The Death Knell

Chapter 4852 Melee in the city

Chatting will not provide much valuable information, and the elf mages in the square in front of the palace naturally do not use fertility magic.

Su Ming felt the familiar space fluctuations and realized that the elves seemed to be using space projection magic. They were probably trying to construct the projection of the red cavalry in this world, that is, to make the undead form The wild hunting army goes to deal with those zombies who are also lifeless.

"Did this really turn them into a bug? There's something about it." Su Ming felt it was a bit strange. After thinking about it carefully, he found that it was indeed feasible logically.

It is possible to project the Wild Hunt to other worlds through navigators and magic rituals, but there is no reason why it can't be done in our own world. We don't even need navigators to determine spatial coordinates.

"Do you have a backup plan? Sheriff." The adjutant had prepared the vegetables and seafood and was waiting for the meal. She sat sideways on the flying carpet with her two white hands on her belly.

"They have something, but not much, because what they think is a crisis now is actually just an appetizer." Su Ming smiled and motioned for everyone to start eating, and watched the war while eating: "It's about to start, let's just watch. , No, we can’t just watch, we are going to have dinner.”

Put the crabs that are least likely to be cooked first into the pot, and then some fungi, which can both enhance the freshness and soak up the soup. After a while, the two sides will officially fight, and then start rinsing the tripe.

A huge swirling ring appeared out of thin air in the palace square. It looked like countless pieces of ice were rotating at high speed in it. The hoarfrost made the elf mages tremble as if they were swinging, but they still completed this weird magic.

The projection of the Red Cavalry team in the palace was transmitted to the square a few hundred meters away. What rushed out of the whirlpool was the familiar Wild Hunt.

Watching this black cavalry wearing skull-shaped armor rushing towards the distant city, they heard the horses' hooves making a series of thunderous sounds on the gravel road, and white frost enveloped their figures, just like it was always accompanied by death in the past. That way.

It is impossible for a mount to charge for a long time in the state of a flesh-and-blood creature, especially for heavy cavalry. Generally, after charging back and forth for one round, the horse should rest.

However, unlike the skeleton horses of the Wild Hunt, these undead creatures were tireless, so as soon as they exited the whirlpool gate, the entire legion rushed to the battlefield at a charge-like speed, with full momentum.

"Their number is a bit small. This is the Wild Hunting Legion that has been chasing Ciri in the past. That's it?"

Put a few crabs in the huge hot pot, and the adjutant who scanned the battlefield gave this evaluation, because through observation and calculation, she determined that the Wild Hunt army seemed to only have 20,000 people, plus about 60,000 to 70,000 hounds. What a useless dog she was too lazy to count.

She couldn't understand that if the enemy only had this strength, there was no need for the Sheriff to deal with it personally. Now, just use Xili as the coordinates and directly send 10 million bionics over. If it's not enough, you can add more.

A group of knights who use cold weapons, so what if their weapons are enchanted with fire, lightning, and ice?

If an android takes a sword from them, they will definitely die, but if they hit an android with a laser gun, they will most likely not survive. A war of attrition will kill them. After all, they are just a civilization that is on the verge of destruction due to natural disasters. That’s all.

In addition to the duel between the strong men on both sides, the war is all about resources and manpower. The elves can't compare with their own side at all.

"The Wild Hunt Knights are somewhat capable. Their tirelessness alone was enough to sweep through many civilizations in the era of cold weapons." Su Ming's super eyesight could clearly see the army's forwards, but Eredin did not personally lead them. Team, the King of the Wild Hunt's skeleton armor is quite conspicuous. If he doesn't appear, he should still be in the palace.

He was praising his enemies, but Deathstroke's expression was one of amusement, because times had changed.

"That's right." Ciri stretched out her hand to make gestures, and used her tachyon to pick up the hairy belly piece very skillfully: "In the past, it was just me and Geralt, and occasionally the sorceresses helped, but after all, we are still only a few people. Ten thousand people and two hundred thousand people are both inexhaustible numbers for us to kill, not to mention that the Wild Hunt does not really die, they are just projections of the elves."

"That's it." The adjutant touched Ciri's hair: "Then let's watch the confrontation between the two undead armies."

The Wild Hunt seems to have a speed bonus in the hoarfrost. Maybe a skeleton horse can also slide through the ice. In short, under the expectant eyes of the three people, the forward of the Wild Hunt quickly collided with scattered peripheral zombies on the street.

Heavy cavalry can really be regarded as tanks in the cold weapon era. Ordinary little zombies really have no good way to deal with these undead cans. They exploded into bloody balls almost the moment they were hit, and then were trampled into pieces by horse hooves, and body fluids Blended with the snow on the ground.

There were no traces of life in the nearby houses, and all the doors were open. The white snow at the door was covered with footprints and bloodstains. These made the elves angry, and they desperately chopped down the zombies in their anger.

Although they appear to be cold-blooded and cruel when plundering other civilizations, they still seem to be quite affectionate towards their fellow humans.

Perhaps it was the cruel environment that gave them a different understanding of the concept of the same race. Every time an elf died, he was killing their brothers and sisters. How could this not be heartbreaking?

Especially when zombies with elven faces and unyielding eyes appear in sight, the Wild Hunters almost start to get angry, because even they have never enslaved the enemy's corpse.

This is too dark.

The cavalry's charge was just one wave. After falling into the sea of ​​zombies, it was more difficult to get out. It was really fun when they rushed in, but when they found that they had chopped down a large number of living zombies with their swords, there were more. This is especially true when their corpses are arriving on the battlefield.

Fighting on the street is relatively easy to deal with, but special-sensors will appear from rooftops, from snowdrifts on the roadside, from dark rooms, and from all kinds of unexpected places, and use different weapons to attack them. Attack with super powers.

As a result, the Wild Hunt soon experienced attrition.

Judging from the current battle loss ratio, even if a Wild Hunt Knight can kill 10,000 zombies, they will only end up being overwhelmed by more zombies and torn into pieces until the palace falls and everything ends.

The battle line was gradually pushed back. Although the fallen Wild Hunt could reappear from the portal and rushed to the battlefield non-stop, the zombie army outside the city continued to pour in. At the same time, infected people began to appear in all directions in the city. .

Zombies will act by smelling the scent of living people. After rushing into the breach in the city wall, it is not certain which direction to go. The Wild Hunters want to find the large army of zombies for a traditional decisive battle, but they are trapped in a sea of ​​​​human battles plus The embarrassing situation of street fighting.

However, the elves are not vegetarians. They also master magic. As expected, when the battle situation turned unfavorable, another group of elf mages walked out of the palace.

They began to cast spells, and actually used the white frost that the creatures were afraid of.

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