The Death Knell

Chapter 4851 The idea of ​​​​service with a smile

Apart from kneeling down to meditate, a few people chatted together, and time passed quickly. The zombie army did not encounter any decent resistance for the time being. They were like a gray tide, flooding a large area of ​​the city.

There were explosions and fires, but this was not a high-tech world, so the noise was not very loud. Screams and roars were the main theme.

Through the darkness scattered everywhere, Su Ming could feel the outlines of the dead. It was as if they were in front of him. He could reach out and touch their bodies. This is the most intuitive feeling when using concepts, power. It's part of your own body.

After devouring the quantum concept, Su Ming is now developing various application methods. However, because he does not want to become an emotionless bald man like Dr. Manhattan, he uses the devouring method as a trick.

The current situation is that my darkness has eaten the quantum concept and gained many new benefits, but it does not have the same control as the blue man.

Dr. Manhattan and the quantum concept become one, he is the quantum, and the quantum is him.

But when it comes to Su Ming, there is no such high degree of compatibility. If the concept of darkness is his body and arms, then quantum is like a weapon in his hand.

But it’s not a big problem. You rely on your brain to get around by yourself. Let alone holding a concept in your hand, even if you hold a roll of toilet paper, you can always find a place to use it. As long as the tool can be used, there is no need to rely on it. .

I'm going on vacation today, so I can develop new abilities easily. It's good if it works, but there's no loss if it doesn't work. Isn't this the universe of the elves? It's also a universe that has been eroded by hoarfrost and is on the verge of death.

Just use it to do some experiments and make some contributions to the future of mankind. Su Ming will remember it.

The scout cavalry who were sent to various parts of the city also returned to the palace one after another. Of course, some of them could not come back. It mainly depends on what they encountered.

When encountering ordinary zombies, of course the elf knights who are fully armed and even wearing armor on their horses can rush out, but they are nothing more than frightened and dirty.

But if you encounter a large number of special infected people, it will be difficult to escape. Even Su Ming, the creator, cannot predict the direction of the mutation of these zombies. When the cavalry are attacked by a sea of ​​special-sense mixed zombies, they will basically end up on the street.

In the past, when they were projected as the Wild Hunt and went to other worlds to burn, kill and plunder, they were regarded as monsters.

Now, when facing real monsters, the expressions of these survivors are not much better than those of the victims in the past, and this made Su Ming in the sky couldn't help but smile.

Smiles can really transfer, from the faces of the elves to his, which means the zombies won't smile, otherwise they should be happy, right?

"Speaking of which, I should give Xiaoka some advice. The faces of these infected people are too hideous. It's not good." Su Ming squatted on the edge of the flying carpet and smoked, stretching his neck to look into the distance, like a villager squatting It's like waiting for a bus at the entrance of the village: "I plan to get him some laughing gas and study it to see if we can make our zombies smile from now on and provide smiling services."

Nowadays, zombies have faces full of pain, and they will open their mouths and attack like wild beasts waiting for food. When these intelligent creatures see this, they will definitely run away, and even if they can't escape and are caught, Before death, you can only see a group of ugly corpses, which is very harmful to your heart.

If this new plan can be implemented, zombies will be able to serve with a smile in the future, and they can also smile when eating people. Will the people who are eaten feel that their flesh and blood has brought happiness to others, and feel better?

Of course, it would be better if the zombies could talk. Before starting the meal, you could also ask the victim: ‘I help you, sir? ’

They spoke in an authentic London accent, which not only showed their non-human status, but also gave their hosts more face.

"Will this make it more humane?" Although the adjutant can be regarded as a human now, he obviously still can't understand the jokes played by the chief, let alone the point of working hard to provide service with a smile, but she still nodded as she was picking up sea cucumbers. : "I have added this project to my task list and will urge Master Casillas to start research as soon as the laughing gas is in place."

"A smiling monster..." Shirley was preparing the fruit for dinner. She also thought Deathstroke was a bit weird, but thinking that he had always been weird, it didn't matter, so she changed the topic. : "Are the Red Cavalry ready for war?"

The Red Cavalry refers to the knights of the elves. In the past, they were projected into various worlds and formed the infamous Wild Hunt.

In fact, the armor of this legion is all black. The reason why it is called the Red Cavalry is because every time they come back from the battlefield, their whole bodies will be stained with the blood of the enemy. They are the most elite military force among the elves.

However, people like Xili who come from the magical world will think that the Knights are very powerful. In Su Ming's personal opinion, they may not be able to defeat an Apache. A magical world army without an air force is still too scientific. .

In response to the girl's question, Su Ming nodded. He put away the cigarette butt in his hand and turned around:

"It should be soon, but I guess Eredin will let the court mage group try it first, because in their perception, things like the walking dead can easily be associated with magic."

The elves actually have some background in technology, but not much, at least not enough for them to understand what gene editing is and what biochemical viruses are.

So Su Ming made a prediction based on his understanding of the races in the magical world, but that was all. He didn't plan to do anything. Instead, he was waiting to watch the mages fight the zombie army.

The people who are worried now should be the elves. Every second that passes, no one knows how many people in the city are infected or eaten.

The outside world is covered in ice and snow, and it is impossible to escape. Even if someone can really escape from the city, how many days can he survive in such a severe cold? Su Ming felt that it would be more satisfying to be killed.

Because people who freeze to death often hallucinate, feel themselves very hot, then start to take off their clothes crazily, and then die with a weird smile on their face.

Such a disgraceful way to die.

"Appeared, the elf mages...but there's no one I know." Shirley approached Deathstroke, holding a large glass bowl in her hand, peeling kiwi fruit into it, ready to stir it with the cream: "They seem to be Intending to combine spells, I heard that the coven of sorceresses has performed the most complicated combined spell rituals before."

"Oh? Prophecy spell or space spell?" Su Ming became a little interested. After all, he is the Supreme Mage, and he is so curious about magic.

Shirley's expression was a little strange and she was blushing a little. She glanced at the adjutant and whispered:

"Super massively multiplayer spell, sorceresses are sterile, but there's always someone trying to change that..."

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