The Death Knell

Chapter 4715 Complex interpersonal relationships

"You can never defeat me, boy! I am the destroyer of all illusions, the executioner of all life, I am Thanos!"

In the broken universe, Thanos said coldly to the thin boy, who was like a duck being held by his neck in his hands.

The victory has been decided. Although the young man is very brave, he still lacks combat experience and does not understand what it means to go all out in one go, then weaken again, and be exhausted three times.

Although Thanos was driven crazy by rage, Zane could not handle it just by relying on instinct to fight. His tactics had always been defensive counterattacks. Until not long ago, Nizi showed signs of fatigue, because Ebony Maw and others After death and panic, Thanos turned to show his true skills.

Not only did he blow up the pocket space where the two of them were in with one punch, but he also made a small hole in the multiverse at the higher level, which was like a plane.

That is, under this blow, Zane's jaw was knocked off. At this time, the little purple sweet potato could only make a humming sound, unable to speak complete words.


I don't know what he is talking about, but I can tell from the sad and angry eyes that he is probably cursing someone.

But unfortunately, Zane is too young, and he doesn’t even know how to curse people. Otherwise, he should have made a long series of grunts.

In response to this, Thanos smiled coldly and had no intention of saying anything more. Instead, he suddenly exerted force with his hands and broke Zane's neck while the opponent continued to struggle.

Although Nizi still wanted to fight back, his hands kept pulling Thanos's arms, and his legs kicked his father's chest wildly, but it was useless. No matter how hard he tried, there was no sound in the universe. His attacks were also like a mud cow entering the sea.

Soon, he kicked his legs a few times, became incontinent, and was strangled to death by Thanos.

Killing his own son would not put any psychological burden on the Mad Titan. On the contrary, killing his own relatives again after so many years once again made Thanos feel extremely happy.

He remembered the joy he felt when he killed his entire family, and the promise that death had made to him.

Death was said at that time. Thanos's parents were dead, and so were his people. Their corpses were eaten by Titan lizards, and then the lizards were also killed. The entire planet was barren, and there was no living thing left. The most perfect form - dead silence.

So no one or anything will get in the way, and she will be with herself forever, forever!

"My goddess, have you seen it? I killed the person who wanted to prevent us from being together again!" Thanos pulled out the head of his son's body and handed it to Deathstroke when he was ready. The low temperature in the universe froze instantly. The blood caused red ice crystals like crystal clusters to emerge from the fractures of the corpse. He laughed and said, "Ah ha ha ha! Witness me! Witness my love for you!"

While holding the head in both hands and slowly rotating in space, Thanos looked everywhere, eagerly looking for traces of his lover.

Because he was too focused on fighting, he didn't even know when Deathstroke and his group left. Although the life and death of others didn't matter to him, he wanted to find where his goddess was.

Yes, she was in that pocket space before, but now it's destroyed, but don't worry, death is a concept, and a small space collapse can't hurt her, just like ordinary people won't be harmed by one. A speck of dust kills.


"My Goddess?"

"Where are you?"

No matter whether he was looking around or flying around, the smell of death that he could feel was getting weaker and weaker, and she seemed to have left.

And her disappearance made Thanos go crazy again, because the Titan was just a madman, not a fool. He immediately thought of another thing, that is - Deadpool was also missing.


The dead son's head was crushed in the Infinity Gauntlet and turned into a cloud of ice crystals floating in the universe. The flame of jealousy burned in Thanos's eyes again. He could no longer control so much, because the next step The goal is to find a way to defeat Deadpool and get the goddess back.

However, now that I am left alone in this flat multiverse, how should I go back? You have to think about it carefully.

"That's pretty much what happened."

Deathstroke briefly told Luther what happened, and pushed a tachyon accelerator from the table to the bald head:

"Superman is missing now, and most people have forgotten his existence. It's only up to you to find him."

In view of Su Ming's different description method, Luthor did not feel that Superman was dead at this time, so he did not have any sad emotions. Instead, he still had his nostrils turned upward.

"Hmph, that ridiculous Kryptonian, did he escape?"

The light shone brightly on his bald head, and his hands in green armor grabbed the golden device in front of him:

"I have already said that aliens are unreliable. Even Superman will disappear. At such times, it still depends on us humans."

If Luther had not been a human being for a period of time, his statement would be somewhat credible. However, given that he was transformed by Perpetua before and was even addicted to that deformed power, he is now It's a bit funny for Deathstroke, a pure-blooded human, to say this.

But fortunately, he seemed to be aware of his position as if he didn't say this, so his old face turned slightly red, turned around, and looked at the current battle situation map of the Omega Universe:

"Ahem, I understand what you mean, Slade. Don't worry, go find that guy called Blank. Leave the matter of retrieving Superman to me and the Legion of Destruction. Wait until I get rid of that fool in red and blue clothes. Get it back, and I will laugh at him again, because the only one who can defeat Superman is me, and it must be me!"

Here comes Luther, who is energetic again. Most of the time, he always does things in a nonchalant manner, such as how much money Lex Industries made this year, what new super technologies his scientists have developed, etc., He was very calm, as if he was having lunch, completely indifferent.

But once the matter involves Superman, it's another story. Luthor can devote 200% of his enthusiasm and professionalism to it, just to prove that he is stronger than Superman.

The current situation couldn't be better. Superman has been lost in battle by an unknown enemy. If he can find Superman and defeat an enemy that he can't even deal with, then...hahahaha

Luthor thought about it and suddenly laughed, because a specific picture had emerged in his smart mind. It was a scene of Superman nodding and bowing to himself with admiration, crying and thanking him for saving his life!

Yes, compared to killing Superman, it is obviously more satisfying to have Superman bow before him. The laughing Luthor finally found the way to transcendence that he had always wanted but never had the inspiration to do today!

It turns out that transcending the past self, the self that wanted to kill Superman, is that simple.

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