The Death Knell

Chapter 4713 Tachyon Particles

Speaking of dealing with Dr. Manhattan, the first person Su Ming thought of was of course the Pharaoh.

That conceited and golden smart man can be said to have defeated Doctor Manhattan twice, defeating the man-made God with a human body, all because of his clever mind.

And his technology.

In most people's minds, Dr. Manhattan is almost omnipotent. The concept of quantum is so huge that he can make a difference in any aspect, such as controlling particles, predicting the future, morphological changes, etc.

But he is not invincible. As I said before, the Pharaoh has a way to deal with Dr. Manhattan. That thing is called a 'tachyon accelerator'.

This thing is a piece of technological equipment that looks like a golden anti-tank mine and has two handles for easy carrying.

Su Ming didn't know how it worked. He only knew that it could deceive or distort Dr. Manhattan's observations of the future and the past. That is, through it, the Pharaoh realized his big plan, and it was done through Dr. Manhattan. World peace, this is also the main story in "Watchmen".

If Blank can also predict the future, then if he wants to deal with her, everything he does should be useless. At least he must first get an item that can block her "future vision", and then think of other plans to deal with her.

As for whether Blank has the ability to see the future, now is a good opportunity to verify it, because if she really foresees that Deathstroke will come here to borrow props from the Pharaoh, she will definitely kill the Pharaoh first to silence him.

But here comes the problem. Pharaoh keeps that device turned on 24 hours a day, just to prevent Dr. Manhattan from the past from coming to kill him. So theoretically speaking, even if Blank has the ability, he should not be able to see Pharaoh. Wherever the king is, what will he do?

This is fun. Neither the enemy nor we can see each other. It has really changed from a chess game with clear guns and swords to a military chess with overturned pieces.

Of course, all of this was Deathstroke's conjecture, and relying on the vague connection between the Laughing Craftsman's Badge and the Watcher, as well as his control over the concept of darkness, Su Ming soon found himself in an ancient place in the Valley of the Kings. Pharaoh was found in the tomb.

He is really a smart man. After being sent to Earth 0 by Manhattan from Watcher Earth, this man has been living a very low-key life. He vacated the tomb of an unknown pharaoh in Egypt, lived in it himself, and secretly modernized it. Transformation.

So when Su Ming saw him, the tomb located more than a hundred meters underground was not suffocating, and could even be said to be very comfortable.

The Pharaoh has occupied the golden throne of the owner of the tomb and is sitting in the light of the fire petting his cat. He seems to have retired after coming to Earth 0. It seems that he has not done any experiments or made any evil plans recently. .

At least it doesn't seem like it.

"Death Knell, we meet again. Welcome to my home." He supported his chin with his fist and welcomed the uninvited guest: "Although you did not knock on the door or climb through the window, you appeared directly in front of me. In front of you, but everything is fine, do you want to drink something? I have beer with the flavor of the Old Dynasty here, and the brewing method was found in the ancient tomb."

The furnishings in the tomb have not changed much, even the mummy's golden coffin is still there, but there are some more technological equipment, such as large computers, power generation equipment, etc.

The Pharaoh's cat is a genetic creature created by himself. It is an animal made from human DNA and feline DNA. It is very smart. When it saw its owner talking to the death knell, it originally pestered its owner to play with a ball. He walked away quietly and went to drink milk.

Unlike most scientists, the Pharaoh was an all-rounder. As long as it was a subject that could be thought of in human society, he was equally proficient in biology, physics, or chemistry.

And in all aspects, his achievements were not low, so much so that in the end, his mentality expanded so much that he wanted to study sociology and try to manipulate human society.

"Haha, I haven't seen you for a while, but you still have the same style." Su Ming greeted the other party with a smile and looked around the room. There was no suitable place to sit, so he simply sat sideways on the coffin, dangling in the air. One of the legs: "I am here today, and I still need you to do me a favor, which is what I told you last time."

"Okay, I probably guessed it." The Pharaoh smiled and flipped his palms, indicating that Deathstroke was welcome: "I live a good life on Earth 0, and I am taken care of by the masked vigilantes, so I should do something. I’ve paid you back. Since you came to me, you must have encountered something related to Manhattan. I know him well. He is a machine that operates ruthlessly. In his eyes, people must either live or die, which is very inhumane.”

"As expected of you, you guessed it before I even told you why I came." Su Ming threw a cigarette to Pharaoh and lit it for him with Force Lightning: "I also need to borrow your tachyon accelerator, not just for Instead of dealing with Dr. Manhattan, it’s another guy with similar abilities to him.”

"Oh? I didn't expect that."

Hearing what Death Knell said, the Pharaoh who had just put the cigarette to his lips paused and showed an interested expression.

He is basically a perfect person, without any bad habits, and he usually doesn't smoke at all. Now he accepts Deathstroke's cigarettes just to give him face.

"It's a long story, but I can just say, have you ever heard of the theory of cosmic balance?"

He also lit a cigarette, and Su Ming crossed his legs on the coffin like getting on a kang:

"Dr. Manhattan is dead, but this also means that the power corresponding to him has emerged from the darkness, and she has begun to attack us."


Ozymandias sat up straight, resting his elbows on the armrests of the throne and crossing his fingers on his chin:

"Let me guess, because the concept of anti-quantum does not exist at all, so you should have no evidence, so the reason why you insist on your statement is that you found that the unknown enemy has other similarities with Manhattan, such as how he works. Get used to the fact that the first target of your imaginary enemy is Superman?"

The Watcher universe was going to be destroyed in the doomsday bell. Pharaoh thanked Manhattan for bringing everyone from the sunken ship to Earth 0, but he also knew one thing, that is, Superman is the key, and the current Earth 0 Being able to exist is inextricably linked to Superman's outstanding performance in that battle.

He didn't know what the specific situation was, and he didn't want to study it in the past. He was already retired. There was the Justice League on this earth, and they didn't need the Watchers to worry about it.

What's more, there is no one in the Watch now, leaving only an empty name.

"I can't explain too much to you, because like you said, everything is just conjecture and reasoning." Su Ming shook his head and touched the paint on the coffin with his hand: "Lend me a machine , if you have spare ones, it would be better to get a few more.”

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