The Death Knell

Chapter 4826 Overthrow and start over

"It turns out that this is the reason for the blank, the common motive between her and you... Well, it doesn't matter what I say, you still have six minutes."

The mercenary under the starlight raised his hand and tapped his bare wrist with the melon seeds in his other hand. Even though there was no watch there, he still remembered the time:

"Although I also want to tell you in a domineering tone, I don't want you to think, I want me to feel, but you know, I am not that kind of character. Unlike others who easily make decisions for others with enthusiasm, I prefer to let others Others choose for themselves.”

"This is what you always said in the past, the greater the ability, the greater the choices?" Dr. Manhattan's brows moved slightly, and the black bags under his eyes appeared deeper.

"Maybe in the past, you had the opportunity to choose, but now... there may be only one way. In order to prevent the blank from appearing after your death, I have a plan..."

The mercenary was talking, and at this moment, the huge angel statue suddenly appeared beside everyone. There was room for a monster on this smooth platform, even though the monster seemed to be aiming at Superman.

Diana was just about to pick up a weapon to fight the monster, but Dr. Manhattan just looked at the 'mother', and she exploded into pieces. The monster created by blank space at some point in the future is now in the present. The points in time were reduced to quanta, floating between heaven and earth.

Similar to how Rorschach died, her ashes left an angel-like outline on the ground. Lan

After doing this trivial matter, the blue man looked at Deathstroke. He didn't speak, but the mercenary already knew his choice.

So Su Ming took out his little Batman book from his pocket and threw it to the blue giant. It was obvious that he had been prepared in the previous time.

The small black diary looked like a black patch in the giant's hands. Manhattan had already read the entire contents without turning the pages.

He understood Deathstroke's arrangement, and it had to be said that this seemed to be the best way to handle it.

"Just like believing in hope, do you believe in the darkness that covers hope? It is indeed your style, Su, you always surprise people."

"I know, just like I know you can't see what I do in the Marvel Universe. Closer to home, Doctor, if you are looking for hope but can't find it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, it's just hidden. It’s just behind the curtain of darkness. Speaking of which, in addition to being the controller of dark concepts, I am also the Supreme Mage. I have another set of views on the timeline that are different from yours, and your ability can make these views come true."

Su Ming stood up, patted the melon seed peels on his body, took out a cigarette and lit it: Lan

"Now that you are ready and the time is coming, do you need a sense of ceremony? I mean, use quantum power to turn into a big clock? Or I can find some black people to carry the coffin for you. I know them. Some good hands.”


"Thanks, Daniel, your skills are good. Have you considered going into ear picking?"

After watching the black-robed Sandman take out many shiny little maracas from Superman's ears, the strong man in red and blue uniforms was sitting on the bed and stretching. A cartoon squirrel in clothes hurriedly brought towels and It looked like milk, Su Ming made a joke.

The Lord of Dreams, Sandman, rolled his eyes. He was shocked by what Deathstroke had done not long ago, but he couldn't say it.

"You changed the story and replaced him, and Origin will be after you."

"Ah, there are so many stories in your library that never happened, so many poems that were never written. It's not a big deal if you change some, right? Because no one will observe and describe." Su Ming shook his head and reached out from Pulling Superman up from the hospital bed, he smiled and patted the strong man on the back: "How did you sleep? Clark? Do you want to eat something?" Lan

This is the Land of Dreams, the Sandman's castle guest room, with talking candlesticks and teapots watching the fun.

"I...what's wrong?" Superman reached out and touched the back of his head. He felt a pain like a stiff neck, but he still smiled and nodded, because Superman answered all the questions of his friends: "What if If you want to eat, how about I treat you? Come to my house."

It is impossible to go out to eat out. Without money, Louise’s money is her money. Her own money is used for daily expenses at home, money for children to go to school, and money for parents to repair tractors and buy parts. You can’t mess with it. flower.

Jumping off the bed, he felt as if he had forgotten something, but when he saw Diana and Carla beside him, he decided that everyone should go to dinner first. After all, there was no reason for the lady to wait.

"It's nothing serious. It's just that your sleep quality is not good. Didn't I take you to see the Sandman? How do you feel now?"

Su Ming, who was joking, hooked his shoulders, smiled and turned his cloak into a flying carpet, ready to take everyone to the metropolis.

"Ah, so, thank you, Slade, and you, Daniel, and the two Squirrel Ladies." Superman smiled and thanked the two, although he didn't understand why Sandman looked at him and his party with pity. People, but he still attributed this to the fact that people were speechless at the fuss made by Deathstroke: "Especially Sandman, I'm bothering you with my affairs, how about you come to my house for dinner too?" Lan

The squirrels holding hands beside the hospital bed danced. They didn't know anything, so they were always happy.


Lifting up his black robe, Sandman turned around and disappeared through the stained glass window with his butler in one step. He didn't even want to say more to Superman.

"I always feel something is weird..."

Diana's eyes on the side became sharp. For a moment, she seemed to burst out with the aura of pursuing the truth like a famous detective, but it was only for a moment. She quickly shook her head with a smile and grabbed Kara's little hand. Walking onto the flying carpet, he revealed his findings:

"The Sandman is really strange. He's always been a mystery."

"Yes, during the dark metal incident, he sent a message to Batman in his dream. He couldn't explain it clearly, but it caused us all misery." Su Ming glared at Harley, because Little Jelly Bean was smiling evilly at this time. Looking at him, it was obvious that her memory had not been changed by the rewriting of the timeline, but she couldn't talk about it. It was best for her to be quiet. Lan

Harley was just trying to scare Little Bee, so she wouldn't say anything, especially since she knew something that her best friend Diana didn't know, which made her even happier.

"By the way, cousin, I joined the Justice League." Kara then remembered to tell Clark about this. She was as happy as a bunny jumping: "Deathstroke helped me resign from the DEO."

"Is this a good thing... right?" Superman wasn't too sure. He didn't pay much attention to the dark side of the world and didn't understand the evil deeds of the Super Investigation Department. But seeing Kara so happy, he just let it go: "That's right. , I remembered, I was fighting a stone statue before, and I seemed to...lose? What on earth was that thing? Where did it go? It won't work if we don't deal with it, it will threaten people safety."

"Don't worry, Clark, I've got it done. It will definitely make it die, as if it had never appeared before..."

Su Ming, who was smoking a cigarette, grabbed him and reached out to pat the logo on Superman's chest:

"I've done it. Now it's time for you to thank me. I saved you from the evil statue. You have to express your gratitude now. All you need to do is take us back to your house and cook. , I kind of want to eat seafood today, like blue fish or something."

"Haha, okay, when I get back to Earth, I have to go to the beach first." Superman's memory gradually became clearer. Deathstroke was right, and he always seemed to be right. Lan

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