes, and she was so angry that she hit her boyfriend with her fist: "You threw me into that zombie apocalypse and you didn't even ask me if I was Agreed, I finally adapted to life there, and you suddenly picked me up without asking for my opinion. Do you think it’s fun to force me?”

At this point, she was still blushing a little, because she really felt like this was fun.

Every time she was knocked unconscious by her boyfriend and forced to do something she didn't want to do, although she said she was unhappy, she felt comfortable and exciting in her heart, and she could feel her boyfriend's love from it.

"Don't you just like being forced?" Su Ming took her retracted hand and shook it up and down: "Let's do things first, and I will make it up to you later when I have time. Can I accompany you on vacation in another world? I Do you want to feel nostalgic about a world where World War I is still fighting and you started out killing German devils?"

"I don't like killing people, that's the last option." Diana took a breath and exhaled heavily, trying her best to calm down her emotions.

"Let's talk about it later. You still have to choose a place you like for your vacation." Su Ming nodded, then snapped his fingers: "Adjutant, send Diana to that village in Kansas."

Wonder Woman wanted to say something else, but a blue light sent her away without asking her if she agreed.

Seeing that Diana was also sent away, Hela said directly: "I know you may have to do something alone, so don't arrange for us. Give me some money. Carol and I will go buy something. I I don’t know if there are any new video games in this universe that I haven’t played yet.”

She was very smart, and she almost guessed Deathstroke's next plan, so she simply reached out for money and took the stupid Carol with her. Of course, she would not forget the orange cat.

"I don't have much money on Earth 0, so I'll give you gold." Su Ming took out a gold brick from his pocket and nodded happily to Hela: "You and Carol can go and play casually. When you've had enough, Just call the adjutant and she will naturally send you back to Earth 40K."

After getting the gold brick, Hela didn't hesitate, pulling Captain Marvel, who still didn't want to be separated from Deathstroke, and left quickly.

Because she knew that she was not a detective and could not help in finding clues. It was better to take advantage of the opportunity of coming to a new world to do something she wanted to do and treat it as a vacation.

Anyway, on Blank's kill list, he and Carol were definitely not on the list. Didn't you see that the people Blank prioritized to deal with were all from the DC universe? Batman isn't dead yet, so everyone is safe.

Even if you take a step back and say that Batman has been killed by Blank, then the enemy's next target will most likely be Diana. Anyway, if the Justice League is not dead, outsiders like myself will not be able to get involved.

As for Deathstroke wanting to act alone, it is probably what he will do next, which involves some of his own secrets, secrets that he does not want others to know.

As a sensible and good woman, she shouldn't ask too many questions, as that would only lead to suspicion. Is there anyone who hasn't noticed how suspicious Deathstroke is?

The smart Hela just took Carol away, and only Deathstroke and the body were left on the seaside breakwater.

Strangler was trying to think of a way to pack up the black maggots, but the corpse was flowing everywhere like mud. It was difficult to deal with it. Just after it was thrown into the sky, the flight path was like launching a rocket.

"Ah, they're all gone. I'm alone now. Do you think Bai Kong will come?" Su Ming raised his hand and touched the Laughing Craftsman badge embedded on his chest.


The meaning of strangulation is that it will not happen. Blank will definitely accumulate a bunch of handymen before starting another round of plans.

Besides, don’t forget about the white multiverse. Many of the ‘white people’ subordinates who are currently empty are still being entangled by the evil powerful army of the Hand of Nothingness. She will most likely send people to deal with things there first.

"No matter how many people she sends out, it's useless if I go and catch them. They must all be empty-headed tools." Su Ming sighed. He took a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into Douya's mouth, and touched its smooth head: "Okay, let's try our luck in another place. If there is some connection between Blank and Dr. Manhattan, maybe Dr. Manhattan's past interpersonal relationships can be of some use."


Strangler has learned to respond, and it directly tells the adjutant to send the host to the Valley of the Kings on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt.

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