The Death Knell

Chapter 4825 Time and Story

"In July 1959, Jenny and I were still colleagues. We went to New Jersey together. I went to visit some friends, and she went to visit her mother."

"After arriving by train, she called home, but no one answered, so we went to an amusement park near the station to kill time while waiting for her mother to come home."

"There was a photographer in the amusement park. He thought we were a couple and shouted hello to take a photo with us for only 25 cents. I said we were not in that kind of relationship, but Jenny said she wanted to take a photo, and I Then I understood what she meant.”

"We took a great photo, she had a beautiful smile, and I seemed at a loss because of my shyness."

"11 minutes and 57 seconds after taking the photo, Jenny's watch strap broke. Before I could pick it up, a big fat man accidentally stepped on it. In order to make her not too sad, I said I could Help her get her watch fixed."

Colorful cosmic light shone warmly on everyone. Deathstroke, who was sitting on the pony, had already taken out melon seeds and beer, and started eating and drinking with the black asphalt-like creature.

The ladies had given up on rescuing Superman, and Kara was staring at Deathstroke with red eyes, but Diana and Harley were listening with their ears pricked up, listening to what Doctor Manhattan said about the past, which happened in the Watcher universe, his home planet. Secret.

"So that's it, 11 minutes and 57 seconds came from here, tons, tons, tons..." After hearing a secret, Su Ming, who was celebrating, silently swirled a bottle of beer, wiped his mouth with his backhand, and took the strangle. A small handful of peeled melon seeds: "I understand, please continue, doctor."

11 minutes and 57 seconds, converted to 717 seconds, don't blame Su Ming for being too sensitive to this number, because there are really 7s everywhere, he just noticed it subconsciously.

"In 1945, when the atomic bomb was put into actual combat, my father gave up his watch repair business. He told me that time is no longer important, but fortunately I can also repair watches."

"In July 1959, Jenny's breath was in my ear, her broken watch was on the bedside table in the hotel, and we were together."

"What happened was that a month later I forgot the repaired watch in the pocket of my white coat, and stupidly left my clothes in the experimental cabin. When I entered the experimental cabin, I wanted to get the watch back and show it to her. At that time, the door of the experimental cabin was closed."

"It was a unique security method of that era. It was like locking a bank thief and gold into a vacuum vault. The hatch could not be opened twice in a short time. Jenny and my friends tried a lot. I tried to open the door from the outside, but it was useless. After 11 minutes and 57 seconds, the powerful nuclear radiation turned me into light under the automatic operation of the computer."

"It was August 1959, and that light almost shattered me, but just barely."

"Everything is over. I have become a representative of quantum, a non-human life, a person who has mastered the secrets of the world and the universe. So the universe points its finger at me. It regards me as a virus that invades the body and arranges itself. The emergence of antibodies is to restart the world through human nuclear war."

At this point, Dr. Manhattan paused for a moment, because everyone has 717 seconds, and there is still a little left. He doesn't have to worry, and he can still go and see if the ladies understand what he said.

Su Ming didn't know how much they understood, but he was eating melon seeds and raised his hand to speak:

"So these 11 minutes and 57 seconds can also be seen as a curse placed on you by the Watcher universe, a target across time and space. Whenever this period of time comes, your life will undergo drastic changes."

This is a question, but Su Ming sometimes imitates Batman and uses a declarative tone to express questions.

"Time and space have lost meaning to me since then." Dr. Manhattan did not directly answer the death knell, but continued the previous narrative: "I can see more, hear more, think more, I It’s starting to become…everywhere.”

"I saw Jacqueline in the convertible holding Kennedy's head, her eyelashes covered with crystal tears. That was November 22, 1963."

"I saw Dr. Manhattan dumping Jonathan and Jenny's amusement park photo on Mars. He seemed to have forgotten everything. That was in October 1985." Lan

"I saw Superman lifting a car on April 18, 1938, and then I discovered that there was no such car in 1938 in my world. I saw a scene in another multiverse. "

"There were two solutions to the problem in front of me, but I couldn't see through the black wall. I could only see Superman and darkness."

The death knell, who was drinking, eating melon seeds and smoking, raised his hand again. He thought that hearing this reminded him of a joke that fit the occasion, so he said it:

"If what you saw at that time was the black president Superman, wouldn't you be able to kill two birds with one stone? Haha!"

Obviously, this joke was too cold. Not to mention that the emotionless guy Manhattan didn't laugh. Even Harley, who loves to laugh, didn't laugh. She even bared her teeth at Su Ming to express her dissatisfaction because she was listening to this fruity man. She was fascinated by the story. If nothing else, she liked to hear other people's last words.

Although she also knew that Little Bee kept interjecting in order to break everyone's immersion and prevent them from getting stuck in the story, so that they could feel sympathy for Dr. Manhattan...

Dr. Manhattan has no emotions. If you treat him the same way or think about human beings, or have any feelings for him, it will inevitably be the beginning of tragedy. Lan

It's like when you see a beggar on the street and feel that he is very pitiful because he has no food or drink, so you give him money to help him. As a result, the ruthless beggar discovered that he could live a better life if he robbed you, so out of rational judgment of profit, he stabbed you to death, destroyed your body, and pretended to be your identity...

This is a typical example of people being killed for their good intentions. When some people first came to Gotham, they didn't have a good travel guide and didn't know the value of beggars on the streets. This kind of thing happens from time to time.

But even so, Harley still wanted to hear a complete story, not scattered jokes.

The tall blue giant ignored Deathstroke's gag and continued his speech, as if he was analyzing his own weaknesses or saying goodbye to the past:

"I am one of the driving forces behind the chaos. My ruthless thirst for knowledge has destroyed many things that are beautiful to ordinary people. I want to see everything clearly and dig deep until there are no more doubts in front of me and only the simplest one is left. Blank... Deathstroke, do you think I am burdened with sin and should I continue to exist?"

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