The Death Knell

Chapter 4714 The remaining hope

Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the man in front of him, who was covered in gold jewelry, turning around and leaving to get advanced equipment for himself.

Pharaoh is indeed a good player, with amazing talent, both in terms of brains and technological level.

Nowadays, people all over the world have forgotten the existence of Superman, but he has not forgotten it. This is enough to prove that he can completely resist blank means, and he is worthy of being a man who can defeat Dr. Manhattan.

But even such people, after coming to Earth 0, just live quietly underground without seeing the light, and they don’t know what kind of mood they live with.

You must know that Pharaoh's business in the past Watcher universe was much larger than that of Luther on Earth 0 today. Even if his life cannot be said to be extremely luxurious, it can still be regarded as unimaginable for ordinary people.

All office decorations and furniture must be made of gold; making a spaceship must contain a lot of gold; building a machine that can travel through different parallel worlds also requires gold embellishment.

Because the Pharaoh believed that no matter how strong and durable other metals were, if they were not mixed with some gold to make alloys, they would not be worthy of his status.

This disease is also reflected in Luther, but Baldhead mixes kryptonite powder into all the equipment he makes. Artificial kryptonite is valuable, but it is still much worse than precious metals like gold.

These little habits represent their arrogance. Smart people are particularly arrogant. The Pharaoh's arrogance is even worse than Luther's.

But it is easy to imagine how difficult it is for such a person to be ordinary now. Even if he is now living in the catacombs, with an unknown mummy as his companion, he still carries the memories of the past with him. He has a calm and unhurried demeanor and handles difficulties calmly.

Compared with Luthor's paranoid attitude towards Superman, Su Ming admired Pharaoh's conceited way more, especially when this man regarded protecting the earth as his responsibility and would do whatever it took to do so.

So the Pharaoh didn't negotiate any conditions at all. Deathstroke asked him to borrow something. He guessed that he wanted to fight for the earth, so he went to get it immediately without asking for anything.

How should I put it, there are no pure good guys in Watchmen, they are basically anti-heroes, but it is people like this who make it easier to get along with them.

There are no big slogans, and there is no need to hold meetings and talk frequently. You just need to meet tacitly, and everything will be settled.

So when people went to get the spare equipment, Su Ming still had time to look at the huge cat. Because it had the gene of a cat, this big cat had long ears, and it kept shaking its head like a small fan while drinking milk. It shakes a few times and is very cute.

"Purrr" the big cat made a comfortable sound, and the liquid surface of the milk licked with its tongue continued to ripple.

It's just that it's too big, similar to a pony, and not suitable for holding and playing with, so Su Ming thinks it's not as good as Qiu'er or Lingxing.

After the things were obtained, Su Ming left as soon as possible, because he might be stared at blankly, and staying with the Pharaoh would only increase his risk.

As for letting the Pharaoh participate in frontal combat, forget it. He is not the kind of person who is good at frontal combat, and it is not yet time for him to fill the battle line.


Flying in the air, Strangler made a sound. It was a little curious about what the Pharaoh's cat would taste like. It couldn't remember the last time it ate a genetic chimera.

"The Inhumans, their genes were modified by the Kree and require Terrigen Crystal to activate, so they are considered chimeras." Deathstroke remembered, and Strangler naturally remembered that the symbiote and the host are one. , the communication between the two always has a weird feeling like talking to oneself.


The symbiote said that indeed, it knew what the host was thinking, and the host also knew what it meant. Language communication was not necessary, but it liked to make squeaking sounds to show off its cuteness.

Because Deadpool said that it would be more popular this way. Although I don’t know if my mentally ill cousin is right, it doesn’t cost any money to try.

"Okay, the tachyon accelerator has been acquired, and now the switch is turned on." Su Ming got a dozen of these portable devices from the Pharaoh, and he fixed one of them on his breastplate like a breastplate. Next, put the others into the bag first: "It will be more convenient for us to discuss the blank matter later, and we don't have to worry about being peeped."

The technological content of these props is very high. After all, accelerating particles to super-light speed in a mine-sized device is undoubtedly a black technology. Not to mention Su Ming, even the adjutant would need a lot of time to do reverse engineering. Maybe we need scientists like Tony or Doom to study it together.

But these devices are really simple to use, because that’s what real high-tech should be. Only a fool can operate it if they get it. They only need to flip a switch, and it will automatically start to operate intelligently.


The bean sprout-like symbiote nodded. It said that it was indeed what the host said, but now, everyone had no blank clues and could only wait for her to take action next time. This was not a good feeling.

Just like sometimes the police want to catch a serial killer, but nothing can be inferred from the evidence at the scene. At this time, they can only wait for the murderer to commit another crime and hope that the other party will leave flaws next time.

No matter what, this is not a good thing. Although the death of civilians on Earth 0 is a number, there is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

The existence of blank space is like a sword hanging over everyone's head. You never know when it will fall. If it attacks together with the Origin Judge who plans to destroy Multivariate 1, then you will be in big trouble.

You must know that without Superman, many things will become unstable, and even Luthor may lose control.

"You are right, so Diana went to Lois and Jonathan to explain. Now I need to go to Luthor, tell him about Superman's 'disappearance', and then try my best to stabilize his emotions."


Missing? Superman should be dead, or rather dead. He doesn't even have ashes, he's been completely wiped out.

"No matter what the specific situation is, when we report it to Luthor, everyone has to agree that Superman is MIA." Su Ming rubbed the black bean sprouts, turned over in the air, and flew across the Persian Gulf in a backstroke position. Above: "At least we have to leave some hope for the bald man, right? Fortunately, Luther is still in the Omega Universe. He remembers Superman, so he can still feel hope."

In any case, asking Luthor to find Superman is more reliable than Su Ming. Although Baldhead's current strength is definitely not as good as his own, sometimes you just have to believe in someone's bond. This is a kind of metaphysics.

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