The Death Knell

Chapter 4839 Transcendence and Gain

What bad intentions could Deathstroke, the Supreme Mage who is passionate about protecting mankind, have? He was simply doing Peter a favor.

If you put a charming and beautiful woman on board, the adolescent boy's hormones will make him always think about her seductive appearance, and he will definitely not refuse something after knowing that she is on board.

But as a serious superhero, Peter will never touch such a professional woman, because in his opinion, this is actually a kind of exploitation, using money as bait to force women to make certain choices, which is wrong.

But this is an alien, and we cannot treat her according to human moral concepts. Moreover, in the universe, being a companion is really a very high-end profession. It is like a hireable version of a courtesan. Many captains who have been running ships all their lives are not as good as They are respected.

Anyway, the adjutant reported that Peter had encountered such an opportunity, so Su Ming directly ordered this beauty to be put on his boat as a training for the little insect.

At that time, Peter will most likely fall into a confrontation between physical instinct and mental mysophobia, and in this pain of "wanting to eat but not being able to eat", he will gradually strengthen his willpower.

Peter from 40K Earth is much stronger than his counterparts from other worlds in MCU, especially since he also has a symbiote given to him by Deathstroke. Is he named Little Red or Little White?

The symbiote seems to be still dormant and behaved relatively docilely at first, but to become a qualified symbiote host, strong willpower is indispensable, because the relationship between the host and the symbiote requires humans who know how to restrain their desires. Dominate, otherwise the symbiote will lead the action and unleash the appetite without restraint, and eventually it will become a murderous maniac like massacre or whipping.

Peter himself may not realize that training his willpower is his top priority, but don't worry, Deathstroke has arranged it for him.

As for whether he will fall into a larger Shura field because of this, that is the price that must be paid while getting benefits. How can there be only benefits?

Deathstroke himself, who asked the adjutant to give the order, can be said to be in the Marvel universe now, or not, because his location is beyond the realm. He comes here to talk to Xiao Fu, who is responsible for repairing and maintaining this high-level space.

In order to control the special weapon and supercomputer of the Transcendent Realm, there must be a person who is smart enough to stay here, and must have enough combat power to deal with the gods who may attack at any time, and must be able to control the transcendent energy here.

Except for Franklin, the other candidates were almost boring.

Now the two of them are walking in the small community that represents the endless universe. They are playing in the sand in the small park on the corner of the street. The sun is very warm. Xiao Fu uses a plastic shovel to build a pyramid in the sand pit. He turns to look at the death knell and smiles. , just like an ordinary little boy.

"What's wrong? Child."

Su Ming, smoking a cigarette, sat on the edge of the sandpit and raised his eyebrows to ask. Franklin seemed to be in a good mood. Perhaps it was because the infinite possibilities in the transcendental realm gave his imagination enough room to develop. ?

"I'm happy for Peter. He's lucky to have met you." Xiao Fu patted the sand pyramid with the back of a plastic shovel to make it solid on all sides: "It's just that I don't understand what's worth about him." What’s the place that you particularly value?”

Emotionally speaking, Xiaofu, who lives in a cancerous universe, would rather see others live happily; but intellectually, he knows that Deathstroke cannot do unnecessary things.

"Just think of it as some kind of metaphysics." Su Ming took a puff of cigarette and blew out a cloud of smoke into the sky. White lines appeared on the blue background: "DC's Flash, Marvel's Spider-Man, They all belong to the kind of existence that once sacrificed to the sky, all other teammates will be added with a sure-win BUFF."

"That's it." Franklin was so smart that he understood everything immediately without explaining it in detail. He turned his head and continued to play with his sand sculpture: "This way, if one day, he needs to sacrifice himself, He will have no regrets."

"It can be understood that way, but there are other reasons. After all, Peter's non-killing doctrine is still too rare in 40K." After yawning, Su Ming put his hands on his knees and changed the topic: "Just now he was The adjutant’s report was interrupted, let’s continue the previous topic, what do you think of that matter?”

"There is a relationship between quantum and the soul. This is my opinion." Franklin raised his hand, and the pyramid he piled was immediately enlarged hundreds of times and floated in the air: "I think humans use scientific and technological means to explore the soul. , this is the path we should take.”

As he spoke, he began to play with the huge golden tower flying in the air, drew several horizontal lines at varying distances on its side, and then wrote words in the horizontal lines.

The bottom layer is written with memories and stories; the upper layer is written with improvisational reactions and emotions; the third layer above is egoism; the top layer is written with blank soul and transcendence. .

He used this thing as a concrete example and prepared to analyze his views with Su Ming. Although he did not know the ins and outs of the whole thing, the entire process had been basically restored from what Deathstroke had just recounted.

The reason why people are human is because of this pyramid that represents the level of consciousness.

"Sufficient memory experience is the basic premise for us to generate more thinking activities. More thinking activities activate more areas in the brain. This allows our thinking to develop more options when dealing with different environments. , giving birth to more behavioral patterns, which are also the prototypes of many cultures that have been nurtured in our history. After successfully reaching the third level, we have widened the gap with all animals, and then we want to become higher and faster, Stronger. So we look for all ways to break through our own limitations, and just when we start to have the idea of ​​'breaking through ourselves', we reach the fourth level of the pyramid of consciousness."

The reason why I say this is because this is the process of how an inanimate quantum becomes a living Dr. Manhattan, and all androids and robots can follow this path and become people with their own souls.

If man is the only living thing with a soul.

The original Doctor was blown to pieces by a nuclear test, and the reason why he was able to transform into Doctor Manhattan, in Xiao Fu's view, is the key to his memories and stories. Quantum 'saw' these stories, and thus developed a way to deal with them. The stress response of things, which can be observed by others, begins to climb to the top of the pyramid.

"It makes sense, although I don't quite understand your theory." Su Ming nodded, and he raised his feet to shake the sand: "I just intuitively felt the importance of the doctor's story, so I made the subsequent plan. .”

"In fact, he is more like committing suicide. I should be right to say that." Xiao Fu, who was squatting in the sandpit, stood up and put his small hand into the big hand of the death knell: "From a quantum point of view, only he wants to Only by being observed by you and eaten by you can you successfully complete all of this, not to mention that there is still space behind you to cause trouble."

"Let's not talk about those things in the past. Anyway, I succeeded. Although DC's current timeline is full of holes, I don't know if there will be any sequelae, but it is always good to be clean for a while."

Su Ming pulled him to the equipment aside and sent Xiao Fu to the elephant slide. He watched the boy climb up and said with a smile:

"I used darkness to swallow quantum and gained some new abilities, so I wanted to ask you, who can also create things out of thin air, if you have any suggestions on developing abilities?"

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