The Death Knell

Chapter 4827 Poor family banquet

It was said that we were going to Superman's house for dinner, but in the end the food was only fish soup and salad, as well as baguette for dipping in the soup. Lan

Superman's home was destroyed before. Even though the two Kryptonians repaired the house at super high speed, the kitchen was severely damaged because it was right next to the bedroom. The only usable kitchen utensil was a flat pot.

A new multi-function oven costs $1,200, and a new refrigerator costs $400, not to mention all the other bits and pieces.

Kryptonians have super speed, but neither of them are the kind of people who take other people's things for free. After spending money to buy materials to repair the house, Clark really has no money to buy these kitchen appliances, so he can only make do with it. A meal.

The memories of Louise and Xiao Qiao were also partially confused, which caused the hostess of the house to seem a little distracted. Although there was no doubt about Clark's return, she seemed to have forgotten some recipes, resulting in the fish soup being made by Diana. , British taste.

Her skill in cooking is not as good as Gin. Although Valkyrie only sprinkled a handful of salt on the barbecue, at least the salt was put in the right amount. Diana acted like she had just robbed the salt seller and used the salt improperly. Things are thrown around wantonly.

Sitting in the newly restored restaurant, smelling the glue of building materials, Su Ming discovered the terrible fact that none of his three women seemed to be good at cooking.

Gin only knows how to cook field barbecues, Xiao Dai knows more stews than she does, but they are all British dishes, and Harley only knows how to bake cakes, and her daily staple food besides cakes is takeaway. Lan

Fortunately, the deputy's voice sounded in her mind at this time. She said that she had learned all the recipes that existed on the digital network in the known universe, including alien delicacies. Now she just had to practice them. Maybe the Sheriff could rely on her in the future.

This made Su Ming seem to see some hope.

But for things like eating, Su Ming is not short of food. He can't die if he doesn't eat anything. He can even let Zhuo Sha eat something that ordinary people shouldn't eat to feed himself.

So the key is not what to eat, but who to eat with.

The Superman family are all good people. Even though the son is at a rebellious age, he is still someone else's child compared to his peers, so this meal was very enjoyable, especially after drinking the good wine provided by Deathstroke. After that, white wine always goes well with fish.

"Ahem, thank you again for saving me, Slade." Superman clinked glasses with Deathstroke at the dining table. He smiled and pointed at his head: "Although I seem to have lost part of my memory, I remember that the statue knocked him unconscious. If you hadn't arrived, I would have been in trouble."

"It's nothing, it's just a piece of cake for me." Su Ming clinked glasses with him, took a sip of wine with a smile, and continued his investigation: "So do you still feel any discomfort now? For example, your head hurts, your respiratory tract hurts , or... suddenly want to drink milk?" Lan

"The pain in the head may be a concussion, and the pain in the respiratory tract may be poisoning, but what kind of illness is wanting to drink milk?" Jonathan had a question mark on his face. It was very difficult for him to eat, but Wonder Woman cooked for everyone, no matter how unpalatable it was. To eat.

"Hehe! It's mental illness, kid."

Harley didn't seem to have any feelings for the salted fish soup. While she was dipping her bread into the soup, she played with the fish head on the plate with her fork, arranging it at an angle to look up at the sky:

"This is very common. Soldiers who come off the battlefield must undergo psychological treatment. This is because many people may suffer from PTSD after being injured and develop strong paranoia about certain items. By the way, do you want to hire me as a psychiatrist? ?I want an extra income, something with an office and personal accident insurance.”

The topic was changed by her, because she had already seen that when Little Bee mentioned milk just now, Superman was just curious about why Deathstroke asked this, and had no other ideas, because that was what was written in the thought bubble above his head.

Superman is the only person who speaks what appears in his thought bubble. His words can speak to his heart, which is something that no one else can do.

Jonathan nodded. I see, what Harry said was right, so he continued to lower his head and compete with the soup. He rarely interrupted when the adults were talking. After all, they were not from the same generation and did not have much in common. Lan

"I don't feel any discomfort. When I first woke up, the back of my head hurt a little, but it's gone now."

The Superman who was asked looked at his son lovingly, and then answered the two people's questions in turn. When it came to insurance, he couldn't help but look at his house full of patches. Tomorrow, he would go to settle the house accident insurance claim, and As we all know, it is very easy to buy insurance, but it is very difficult to make claims:

"The psychological problems of the Justice League in the past were all solved by Batman, and we do not have personal accident insurance. No insurance company will insure vigilantes because the risk is too great."

"Batman's 'Shelter Plan' has proven to be a failure and almost drove Wally crazy, so he is simply not qualified." Harley suddenly lost interest, but still did not forget to criticize Batman's actions: "He He doesn’t even have a professional qualification certificate or a degree in psychology, so he might as well be Bobo.”

"Huh? Bobo has a degree in psychology?"

Diana also found that the food she cooked was not very delicious. She was blushing and didn't know how to apologize, but after hearing that the orangutan had a degree, she still made a sound.

"Yes, it's just a bachelor's degree obtained through online correspondence courses. His hairy appearance is not suitable for going to university." Su Ming took over the conversation. He fed the fish on the plate to the strangled fish and only tore the rusks apart. Chi: "Now that the matter is over, I have removed that weird angel statue, your home is mostly repaired, and everything will be fine." Lan

"Yes, and me, Clark, what do you think my parents and I will also move to the metropolis?" Kara sat at the end of the dining table, blinking her eyes constantly and using the star eye offensive on her cousin: "We are two siblings. We can form a team, and you can teach me a lot of things.”

"What about International City?" Superman also wants to be closer to his relatives, but for Kryptonians, the distance between the east and west coasts of the United States is just a blink of an eye: "You used to protect that city, but if you leave......"

"There's no problem if she leaves. International City is where the DEO headquarters is located. You may not know how those people do things."

Su Ming supports Kara moving to the East Coast. After all, although she is Superman's cousin, she is actually just a young girl who has just grown up:

"Let me tell you this, there are agents from the Super Investigation Department upstairs opposite your house, and grenade launchers equipped with kryptonite warheads may be directed at your house at any time. Once something happens, the Sky Eye may negotiate , but the Super Investigation Department likes to do things extremely well."

Superman is indeed a good man, but he still gets angry when it comes to his family.

He didn't want to believe what Deathstroke said because it was too dark, but when he activated his super vision and looked at the residential building opposite, he immediately found a lot of sneaky people... Lan

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