The Death Knell

Chapter 4840 Don’t bother

Climbing up on the ladder from behind the elephant's butt, the boy slid down the elephant's trunk slide. He patted the sand on his hands and changed the shape of the huge pyramid flying in the sky with his eyes.

The next second, this thing turned into a small single universe soap bubble, which was held by Franklin and suspended in the palm of his hand:

"I haven't fought many battles, and my advice to you will only constrain your imagination. However, I have a problem that I have experienced myself. Whether you want to avoid it or not depends on you."

"Say it, our super-powered boy."

Su Ming, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, raised his hand, black smoke spurted out from his palm, and instantly condensed into a small single universe, with only one planet in it, which looked like a single cell.

Looking at his actions, Franklin shook his head and said speechlessly:

"I was just about to say this. If you have the ability to turn fiction into reality, whether it is turning imagination into reality or converting energy into matter, it is best not to create a universe with intelligent creatures. , because this is where the trouble begins.”

Franklin has a deep understanding of this matter. As the person who created parallel worlds such as 40K-1 to 40K-6 in the pocket universe, he has been busy with those things before.

Creating a lifeless planet, space, and matter is easy to deal with, but once life appears in it, the story will follow, and the entropy value will begin to deflect, and then there will be endless corrections.

This feeling is like rowing on the sea. When turning, you can never stop at the right precise angle. It is either too left or too right. If you let go of the rudder, it will not take long for the boat to be collected. Wreckage, use recycled materials to rebuild a ship.

Put on a universe, this would be the equivalent of a reboot.

Creation is easy to say, but trying to cover everything will drive people crazy, because people will always want to do better in order to surpass themselves. This is instinct.

After hearing his words, Su Ming was thoughtful, then he closed his fingers and squeezed the small universe in his hands into a ball of black smoke again.

The black smoke flowed down from between the fingers like asphalt and dissipated in the air, as if it had never appeared. The self-respecting mage nodded:

"I will consider your suggestions if necessary."

"That's okay." Franklin walked towards the butt of the little elephant slide again. He wanted to play for a while. For him, the simpler the toy, the better. This is called relaxation: "But your dark concept has been upgraded. A good thing, this may be used against the First Firmament, which is a conceptual integration of time and space, but in the quantum system, these two are not needed, and the calculation can still be established."

"I think so too, otherwise do you think I only deal with Blank and Manhattan out of hatred?" Deathstroke watched the boy climb onto the back of the little elephant again, loosened his hand holding the elephant's ears, and lifted his head from the elephant's trunk with a smile on his face. Scroll up and down: "Profit is the most important thing, I don't only represent myself."

"Research on Matter Zero has also made progress. My 40K father's peer may have been busy with space voyages and forgotten about it, but that doesn't seem to be important now." Xiao Fu climbed out of the sand pit again and continued Walking towards the little elephant's butt, he seemed to have entered some kind of loop: "Which enemy do you think you may face next? If necessary, I can help you analyze the opponent's weaknesses."

He didn't need to have seen those enemies, he just needed to listen to Deathstroke describe some characteristics, and he could imagine the appearance of the opponent in his mind.

As long as he understands you, you can deal with him. This is the power of Xiao Fu.

"There is no need to distract, just focus on dealing with the threats from the First Firmament and the God Group, especially the Transcendence Domain. It's best not to lose it." Su Ming shook his head and was responsible for the attack. Xiao Fu should defend himself. After all, he is just a child: "I am going to go to different universes to see if there are any signs of invasion by the imaginary enemy."

"Okay, then come play with me for a while. The flow of time here can be controlled at will. We have plenty of time. Can we play catch?" Xiao Fu slid down the slide again, and a baseball appeared in his hand: "Just like a father and son in a normal American family."

The smiling death knell pinched the cigarette butt in his mouth and put it away. He also used darkness to reveal a baseball glove on his palm. He punched his palm twice with his fist to test the hardness. He replied, "No problem, but let's talk about it first. If you want to play a role, If I play, I want to play the father."


"Something's wrong. Things seem to have changed. What's wrong..." Loki jumped down from the tree and threw a rune stone in his hand to Thor: "My stupid brother, you have Don’t you feel that the air has changed?”

In an abandoned country with heavy snowfall, the cold wind can freeze the noses of ordinary people. With the razor-like snowflakes scraping across the cheeks, Loki landed as gracefully as a goose feather.

She felt like she had forgotten something, but she couldn't remember anything, so she could only excuse that the air seemed to have changed.

"Sniff, sniff! Is there any?" Thor sniffed hard a few times. He didn't find anything, so he simply didn't care. He smiled and lowered his head to play with the rune stone in his hand: "Let's not talk about that, Hakar's eight words , Frey's eight characters, Tivas' eight characters, three sets of 24 pieces in total, we found the 'Creation Runes', and with them, we can go back to cultivate the World Tree! Haha!"

This set of runes is the set of wisdom that Odin realized after he sacrificed an eye and hung himself on the World Tree for several days and nights.

But this is the DC universe, which is different from Marvel. Next door, this set of runes should have been given to him by the ancient god of the World Tree, but here, it was carved by Odin himself after he realized the wisdom, but no matter In other words, from a magic point of view, the first set of things in the world has a high degree of mystery.

Asgard in 40K also has a set of creation runes, but it was lost in Ragnarok. But now another set of runes has been found in another universe. Maybe it can be brought back and try to use it to give Yggdrasil 'Fertilization'.

Even if the World Tree cannot be restored to its peak stage, if the power of the same source is poured out, it will at least be more nourishing than the zombie corpses that the World Tree has been devouring, right?

"I don't know why Deathstroke threw us here." Loki raised his hand and brushed his wavy black hair. Loki sighed and looked at the Nordic prince in the distance: "I just picked up a person. Rune Stone, you are wasting your time, I originally wanted to play with the Avengers."

"Oh, those people are pretty good. You can play with them more when you have time." Thor didn't understand what Loki meant at all, and also misunderstood the meaning of 'play'. Anyway, he held it in his big hand. A piece of rag, with those rune stones inside, I was very happy.

"Alas." Loki was speechless when he saw his brother's retarded appearance. She shook her head and turned away: "You beautiful, kind and powerful adjutant lady, can you hear my voice? Can you send us back to Earth 40K, here? I can’t find anything good anymore.”

Of course it can be heard. Although Loki has changed his gender, he is still a key surveillance target. After getting the confirmation from the Sheriff, the blue light immediately came down like a rainbow bridge.

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